Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 357: Executioner

Chapter 357: Executioner

Mina stood in front of the grey building the caller had summoned her to. It was way past afternoon and dusk was beginning to set in. Even without the darkening of the sky, there was little light at the place where she stood. 

The building was located behind a school, shadowed by the large building. It was only one storeyed, the greyish walls catching fungi due to the moisture. No seemed to be living in it because she could not see any signs of life. Taking a deep breath, she entered through the open gate.

Her footsteps echoed the place as she climbed the stone staircase. It was so quiet that she could hear her raspy breath. Looking around, she could not see anyone in sight. The floor was dusty and she lightly sneezed, inhaling the air. Covering her nose, she looked around.

Should I call out? She wondered but her instincts told her to be as quiet as possible. It was an obvious trap but she should still be on her guard. 

Gayoon, please find my phone, she prayed as she ascended the stairs. They led to a single door. Shaking, Mina pushed it open. There was only a single room devoid of any furniture or people. The windows were completely shut, blocking out any light 

Mina was now very scared, her heart thumping against her ribs. She tried to fight off her fear and stepped inside, aware of all movements.

"Put your hands up."

A steely voice ordered her. She felt something cold pressing against her temple and immediately recognized it as a gun.

"Where's the evidence against the killer?" she demanded.

"You're not in a position to question me."

Middle aged man, Mina thought, analysing his voice. Criminal too. Is he related to the mafia? Is he from the Lin clan?

Suddenly, a cloth was put on her mouth and she struggled to be free. But the cloth was laced with chloroform and she was losing consciousness. Her vision was blacking out just like all those years ago when CCK kidnapped her. That time, her kidnapper acted out of habit.

But this was personal. She had to walk into the enemy's trap in the hopes that her loved ones would save her.


Mina completely lost consciousness and fell limp on the floor. Youngdo glared at the woman who was the key to bringing down Haejong. With her in his grasp, he could takeover the Lin family.

Now, it's time to kill a few birds, he thought with a smirk. He dragged out a chair and put the girl on it, tying her up. He then hid in the shadows, waiting for the men Haejong sent after him to turn up. Soon, he heard footsteps approaching and a pair of men burst in.

"The girl is here!" one of them exclaimed. "But where's-"

The rest of his words were cut off by a gunshot. His partner raised his gun but Youngdo was quicker and sharper. He immediately shot the other man down as well, killing both of them. Since last night, he had sensed that he was being followed and hence, he knew that Haejong was on his way. His boss was a lone wolf and would come alone. It was obvious that Haejong would do anything for this woman.

Youngdo took out an injection and a vial from his pocket before slowly stepping towards the unconscious woman. Pulling back her sleeves, he injected the liquid into her vein. He glanced at the red dragon watch on his wrist. The woman had only an hour and a half to live.

"Let's see if you can save her," Youngdo smirked.

After a while, Mina stirred. Her eyes fluttered open and her head felt very heavy. A burning sensation was slowly coursing through her body.

She immediately realized that something was wrong. There was a drug in her body which she could not identify but her insides were starting to heat up and her breath was coming in shorts.

"It's gonna kill you."

It's that voice! She realized. Slowly looking to her side, she found a middle aged man sitting at a corner.

"Y-you!" She gasped. "Who are you?"

"Your executioner," he smirked. "What a strange story, huh? My boss is in love with you but you're in love with his rival. How ironic. Romantic even."

Mina could not make head nor tail out of what he just said. Her head was feeling too heavy and she was struggling to stay awake. The man was observing her like a vulture waiting for its prey to die so that it could swoop on it and tear it apart.

She faintly heard a car's tires screeching somewhere.

"That must be him," Youngdo said calmly. He peered outside the window and soon he saw Haejong was running out of it.

But Mina was not listening to him. She felt a cold air sweeping by even though the windows were closed. The dust around her feet were swirling in a fixed direction. Slowly, letters began to form on the dusty floor.


Casper? She wondered. But the words were wiped off as soona s they appeared. Mina slowly glanced at her captor who was too busy looking outside. He seemed to be waiting for someone. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and to her surprise, a familiar figure appeared at the doorway.

"Hae...jong?" she whispered.


"Step on it!" Junho yelled at his son. Minho was already driving at full speed. Gayoon called them up and informed them that the killer called Mina to meet him. Given that Mina left behind her phone for Gayoon to find the message, it must mean she was about to walk into some sort of trap.

"Is aunt gonna be alright?" Jina tearfully asked.

"She'll be fine!" Junho assured her. Minho swerved like a mad man, overtaking as many cars as he could to get there faster.

"Where's the place?" he demanded.

"Gayoon said it's behind the school on N-Street!" Junho yelled.

"Old man, yelling like this isn't gonna help!" Yumi snapped. She turned to Jina and said, "I'll go to the school and look for her!"

Jina nodded and Yumi vanished in thin air. "Yumi has gone to search for aunt!" she informed them. 

Minho increased the speed but to their shock, the road ahead was blocked by the traffic police.

"What the hell is going on?" Minho demanded from one of the policemen.

"There's a worker's protest going on," the cop said. "The road has been closed off for the rest of the day. You'll have to walk from here."

"But N-Street is miles away!" Junho yelled.

"Nothing to do," the cop shrugged. "They won't budge."

Junho let out a series of curses, forgetting that Jina was there. "There's a kid here!" Minho protested.

"So? She'll learn them someday anyway!" Junho barked. "My daughter's life is on the line here!"

He got out of the car and began to run towards N-Street. Minho grabbed Jina and got out of the car, chasing his father. Time was very short and they must get to Mina as soon as possible.

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