Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 298: The Furnace (1)

Chapter 298: The Furnace (1)

"Doctor Kang, there's a man waiting outside to meet you."

Danny, who was checking out a patient's report, looked up to see one of the nurses standing in front of him.

"A man?" he frowned. "Is he a patient?"

"No, he claims to be a business associate," the nurse said. "His name is Hwang Minho."

Danny immediately stood up. Hwang Minho was there? But they had not scheduled any appointment so why was he at Danny's workplace?

"Send him in," he ordered. The nurse bowed and stepped outside. Within seconds, Minho entered the room. He smiled at Danny.

"Hell Doctor Kang," he greeted. "I apologize for dropping in so suddenly."

"That's fine!" Danny said quickly. "Please take a seat."

He ushered Minho to sit on a chair while he sat opposite to him. "How can I help you?" Danny asked.

"My team went through the proposal you've sent us for the hospital renovation," Minho said. "I must say we're very impressed and we would be delighted to work in it. And with the millions of dollars you're paying us...It's impossible to refuse!"

Danny smirked. He knew very well that Hwang Minho was a thorough money lover and given that Danny was investing his entire fortune in the project, it was expected to be a big success. With Minho's experienced team and Danny's finances from the hospital, it was bound to be a profitable collaboration. 

"And since we are on...good terms," Minho managed to say. "I'm going to lead this project myself. I'll be the head architect."

"Really?" Danny asked in surprise. "I thought you were the CEO and the architecture team was a separate entity."

"True," Minho said. "But I did study architecture and initially when I revived the company, I was the only architect. As the team grew bigger, I delegated my work to them and focused on business. But I'm doing this as a favor to you."

Danny was delighted at the proposition. The top construction firm of the country was going to renovate his hospital and that was going to bring him a lot of money. What else did he need?

"I'll tell my legal team to draw up a contract," Danny stated, barely holding in his excitement. After the renovation project was complete, Little Home Hospital would become the most advanced hospital in the continent! And Kang Danny's reputation would increase.

He had already secured funds from many of the influential families thanks to his organ transplant scheme. It was not easy but trading off the organs from poorer children and selling them off to the rich families had paid off. 

The secret was well kept since the children he had operated on were orphans or abandoned. All he had to do was lure them in with sweet words and they would fall into his trap. Afterwards, he operated out their organs and sold them to his clients. The bodies were burnt in a furnace at the basement and all remains disposed of.

He did not care who died as long as his image was intact. It was all that mattered to him.

Minho scrutinized the doctor who was undoubtedly on seventh heaven. Ever since he entered the hospital, he had been keeping his temper under control with immense difficulty. After finding out about his organ harvesting activities, Minho wondered if someone could stoop any lower. What else was Kang Danny hiding?

"Can I explore the hospital?" Minho asked, keeping his voice calm. "I want to get a good idea of the place before we come up with a blueprint."

"Of course!" Danny exclaimed. "I'll accompany you-"

"I'm sure you have other appointments!" Minho said, faking a laugh. "You can assign someone else to guide me. I don't want patients to suffer because of me!"

"Of course," Danny said. He ringed the buzzer and a wardboy came rushing in.

"Could you please escort our guest in inspecting our property?" Danny asked. "He's going to be in charge of the renovation project."

The wardboy nodded and told Minho, "Please follow me, sir."

Minho nodded and bid goodbye to Danny before following the wardboy out of the room.

"How long have you been working here?" Minho asked in a casual tone. 

"Almost ten years sir!" the wardboy replied. "I've been with this hospital since the beginning of my career. Very good place to work."

But Minho was only pretending to listen. He was scanning the area carefully. As per the blueprint of the hospital, it consisted of eight floors over an area of 20 acres. There was a general surgery section, a pediatric section which was also the largest area, a neuro section, cardio area and gynecology section. Kang Danny wanted to expand the hospital for a separate research wing, a daycare for babies and a VVIP ward. 

"Can we start from the basement?" Minho suggested. "I want to see the whole building from bottom to top so that I can get a clearer idea of how deep the foundation should be."

"Sure," the wardboy replied. "I'll take you there right away!"

Determined to expose Kang Danny, Minho followed the wardboy to the elevator which would lead them to the basement.


Gayoon stood outside the school while glancing at her watch. Since she had worked at the precinct on night shift, she had the afternoon off so she decided to pick up Jina from school before going home.

The school bell rang, announcing the end of the lessons. Soon, children came rushing out of the gates, happy to be free. Gayoon peered around until she saw Jina walking out of the school with a group of her friends. She waved them goodbye and then her eyes fell on her mother.

"Mom!" she exclaimed, running into Gayoon's outstretched arms. "You're here to pick us up?"

"Us?" Gayoon frowned.

"Shinho accompanies me to school as well!" Jina replied, indicating an empty spot next to her. Shinho was also smiling at the Lady Cop even though she could not see him.

"Ahh both of you are learning well then!" Gayoon giggled.

"You won't believe what the teacher taught today!" Shinho piped up. "Decimals!"

The mother-daughter duo groaned while Shinho went on and on about how he enjoyed the problems. They could only gape at him as he explained how decimals are added and subtracted which sounded a lot like gibberish to them.

As Shinho went on, Jina felt as if someone was watching them. She turned around to see if they were being followed but it was too crowded so no one in particular stood out.

"What happened?" Gayoon asked.

"Is someone watching us?" Jina wondered. Gayoon also looked around but there was no one who seemed to be following them.

"Let's get into the car," Gayoon suggested. She glanced one last time as she led the children to her car.

The Poltergeist watched them leave from afar. He had the ability to hide himself from Seers so it was not difficult to mask his presence. But what he saw was truly astounding.

He had followed the detective named Jeon Gayoon and to his shock, she also had a daughter!

If the mother was glowing like a dim light, the daughter was shining like the blazing sun. There was no doubt the little girl was a Seer but she was too bright, even brighter than Suna's friend Yeeun.

"This is getting way too twisted for my poor heart!" he complained. "There are two Seers, out of which one's aura is burning like hellfire? What's next?"

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