Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 315: The Wrong Turn (15)

Chapter 315: The Wrong Turn (15)

"WHAT?" Gayoon yelled when the news of Danny's escape was broken to her. "How the hell did this happen?"

The officer who informed her of the escape, narrated how Danny killed two policemen and escaped.

"Where did he go?" Gayoon demanded.

"We don't know!" the officer replied. "He was seen passing by a bank at H-Street but other than that, we can't trace his whereabouts at all!"

Gayoon cursed out loud. That man was very dangerous to anyone he would come across. How many more was he going to kill? What did he want to achieve by doing all this?

"We'll have to secure Doyoung and Siwan," she instructed. "Send a team to protect them."

Just then another officer came running towards her. "Detective!" he panted. "There's been an accident at H-Street! A truck collided with a car, blocking the whole area. The truck had exploded but no one was hurt since they abandoned the vehicles. But a fire broke out and the firemen are putting it out now as we speak!"

"FUCK!" Gayoon yelled in frustration. How was it that every bad thing was happening on the same night?

"As soon as the fire is out, send a team to the hospital!" she barked. She paused and asked, "What about the route via C-Street?"

"The bridge on that route collapsed," the first officer informed her. "It's under repair. Our vehicles can't make it through."

"Then we walk damn it!" she exclaimed, banging her hand on the table. "Tell the precinct at C-Street to prepare a couple of police vans for us! And also, send Kang Danny's photo to all the precincts! Tell them to apprehend him on spot! The murder of policement would rile enough cops to the cause!"

The officers nodded and rushed to do as they were told. Gayoon picked up the phone and dialed Minho's number.

Minho was in the middle of the meeting with AMP Corp when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out to see that it was Gayoon.

"Is something the matter, Mr. Hwang?" the CEO of AMP asked.

"I need to take this call," Minho said, excusing himself. He answered the phone.

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

"No," Gayoon admitted. "Kang Danny killed a couple of cops and escaped!"

Minho stood up, alarmed by the news.

"Where is he now?" he demanded. "Any idea?"

"No, but he might be heading for the hospital! He was seen in H-Street a while ago but his trace vanished from there. But there's been an accident there so my squad will take the route via C-Street."

"I'll be on my way to the hospital," Minho stated. "And I'll tell Kanji to send his men there in case the police don't make it on time."

Kanji's men? Gayoon wondered but she did not waste time on it. They needed all the manpower they could get.

"Alright," she said. "See you there."


Siwan was rushed to the Little Home Hospital where the on-duty doctors tended to him. Doyoung stood outside the VIP ward, pacing to and fro. Shinho was also there, invisible to everyone's eyes but equally worried. 

When the doctor came out, Doyoung rushed towards him.

"How's my son?" she demanded.

"He's fine," the doctor assured him. "The injuries will take time to heal but with medication, the scars will fade. We'll keep him in the hospital until his bones are repaired."

Doyoung let out a loud sigh and slumped on a bench. With Danny behind bars, she had decided to leave the country with Siwan for good. As long as that man was alive, they would not be able to live in peace. She took out her phone to call Gayoon but her battery was dead.

"Ugh!" she scowled. "Just great!"

I'll thank her later, she thought as she put her phone away. Then another thought hit her.

"I should go and check up on Jina," she muttered. After all, Doyoung had forced Gayoon to leave her own daughter behind to arrest Danny and she felt extremely guilty about it. The least she could do was to check up on Jina as well.

She knocked on the door to Jina's ward. There was a shuffling of footsteps inside and a man in his sixties opened it. 

"Uhhh...I wanted to check up on Jina," Doyoung said. "I'm Siwan's mother. I visited her this morning."

Junho nodded and let her in. Jina was already awake, sipping water from a cup. Other than her skin being paler than usual, she looked fine. The doctors had even disconnected her saline.

"How are you feeling now?" Doyoung asked. "Do you need anything?"

"Aunty Doyoung!" Jina greeted with a wide smile. "I'm fine! But how come you're here?"


Junho stood there, watching Siwan's mother struggle with herself to control her tears. 

"Is everything alright?" he asked in a gentle tone. Before Doyoung could reply, Shijin burst into the room. For a moment, Doyoung was shocked by the appearance of the funnily dressed man who had just barged in.

"Ummm... " she frowned. Shinjin was also taken aback by her presence. He merely bowed and turned towards Junho.

"I need to talk to you!" he exclaimed. "Can you come with me?"

"Now?" Junho asked. "I can't leave Jina alone!"

"I'll look after her," Doyoung assured him. "You can finish your work. I'll stay with her."

Junho was about to protest but Shinjin overruled him. "It's urgent, Junho!" he begged. "Just come with me!"

He pulled the reluctant Junho away while Doyoung waited with Jina. The little girl turned to Doyoung and asked, "Aunty, what are you doing here?"

Doyoung sighed and replied, "Siwan is hurt. I had to bring him to the hospital."

Jina was surprised by the news. Siwan was hurt?

Just then, a doctor entered the room. "Ma'am your son has gained consciousness," he told her. "He's looking for you."

"Oh!" Doyoung said. She was in a dilemma whether to visit Siwan but she could not leave Jina alone either.

"Aunty, I can go with you to visit him," Jina offered. "I'm fine now. I want to walk a little anyway."

"Honey, I think you should rest," Doyoung said with uncertainty but Jina shook her head.

"I'm fine!" she giggled. "And his room is on this floor right? I can walk a little with you. I want to see him as well!"

Doyoung sighed and smiled. "Alright," she agreed. "But only for a little while, okay?"

Jina beamed and Doyoung helped her to get down from the bed. Slowly, they walked towards Siwan's room. The latter was sitting up, his face heavily bandaged. Jina's eyes widened at his injuries. Exactly how did he get hurt to that extent?

Siwan, on the other hand, was ashamed to face Jina. After how he had nearly killed her, he was trying to avoid her but it seemed that fate had other plans. He was too choked up on guilt to ask her anything but the girl was staring at him with curious eyes.

"How are you feeling now?" Doyoung asked. Siwan did not reply. He did not want to think of how his father had abused him that day. It did not surprise him but he was nevertheless, saddened. His mind was trying to push those memories away.

Doyoung patted his arm while Jina sat next to him on the bed. She felt sorry for his state so she reached out to lightly touch his palm.

"Don't think about bad things," she encouraged him. "Just think of all the good things and you'll see that the bad memories will go away!"

Another pale palm rested on hers. She glanced to her side and saw Shinho was also trying to placate his brother albeit in his own way. Siwan was much too deep in his own thoughts about what happened so he did not feel the slightly cold presence in the room.

Doyoung was about to tell him to rest when the lights in the room went off. Everyone was startled by it.

"Why did the lights go off?" Doyoung wondered. She stepped towards the window to check the other buildings but they were all well lit. Only the lights of our building are off? She frowned.

At the cellar, Shinjin and Junho were startled by the sudden darkness.

"What the hell?" Junho muttered.

"This is bad," Shinjin said. "We have to purify this area and fast!"

"What did you find down here?" Junho asked.

"This...this is the hub of a poltergeist," Shinjin revealed.

Back upstairs, Doyoung was looking for a torch inside the drawers and finally found one. "Kids, we'd better not move until the lights are back," she told them. "Jina, stay here with us and don't go anywhere, alright?"

"Okay!" she agreed. Siwan stayed silent.

There was a knock on the door. "It must be a nurse," Doyoung said. She headed towards it and opened the door only to be shocked.

" did you get here?" she whispered.

Danny stood at the door, his face cold and ruthless. "Hello, wife," he greeted in a steely tone. "I'm here for my son."

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