Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 158 Results Out

Shi Wenqian didn't look too happy about any of this. Shifting her gaze to Zhang Mingyu, she asked, "Why did you scream earlier?!"

"My friend called to inform me that our final results are out." Zhang Mingyu revealed.

Zhang Xiaoling who looked ready to counter anything he said, looked a bit surprised.

"Your results are out? Have you checked yours?" Shi Wenqian asked with a serious gaze. She was very much interested in her son's business.

Zhang Mingyu shook his head. "Not yet, I don't want to check yet, I am a bit nervous."

Zhang Xiaoling snorted before Shi Wenqian could open her mouth to rebuke him. "It's better you check your results immediately than wasting your time and frantic emotions."

In summary, she was telling him to check his results immediately because nothing would change if he doesn't, or waste time to do so.

"I don't see any reasons for you to be afraid. Check your mail, let's see what grade you came out with because I made sure you wouldn't have to resit for any course." Shi Wenqian said straightforwardly.

This reminder from his mother immediately cast out all fears from him. He just got reassured that no matter what, he wasn't going to have to resist any course.

Together, the three made their way into his bedroom.

Downstairs, Zhang Liling checked with the servants to find out what the screaming was all about, but none of them seemed to know what was going on.

Since she couldn't find out anything, she continued to watch her things being moved out by the people from the moving company.

She made sure that every item that belonged to her including past class notes was taken away.

After making sure that the last bag was picked up from the room, she glanced at the empty living area and bathroom before leaving.

Right there, a servant picked out a key from a bunch to lock up the place.

If Zhang Liling was treated well in this house, then she would have felt remorseful with having to leave, but unfortunately, she only had bad memories so leaving, was a happy thing for her.

"I think I'm done, I will go see my father." Zhang Liling said to the driver in the van before turning to walk right back into the house and went straight to look for Zhang Renshu.

Out of instinct, the study was the first place she went to find him, but she didn't see him. She went ahead to check in his bedroom, but didn't find him there either.

Luckily for her, she saw him walking out of a small living area with his phone placed on his ear just as she left his bedroom.

"...I will work on the project too. Minister, tell me if there is anything, I am very willing." Zhang Renshu said with a fawning smile just before he met straight with Zhang Liling's curious gaze.

Zhang Liling waited for him to finish with his conversation before announcing her leave.

"I'm done packing my things, and I came to tell you that I am leaving."

"I will walk you to the car." Zhang Renshu said as he slipped his phone into his pant pocket before leading the way.

'Why is he being so kind?'

As they walked through a long corridor, Zhang Renshu was giving her some advices to stay safe, and to try and come over during weekends.

He also mentioned about coming to work at the company as an intern in any department of her choice as soon as her graduation ceremony was done.

"You don't need any application, just tell me the department you will be interested to work in, and I will fix you there. You and Mingyu have to start up as interns. This will last for only 6 months."

To the matter concerning the company, Zhang Liling refused to give a clear response. She only said that she would think about it.

"What do you still need to think about?" Zhang Renshu asked, displeased with her lack of seriousness.

"I still need to think carefully about the department to join. It is important so I don't make any mistakes." Zhang Liling replied.

She didn't even know why she was playing a roundabout game with him when she had already made up her mind to work in Mr. Fang's company.

Anyway, it was good this way as she would have to take her time to carefully break the news to him and her mother.

No matter how carefully she planned it, she just knew what the outcome would look like.

Zhang Renshu immediately felt his anger dissipate completely.

"When will your results be out? I'm looking forward to hearing a good news from you since you are very smart. Although, your grades will not be the only thing used to qualify you in business."

Zhang Liling frowned slightly. She was also a bit annoyed with the delay with the announcement of their results.

She was in a hurry to check the outcome and show the results to Mr. Fang who needed a a little reason to cast her feelings and intentions away.

Seeing that she wasn't saying anything and looked to be disturbed about something, Zhang Renshu sighed.

"When you finish arranging your things, text me."

"Okay," Zhang Liling replied as the door opened for them, and they stepped outside together.

The driver and the two men that came with Zhang Liling were surprised to see Zhang Renshu in her company, and they were even chatting with no hostility emitting from any of them.

'Zhang Liling was moving out not because she had a bad relationship with her father.'

If only Zhang Liling knew that this conclusion the workers from the moving company reached, was what her father wanted them to think by walking her outside...

Suddenly, a desperate loud voice called out to her from behind, as heavy footsteps approached them.

Zhang Liling and Zhang Renshu paused in their steps to turn around, only to see Zhang Mingyu rushing towards them.

"Zhang Liling, our final results are out, have you checked yours?" He asked immediately while totally ignoring the frown on his father's face.

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