Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 256: A Fight

Chapter 256: A Fight

"Gather up children!" the camp counselor, Yang, shouted. It was the first day of the camp and they had a list of activities lined up for the children. Every year, their camp was held in the bottom of the hills outside the capital in order to give children a first hand experience on survival skills. The children were categorized into different groups based on their skill set after carefully being evaluated by the experts.

The children had gathered around a makeshift skiing slope. It was early in the morning and last night's snow had still not cleared up. Thankfully, the sun was somewhat shining in the sky so the snow would be melting soon.

Jina stretched her limbs. She was in her full ski gear and was quite excited. The campers would get to have their first skiing lessons that day and it was one of the activities she was looking forward to the most. Her friends, Seojun and Hyomin, were also attending camp that year with her.

All of them were the same age and were sharing the same tent as well. Hyomin came from a school in City C while Seojun was from City F. Unlike Jina, they were not very rich but all three of them became fast friends at the camp. Hyomin had long, beautiful black hair with a cute face while Seojun looked icy because of her unmiling face and bob cut but was really a shy introvert.

"Jinjin, that slope looks very scary!" Hyomin cowered as she looked at the place where they would be practicing. The counselors had prepared a makeshift slope for children below 10 years old to practice on. It was not very high but Hyomin was still scared.

"Relax!" Jina assured her. "It's for practice. You'll have your safety gear with you as well. Just let go of all worries!"

Hyomin winced. She did not like heights and was still nervous at the thought of skiing on that slope.

"Just don't think about it," Seojun advised. "Follow Counselor Yang's instructions."

When Hyomin still looked scared, Jina sighed. "I'll go and get us some soda from," she said. "Maybe that will help you calm down! Seojun, stay with her."

Seojun nodded as Jina walked off towards the spot where the counselors kept a crate full of soda cans and juices. Jina hummed to herself as she picked out a guava soda for Hyomin, an apple fizz for Seojun and a peach soda for herself.

There was a groups of boys playing catch nearby. Jina, not noticing them, stepped away from the crater while holding the drinks in her hand. I think I'll have my one now, she thought.

Opening her can, Jina began to head back towards her friends when someone came crashing at her.

"AHHHH!" she yelled and fell down. The juice in her hand spilled all over her shirt while the boy rolled over. Both of them were grunting on the ground in pain. Jina pulled herself up while the boy, too, stood straight, glaring at each other.

"Why did you push me?" Jina demanded. The boy was a little older than her. He was probably 9 or 10 years old with jet black hair and sharp eyes. He had a cold expression on his face as he stared at the brat who came in his way.

"You came in my way," he said icily. He was about to turn away but Jina grabbed his arm.

"Say sorry to me!" she demanded. The boy raised an eyebrow at the tiny kid who dared to touch him.

"You're the one who was in the way," he stated. "Let me go."

"Apologize! You should apologize when you make a mistake!"


Jina was about to scold him when he roughly pushed her. The little girl fell on the snow. But she glared at him, unwilling to let him go. The boy turned his back to her and was walking away when Jina kicked his foot.

"AGH!" the boy yelled as he came tumbling down. Before he could react, Jina grabbed his hair and sat on his back.

"Apologize, right now!" she ordered. "Otherwise, I'll pull all your hair off!"


Their bickering attracted a crowd. The other children watched as Jina and the boy wrestled in the snow, trying to beat each other into submission. The boy tried to kick her away but Jina landed a punch to his stomach, rendering him breathless for a while.

"You two!"

Counselors Yang and Namjoo came forward to stop the kids from fighting. With great difficulty, they managed to separate the two but the kids were still trying to tear at each other.

"Let me at him!" Jina barked. "Apologize to me, right now!"

"You uncivilized brat!" the boy spat at her. "Don't you know how to respect your seniors?"

"Mommy taught me that respect should be given to people based on their work not age!" Jina claimed, still trying to claw at him.

"ENOUGH!" Yang bellowed. Both the children became silent but were still glaring at each other.

"You two go back to your tents!" Namjoo ordered. "As punishment, you'll have to clean the kitchen floors today!"

The camp rules were very strict about fighting and any child found to have broken a rule would be punished with chores.

"But he started it!" Jina claimed.

"Liar!" the boy shot back.

"I don't care who started it but no fighting!" Yang scolded them. "You can't fight with each other in this camp! We're here to gather new friends and experiences. Not fight like cats and dogs!"

Hyomin and Seojun came forward to hold Jina.

"We'll take her back to the practice," Seojun said to the Counselor. Yang nodded and Jina's friends began to tug at her. The boy was still fuming in anger. His friends had also arrived to take him away but his mind lingered on the brat who had dared to humiliate him.

"Let me go!" Jina exclaimed once they were out of earshot. "I wanna punch him so badly!"

"Jina, don't mess with him," Hyomin hissed. "He's dangerous."

"Dangerous?" Jina scoffed. "I can take him out with one punch!"

She held out her fist, looking like an angry kitten rather than the fierce tigress she was hoping for.

"No silly!" Seojun snapped. "Don't you know who he is? He's Kang Siwan, the son of Kang Danny!"

"Kang Danny?" Jina echoed. The name sounded familiar to her.

"The famous surgeon!" Hyomin whispered. "The man owns numerous hospitals and NGO's across the world! He's only the second or third richest man in the country but his family is also very influential! They're almost royalty."

"Who the hell cares about third place?" Jina scoffed. "My dad is still richer than that moron's dad! Royalty? Puhleez! He's worse than scum!"

"Well, he is the only heir to their business," Seojun said. "They're already prepping him to become a surgeon. Once he's ready, he'll take over the business. Anyway, he's dangerous. Last time, another boy had offended him. Siwan told his dad and his father used his connections to make sure that the boy and his family will not be able to live in this country anymore."

"What did they do?" Jina asked curiously.

"I don't know but one day, that family just packed everything and left!"

Jina only made a face. The boy might be good looking but was a straight out bully who needed to be straightened out by his parents.

"We'll just stay far away from people like him!" Jina stated. "Now let's go and ski!"


Meanwhile, Siwan was in his tent. One of his servants was tending to his injuries. As the son of a powerful man, he was allowed to bring his own servants from the mansion. The camp counselors were coerced into submitting to his demands by his father and they could not argue.

His icy expressions were hardening as he thought of the humiliation that girl had put him through. One of his friends had told him that her name was Hwang Jina and she was the daughter of Hwang Minho, the most powerful man in the country. But that did not deter his desire to exact revenge from that kid.

"I'll make her suffer," he swore. "That brat dared to mess with me, eh?"

An evil smirk curved up his lips. His handsome features were marred by a mania.

"Now she'll know real pain," he snickered.

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