Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 170 Invitation II

Zhang frowned at the side saying, "Can you stop speaking in a round about manner and go straight to the point?"

Shi Wenqian felt angry with his scolding. How could he speak to her like that given where they were standing at?

Regardless, she went ahead to make her point.

"Liling, you only introduced Mr. Fang to your mother and didn't care to include your father. Even if you are angry with him about something, that is not the right way to act. Also, your siblings were here but your totally ignored everyone, what do you mean by that?"

Song Jujing frowned by the side. She has been patiently waiting for her to finish the nonsense she had to say and finally when she was done, she said before anyone could make any kind of comment.

"You don't have any right to admonish my daughter when I'm present, unless you are trying to tell me to my face that you dont have any regards for me which everyone knows you don't."

Zhang Liling felt very proud having her mother by her side and speaking up for her. She chuckled in her head while not bothering to hide how happy she was.

When Shi Wenqian spoke to her, she didn't have the intentions of replying because she knew that someone would do that for her.

Even if her mother wasn't present, she would have totally ignored her and left. She didn't want to cower next to that woman anymore.

Zhang Xiaoling and Zhang Mingyu didn't look happy to see their mother being insulted, but they could not butt in. Their father already looked like he wanted to kill her with his glares.

No child can stand there and watch their mother or close family being insulted without their facial expression changing in the least.

"Shi Wenqian, if you are going to misbehave and annoy Jujing and her daughter with unnecessary statements, you better go back home now because I will not tolerate your intentional provocation!"

Zhang Renshu didn't care they were in public and gave her his piece of mind the way he felt it. Also, he didn't mind to control his facial expression and didn't seem to bother even if it was captured by some reporters lingering around.

Song Jujing's rage slowly calmed down as she finally moved her gaze from Shi Wenqian to Zhang Renshu before saying to him, "Renshu, if my daughter and I are going to be treated this way in the small banquet you organized, then we don't want to be there."

'What banquet?' Zhang Liling looked toward her mother with a confused gaze. 'Did something happen while I was gone?' She thought to herself.

Song Jujing initially was going to refuse Zhang Renshu's invitation again, but seeing that Shi Wenqian did not know her place and was asking to be disrespected and looked down upon, then she was going to give her what she was looking for.

Still in that thought, another one came to her mind. It would be fun for Shi Wenqian to sit all through the banquet without uttering a word for fear of angering Zhang Renshu, and this was what she would be looking forward to.

Zhang Renshu glared at his wife angrily and raised his hand.

Thinking that he wanted to hit her, Shi Wenqian flinched and took a step to the side in fright, not knowing that he only wanted to point at her.

What made her think he was going to hit her there when he was very particular about his public image, and it's not like he has hit her before?

Maybe her guilty conscience got the better of her.

"Shi Wenqian," Zhang Renshu called her by her full name with his finger pointing at her face. "...If you know what is good for you, think before you even speak to me again."

Shifting his gaze back to Song Jujing, he quickly apologized and promised her that she wouldn't regret attending the small banquet he organised.

Song Jujing glanced at Shi Wenqian briefly with a scorn before agreeing to his request.

Zhang Renshu finally smiled before asking everyone to follow him.

Song Jujing noticed that he was trying to work beside her but quickly walked a few pace ahead of him to stand beside Liling.

She didn't need the press writing thrash about her relationship with Zhang Renshu.

Apart from them writing something about her still being in a good relationship with him since they took pictures when they were standing together, she didn't want to see any article suggesting otherwise.

Something about Zhang Renshu still not able to forget her, or about her trying to win his attention back, would piss her off greatly.

She wouldn't want to entertain any kind of gossip.

Outside, Zhang Liling used her eyes to search for Tungmei before leaving, but she didn't find her, so while getting into the car, she phoned her.

After several rings, she still didn't answer. 'Maybe she can't hear her phone ringing.' She concluded before sending her a text.

In the car, she typed a few words before sending it to Mr. Fang. The strings of word read, 'Thank you Mr. Fang for agreeing to see my mum. I appreciate your kind gesture.'

She sent that text without bothering to hope for a reply. The man she fell in love with, had the habit of ignoring people.

To him, that kind of texts didn't require a response after reading.

For now, she was not bothered about his little ways. When they start dating, she would make him change things for her.

Some minutes later, three car pulled in front of a private guest house. Immediately, a few attendants stepped forward to open the car doors of the three cars and the door to everyone stepped out.

The manger who was dressed in a suit, immediately stepped forward to greet Zhang Renshu and welcome them all.

"Are they cuisines ready?" Zhang Renshu asked as he led them inside the building.

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