Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 111 Warmth

The moment he took the duvet off her body, he saw her bare thighs underneath.

Because of the force he used to drag the duvet, it pulled her light dress while coming off her body.

This was a move Mr. Fang regretted immediately.

Withiut thinking, he immediately put the duvet back on her body before holding her arm and dragging her upper body upwards.

Zhang Liling who was in a deep sleep, felt someone dragging her up and frowned. She wanted to hit the hand off but she was met with a resistance, which forced her to open her eyes.

Squinting her eyes slightly, she used her free hand to cover her sight. Slowly, she took her hand away and saw the tall frame standing in front of her and looking down on her with a frown.

'Huh? Is that Mr. Fang?' She thought with confusion on her face.

"Are you awake now?" He asked in a cold tone.

Zhang Liling didn't feel that any of this was right. She shook her head and laid back on the couch and closed her eyes.

Mr. Fang was shocked by her actions. She clearly opened her eyes just now and saw him, so why would she go back to sleep?

Refusing to accept her behaviour, he pulled her up again, but she dared to slap his hands away.

"Lea... leave me alone!" Zhang Liling said with a deep frown. She refused to open her eyes and was still put her head back on the armrest.

She didn't care what kind of vision she was seeing, she just wanted to sleep. Just when she was enjoying her sleep and having a sweet dream where Mr. Fang was smiling at her and holding her hands, someone came to pull her out of it.

She really wanted to beat this person up, but she didn't have the energy, and just wanted to continue with her sleep so she could find the sweet dreams she was having and continue with it.

Mr. Fang's brows knitted together as his huge frame towered before her. "Zhang Liling do you know whose house you are in?"

He didn't know the kind of answer he was expecting when he asked that question, but the response he got, threw him off balance.

"How is it your business?! Leave me alone, I'm tired!"

'What? Did she just scold me?' Mr. Fang asked himself while looking down upon her.

He just felt that girl was touble and proceeded to pinch her left cheek. "Zhang Liling you better open your eyes and see who is right in front of you!"

He made sure to exert some force on his fingers so that pain could bring her back to reality from her deep sleep.

His actions did work, because she grimaced in pain and screamed while her eyes flee open, before slowly allowing her body to get dragged towards the direction the pain on her cheek came from.

"Are you awake now?" He asked with a glare while still holding her left cheek just in case her sleepy head was still not functiong properly.

Zhang Liling glanced at the familiar figure as the pain from his fingers jolted her back to the world of the living. She didn't know if she was seeing properly or not and asked to be sure, "Mr. Fang?"

Seeing that she looked to be in reality now, he let her off and put his hands in the front pockets of his trousers immediately.

"If you wake up late or neglect your duties tomorrow, I will punish you greatly!" He said before leaving her sight.

He made sure to glare at her one last time before leaving her side.

He went back up the stairs and straight to his room. He ended up tossing around on his king-sized bed for several minutes before finally falling asleep.

He was so furious with Zhang Liling that he couldn't sleep immediately.

The image of her sleeping peacefully, her bare thighs showing when he took the duvet off her body, her slapping his hands and scolding him, were engraved in his head.

He just knew beforehand that he was going to have a long night.

As for Zhang Liling, she remained in the living room for a few more minutes, trying to process whatever Mr. Fang said to her.

At last, she managed to grab hold of some thing. He was going to punish her if she woke up late and didn't do her duties.

She made sounds of crying before carrying her tired body and duvet back to her bedroom.

As soon as she stepped in, she found her phone and set an alarm for 4:30 Am before landing on her bed tiredly and closed her eyes.

A few hours later, her alarm rang waking her from her slumber.

Sleep was still sweet to her, making her find the alarm annoying. Just a tap on a button, and she could shut the damn alarm off and continue with her sleep.

p But a voice spoke to her, 'If you dare it...'

The sentence wasn't finished, but it was enough to spark her brain and jolt her awake. Sitting up on her bed, she remembered some of the events form last night before scratching her head and letting out a yawn tiredly.

She didn't remember being rude to Mr. Fang, only that he caught her watching the TV last night, and sleeping in the living room.

"Tungmei, you deceived me." She said to herself before dragging her tired body out of bed.

By the time she stretched her body a bit, her eyes opened the more. She raised her curtains, dressed her bed before going into the bathroom to brush her teeth and freshen up.

A few minutes before 5, she left her room and went into the kitchen to take a bottle of water. She went straight for the gym to keep it.

In there, she saw Mr. Fang inside already. She hesitated a little before posing a fearless stunt.

She greeted him calmly and put the bottle of water on the stool before turning to leave. She didn't bother trying to apologize about last night, because she thought she would only make her situation worse.

After she left, Mr. Fang shifted his gaze to the door. He looked to be thinking about something because his brows furrowed.

He had only been in the gym for 2 minutes before she stepped in, so he still looked fresh out of shower.

From the gym room, Zhang Liling went straight to clean his bedroom. She saw the gift she gave to him sitting in his closet and smiled brightly.

Maybe she should have apologized about last night without being afraid of being scolded.

That Mr. Fang accepted her gift, warmed up her heart and cast fear away. Now she would be patiently waiting for the day he would decide to put it on.

After cleaning up his room, she moved to his study.

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