Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 309: The Wrong Turn (9)

Chapter 309: The Wrong Turn (9)

Jina opened her mouth wide as Danny checked into it with a torch.

"Widen your eyes now," he instructed. She did as she was told and he flashed the torch on her pupils, which was very uncomfortable. He took out his stethoscope and put it on her chest, checking her heartbeat. Gayoon and Minho stood behind him, tense with with worry.

"Your daughter is a fighter!" Danny laughed. "She was able to overcome such a bad case of poisoning. It's commendable."

"How long will her recovery take?" Minho asked.

"We'll keep her for two nights and if her health keeps on improving, I'll sign the discharge papers," Danny informed them. "But no heavy food for a month. Which means, no junk food and red meat. Avoid shellfish too. Keep it to light meals like vegetables and white meat like chicken. Fish should be properly cooked and make sure that she takes her medication on time."

He patted Jina's head. The little girl did not smile but politely nodded. Even if the man had saved her life, he was still her friend's murderer so it was difficult for her to be too grateful.

Danny exited the room, leaving the family alone.

"Are you feeling alright?" Gayoon asked. "Do you want to drink anything?"

"No," Jina said, shaking her head. "But where are the ghosts?"

Ever since she woke up, they were not around which was strange.

"They wanted to come and visit you," Minho said. "But Gayoon requested them not to."

"There are many spirits in this hospital who might be dangerous," Gayoon told her. "I had to make charms to keep those spirits away. Hence, our good ghosts can't enter either. They're worried about you but understood that your safety in important."

Jina's shoulders fell but her parents were right. As long as the charms were in place, they would not be able to visit her because those spells could physically harm them. It was best if they stayed away for a while for their own safety.

Minho's cellphone rang. It was Jongin.

"Yes, Jongin," he said.

"Sir, I'm sorry to disturb you at a time like this," Jongin said in an apologetic tone. "But you had a meeting scheduled with the CEO of AMP Corps. He flew in from Country A and he would be here for only one day. I wouldn't have called you but the man was insisting on meeting with you only"

"Ugh!" Minho scowled. The damn CEO of AMP Corps was a handful and refused to meet with anyone else beside Minho. If the guy's investment did not bring in money, Minho would have kicked him to hell long time ago. But this time, even Minho reached the end of his patience. He loved money but not at the cost of his daughter's life.

"Tell him my daughter is sick!" he snapped. "He can take his damn investment and give it to someone else. My daughter is more important."

Gayoon and Jina heard his outburst.

"I'll talk to your dad," Gayoon told Jina reassuringly. "You should rest."

"Tell him not to miss work because of me," Jina pleaded. Gayoon smiled and kissed her forehead before heading towards Minho. He had just hung up his phone, feeling irritated.

"You should go to your office," Gayoon coaxed him. "The meeting is important."

"To hell with him!" Minho scowled. "If he can't consider a person's emergency then he can take his money and shove it up his-"

"Stop that!" Gayoon scolded him. "I'll be here to watch over Jina! And it's just for a couple of hours anyway. So relax and go to your office! Don't make an investor wait."

"But I don't wanna leave you all alone!"

He really did not want to do that. The place they were at was a hotbed for spirits which had a vengeful against Danny. Gayoon and Jina were sensitive to such entities. What if something happened?

As if reading his mind, Gayoon said, "I'll call ahjusshi to help out. He can keep spirits at bay until you get here. He's been worried about Jina anyway so he'll be happy if I call him."

Minho frowned a little. He never met this mysterious 'ahjusshi' of Gayoon's but Jina was close to that guy. Moreover, even though he never came in front of Minho, the man had helped out his family many times. He felt indebted to the man despite his bewilderment over why the guy did not want to meet him face to face.


"The old geezer is coming?" Jina asked in excitement. "I wanna meet him!"

She was happy upon learning that Junho was coming to visit her. It had been days since she saw the old man.

"Can Shinho and the other ghosts come too?" Jina asked. "If he's here, I won't need a charm! His face scares away ghosts anyway!"

