Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 363: The Ghost in the Mansion

Chapter 363: The Ghost in the Mansion

Gayoon pulled up in front of the large mansion which was a few miles off the riverside. She stepped out of the car and stared at the place in front of her.

There was no doubt that the mansion was one grand but now it was in total ruins. When Minho left, he must have abandoned the place completely because of all the bad events attached to it. Even during the day, it emitted an eerie vibe, reminiscent of the classic horror movie houses. The walls were mouldy and slowly eroding while weeds grew in the once trimmed garden. 

She stepped towards the gate. As soon as she touched it, a sudden rush of cold air passed by and she froze. The dark energy the house has gathered over the years was overwhelming her senses and her head was aching. A static sound formed in her ears as she tried to gain control of her senses.

Gathering the courage to go ahead, she staggered her way towards the entrance. Entering through the front door, she took out a torch to scan around. Instantly, her instincts were on alert.

"Come out!" she yelled. "I know you're in here!"

Suna, who was observing the intruder, floated out from behind a door. She gazed at the woman who just entered and frowned. The girl looked very familiar

"Are you...who are you?" she demanded.

Gayoon turned towards the voice. "I'm Detective Jeon Gayoon," she replied, holding up her badge. 

Just then, the poltergeist apparated beside Suna and Gayoon heard him squeal.

"You're her!" he gasped. "The lover of Hwang Minho!"

Suna's face cracked into a smile. The poltergeist had told her that Yeeun's daughter was Minho's girlfriend and the mother of his child. 

"No wonder you looked so familiar!" Suna said warmly. "I wish we could have met under different circumstances. I would have showered you with so much love"

Gayoon was a little confused. "Who are you?" she asked. "Are you Minho's mother?"

"Yes," Suna nodded. "I am his mother. I've been stuck in this mansion ever since my death so I communicate via this poltergeist I have created. He has been keeping an eye on your family and told me about my granddaughter. A few weeks ago, she was in the hospital right? The deadly poltergeists there tried to drag her into their portal"

"What?" Gayoon exclaimed. "When?"

"You don't know, huh"

Suna trailed off. It seemed like they were still unaware of the extent of the powers Jina possessed. 

"First tell me this," Suna stated. "How come you're still able to communicate with me? After giving birth, you're supposed to lose your sight and pass it over to Jina."

"I...I'm not sure," Gayoon admitted. "But when my mother was in labor, the spirit which possessed you also temporarily possessed her!"

Suna thought for a while before asking, "Gayoon. How much do you know about this spirit?"

"We know that it needs one permanent body to return to while it searches for Transporters," Gayoon narrated. "And it's trying to open some kind of gate-"

"The Gates of Hell," Suna finished for her. "Sit down. I'll tell you everything."

Gayoon was a little hesitant. For some reason, she felt scared. Not of Suna but of what she was about to learn. Suna's voice was so serious that it was as if she was anticipating some kind of bad omen.

She sat on the floor, listening to the spirit with apt attention.

"The thing that possessed me all those years ago, was not an ordinary spirit," Suna said. "It was not the ghost of a dead soul. It was something even more sinister. A Seer like Yeeun and yourself can only sense it when that thing possesses someone other than the permanent host. Once it enters a steady host, it's almost impossible to identify the host. That thing can possess multiple people at once but it always needs one permanent host to return to. A host which is strong enough to accommodate it for years while it goes on to possess other Transporters temporarily for its goal."

"But over time, the host's body will start to deteriorate. You see, it needs to kill its host before possessing the body to dupe the Seers. Seers can sense the presence of two spirits in a body but when the original spirit is dead and the other entity takes over the body, the Seers can't distinguish between the souls. So when it's in a steady body, Seers can't sense it unless they touch the body itself or see the entity coming in and out of it. Since the original spirit of the person is dead, it takes over the host's life until the body rots off. Due to the possession, the body takes years to rot but eventually it does and the entity has to look for another body to occupy. Transporters like me can't accommodate the entity for long because once possessed, our powers begin to create a side effect which eventually kills us. Our bodies can be temporarily possessed but not permanently. Same with Seers."

"I'm not sure if it can sense other ghosts but it has the ability to transport from this world to the World of the Dead," she went on. "It's seeking the Gates of Hell in that world and is determined to open it."

"But what is it?" Gayoon asked. Suna took a deep breath.

"It is" she began. "A demon.


Mina and Haejong were immediately rushed into surgery. Youngdo had been arrested for the kidnapping attempt and under pressure, also confessed to the murder of Lin Cheng and Madam Yeonjoo. There was no evidence against Haejong in the whole thing so he was not accused of the kidnapping charges. Moreover, Jason had called Minho and told him that Kanji would also be getting bail soon.

But the condition of the duo was critical. Minho, Juno and Jina were sitting outside the operation theater, waiting impatiently.

"Did you reach Gayoon's phone yet?" Junho asked.

"She's out of network," Minho replied. He was holding Jina who was still in shock after witnessing the shooting. If Haejong had not saved her, she would have died that day. Casper was also there, staring at the operation theater's door while Yumi patted his back in an attempt to comfort him. Everything was so messed up that they could not digest anything yet.

A few hours later, a doctor came out of Mina's operation room.

"How is she, doc?" Junho demanded.

"We extracted the poison from her blood," he stated. "She's currently going through multiple blood transfusions but she's lucky. If you guys were even five minutes late, we could have lost her. She'll be awake in a few hours."

Both father and son let out a sigh of relief. Jina was also thankful that Mina was saved but the other uncle, Haejong, was still in surgery. If he died, she would never be able to forgive herself. She gently left her father's arms and walked towards Casper. 

Without saying another word, she held his hand. He glanced at her and for the first time on that day, he smiled. He made a gesture at her, saying that everything would be fine. Jina returned his smile and they turned to stare at the operation theater, praying for the life of the person whose fate hung with uncertainty.

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