Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 359: Aim Well

Chapter 359: Aim Well

Haejong stood at the doorway, his eyes flared with a cold fury. Mina was pale and frozen while Youngdo pressed a gun to her temple.

"You have some nerve," Haejong said quietly. "Challenging me directly. I've come here alone. No weapons. No backup. Just you and me. So tell me, Youngdo. Why did you do this?"

Youngdo let out a wheezing laughter. "Directly? No no, boss! I can't challenge the Lin clan! I'm simply a minor employee! How can I take down the Lin clan? I'm simply here for my dues."

Haejong raised an eyebrow. "Let her go," he said calmly. "And we'll negotiate whatever it is you want."

"What I want" Youngdo said, pointing the gun at Haejong. "Is your life."

Hatred spewed out of him and he glared at Haejong with a gaze full of revenge. His heart was already set on destroying the remnants of the Lin clan.

"The...hell are you doing?" Mina gasped. She was fading in and out of consciousness. Whatever drug the guy injected in her was making her lose focus but she fought to stay awake.

"Get...out!" she exclaimed. "Go"

But Haejong stood his ground. "Sorry doc," he mused. "Can't do."

He addressed Youngdo.

"Hit me with your best shot!" he challenged. "But make sure you hit here"

He pointed directly at his heart. "Because if you miss this spot," he said. "I'll be back to kill you. If not today, then tomorrow. If not in this lifetime then I'll be back in the next. But I will return to kill you. So, aim well and shoot. You'll get only one chance."

In slow motion, Mina watched in horror as Youngdo smirked and pulled the trigger. For a moment, she glanced at Haejong and saw that he was smiling at her as if he was truly happy. He heard her scream but it no longer mattered to him. 

It was his time to go.


Junho panted as he ran towards the building. A shabby house came into view and Mina's car was parked right outside it. Minho and Jina caught up with her, both of them huffing and puffing as well.

"That's Mina's car!" Minho exclaimed. "She must be inside!"

"But we can't just barge in like this," Junho gasped. "We don't know how many people are in there."

"And Lin Haejong is here as well," Minho stated. He had seen the other white car parked next to Mina's. It was also in Haejong's parking lot last night.

"What if he planned it all?" Junho asked.

"It's possible," Minho replied. "His men were the ones who reported Kanji to the police. There's a chance that he is the mastermind."

Junho cursed out loud. Where was the rescue team?

"We can't just sit here and do nothing!" Jina yelled. "We have to check!"

Yumi appeared beside them. She looked at the building and nodded.

"I can enter and take a look!" she offered. "And tell you guys how many people are in there!"

Just then, they heard the distant sirens approaching their way. To their relief, a few police vans stopped in front of them. But to their dismay, instead of Gayoon, Taejoon came out of the car with his team.

"We'll secure the area," he told them.

"Where's Gayoon?" Minho demanded.

"She had been taken off the case!" Taejoon shot back. "Because of her connection with you guys!"

Junho was about to punch the cop but Minho stopped him. "It's not the time to fight," he reminded his father. Turning to Taejoon, he added, "Please save my sister."

"I'm going in!" Junho declared. "Doesn't matter if I'm a civilian or not! That's my daughter in there!"

"We can't let you go in," Taejoon replied. "This is police's work now!"

"Oh, you expect me to trust you when the best detective of your precinct has been shown the back bench?" Junho yelled. "SHE HAD TEN TIMES THE BALLS YOU HAVE YOU STINKIN-"

Minho shut his father's mouth and pulled him away. Taejoon was mortified at the old man who dared to challenge his authority. Junho kept on cursing at the police with all his might while Minho tried to keep him from creating trouble. 

"Calm down you old geezer!" he yelled. "We'll figure something out!"

"I'll show that brat!" Junho vowed. "Stopping me from saving my daughter? I'll throw him straight into Styx-"

Minho was not listening. He just realized something. Looking around, he was suddenly scared.

"Where's Jina?" he demanded. "She was just here!"

Junho, too, seemed to have realized that the little girl was missing. They ran towards the building where the police team stood and to their dismay, she was not there either.

"You guys can't be here!" Taejoon spat at them but frowned when they looked scared.

"Jina is missing!" Minho revealed. "I think she went inside the building when we weren't looking!"

"What?" Taejoon yelled. "Ugh! Just great! Now a little girl just sneaked into the building! Just great"

He blew a whistle and all of the officers huddled around him. "A little girl is also inside the building," he told them. "This is a double hostage situation now. The men inside are some of the most dangerous mafia members including Lin Haejong himself. If he's behind the kidnapping, then we'll officially have a charge against him. But make sure the hostages are rescued alive!"

"Yes sir!" the officers yelled before taking their positions in different areas. They already had a sniper team at the school next to the building, aiming at the window to take down any suspect. The rest of the officers barricaded the area to keep civilians from entering. Minho and Junho stood next to Taejoon, staring at the building. They were worried and tense about the girls who were in the midst of danger.

"Jina" Minho whispered. "Please be safe"

"She'll be fine-" Junho was saying but a sudden gunshot cut through the rest of his words. The police officers were alert and Taejoon was now in full action mode.

"Charge in!" He ordered his men. "NOW!"

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