"Where did she learn all that?" Minho asked warily.

"Probably from the old man," Gayoon sighed. She turned to him and added, "Just go. Ahjusshi can handle things here on your behalf."

Minho sighed and nodded. It was impossible to refuse Gayoon and Jina when they banded together.

"I'll try to end the meeting as soon as possible and come back," he said sternly. "I'll call you when I'm done."

"Just go!" Gayoon said crossly. He sighed and picked up his coat before leaving the room. Gayoon sat next to Jina on the bed. She took her phone and called Junho.

"Hello," his gruff voice came from the other end.

"Ahjusshi, Minho has left," she told him. "Can you come over to Jina's room in the hospital and help me watch over her?"

"On it!" he exclaimed. He sounded a little to excited to be able to see Jina again. When did these two get so close? Gayoon wondered. She hung up the phone.

"Is he coming?" Jina asked excitedly.

"Yes," she replied. "And you should go to rest! The doctor told you to sleep!"


She was about to protest when a soft knock interrupted her. Expecting it to be Junho, Gayoon opened the door. To her surprise, it was

"Ms. Doyoung?" she frowned. Doyoung stood there, holding a basket full of fruits on one hand and some comic books in another.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you," she said. "But Danny told me that Jina was in the hospital, so I had to come and visit her."

"Please come in," Gayoon said, stepping aside. Junho, who had just arrived at the VIP floor, saw Doyoung's back and stopped in his tracks. Gayoon spotted him and motioned him to wait. She took her phone and texted him.

"I'll try to get rid of her ASAP," she wrote. "Just don't come in front of her for a while."

Junho nodded and sat on a bench, pretending to read a newspaper. Doyoung put the basket on a table.

"I brought some books for Jina," she said. "Hospitals can be very boring."

"That's very kind of you," Gayoon said with a smile. Jina had gone back to sleep. Doyoung stroked her head, pushing back her tiny bangs.

"How did this happen?" she asked. "Did she eat anything bad?"

Gayoon was taken aback by her statement. Did Doyoung not know? 

"Umm...Dr. Kang didn't tell you?" she inquired.

"No," Doyoung replied. "He only told me that she suffered from food poisoning and needed surgery. It struck me as odd. How can food poisoning be so bad that she needed surgery for it?"

"Itit wasn't food poisoning," Gayoon told her. "It was only poisoning."

Doyoung stared at her in shock. "Poisoning?" she echoed. "But why would someone poison her? She's only a child!"

"Someone from her school put glue in her drink," Gayoon said curtly. "And made her drink it."

She hesitated before adding, "It was Siwan."

Doyoung stood there, unable to believe what she had heard. Siwan poisoned Jina?

"He's only a child," she whispered. "There must have been a mistake! He wouldn't poison anyone!"

"It's possible that he might have been unaware about glue being poisonous," Gayoon admitted. "But it was him. Danny and I saw him there when Jina was poisoned. He even confessed to us."

Doyoung's expression was unreadable. She was stunned by the revelation and glanced at the sleeping figure of Jina. Her son might have been unaware of the consequences but if he had been successful, he could have been thrown into juvenile prison. Danny's influence was becoming darker, choking Siwan in the process. The boy would lose his sense of what was right and wrong if she did not step in.

"I want to tell you something," Doyoung finally spoke up. "No...I want to report something at the police station. Can you come with me?"


Gayoon glanced at Jina. "I can't," she said, shaking her head. "My daughter is sick and-"

"I know," Doyoung said firmly. "And that is exactly why you should be there when I file the complaint. I must do it. Today."

Gayoon frowned as Doyoung took out her phone and dialed a number. "Hello," she greeted someone. "I need you to bring the reports of what I asked for along with that doll at the 27th police precinct."

She hung up the phone. Gayoon was very much confused.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "What case are you planning to file?"

Doyoung took a deep breath and turned to Gayoon. "I want to file a missing complaint," she revealed. "A boy disappeared from my house. His name is Kang Shinho and I'm afraid that my husband is behind it."

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