Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 210 Catching Up (II)

Suddenly feeling the loss of appetite, Zhang Liling pushed her plates of food aside.

Just the reminder of her resentment had instantly cut off the good vibes once and for all.

A long sigh escaped her lips as Mr. Fang watched her curiously.

'What must have happened?' He thought as clouds of worry began to gather in his head.

Soon, Zhang Liling's clear voice rang out.

"My mother never had cancer."

At that revelation, it felt like time had stopped as everything immediately came to a standstill, including Mr. Fang's breathing.

The man looked taken aback with what she had just revealed, but no words were uttered even though his face expressed that he had many questions to ask.

Zhang Liling who looked relief and saddened at the same time, continued.

"The medical report that stated she had that illness wasn't forged either. It was a misdiagnosis which everyone was unaware of."

With her gaze stretching in the distance, she finally revealed the reason she was angry.

"Finally when the truth was found out after several chemos, I was the last person to know."

"Your mother hid it from you? Why?" Mr. Fang asked while staring at her as his brows knitted together.

He was still quite surprised by the turn of events, but his senses were still working properly.

The way he asked the questions, just showed how sure he was that it was exactly what had happened.

Hesting that, Zhang Liling shifted her gaze to him. At the moment, she didn't look annoyed or angry just like her inner turmoil, but instead, her gaze was calm and collected.

"You are right, she hid it from me. Like a fool, I continued to worry about her until two days ago when I came across the medical report for the misdiagnosis that was dated back to 2 months ago."

Releasing a long sigh which she has been trying to hold in for a while now, she looked directly in Fang Bingwen's eyes and asked as if seeking for his opinion.

"I don't even know if I should continue blaming her or not, but the truth remains that she broke my heart. I trusted her, but she took that for granted."

Ther was a minute long silence as no one said a word.

Mr. Fang was still trying to digest the news while Zhang Liling was lost in her own world. She was still thinking back to the events that played out.

Still in a trance, she uttered, "Immediately I saw the report, I first booked a flight down to City S before speaking to her about it. I would have left without letting her know the letter I found, but I wanted her to feel guilty for keeping things from me."

Zhang Liling had been mad with anger at the betrayal from the only family she could trust.

And out of that anger, she booked a flight down to City S before confronting her mother about the new report to make her own up to her mistake and feel the guilt of the new strain on their relationship.

After thinking to himself a bit while watching her facial expression change from shade to another in less than a minute, Fang Bingwen inquired.

"Did your mother explain why she did that to you? From what I know, and have seen, she loves you so much to lie to you. What made her do it?"

He was asking while trying to be clear headed.

He was sure that there could have been a solid reason behind her mother's actions.

Scoffing, Zhang Liling cast a long glance at him. She almost wanted to laugh in ridicule.

"Of course, there was, but it didn't suit well with me," she said as a anger flashed in her eyes.


Zhang Liling has been concerned about her mother's health that she followed her to every chemo section booked.

But for a reason, her mother didn't allow her to come along in the last Chemo section after the hospital had called her.

"Mum, why can't I come with you?" She had asked with worry laced on her face.

Smiling, Song Jujing replied, "Just go ahead with your work today. I will be fine by myself."

That day, Zhang Liling was disturbed, but she still listened to her mother.

From that faithful day, Zhang Liling who was usually observant, a trait she had picked up from taking care of her mother for the past few months, noticed that her mother seems to have changed.

Gradually, it began to dawn on her that she was hiding something from her and because of that, she began to have the worst possible thought.

Is Mum dying? Are the Chemos useless? Why has she refused to talk about her health unlike before?

Unable to stay in the dark any longer, she went to the nightstand in her mother's room and pulled open the drawer where she should to keep all the medical reports which also included each chemo section.

With the intentions of finding what was wrong, she took all the papers there and glanced through all until she saw the latest one, from the day she didn't go with her.

Suddenly, Zhang Liling felt her heartbeat palpitating. It was as if her senses was telling her that she was holding unto the answers to her questions.

Brazing herself for whatever she was going to find, she found that courage as she nervously pried open the report to read the contents.

As each seconds passed with her eyes on the paper, her face turned darker.

Some minutes later, she was already storming out of the room and down the stairs to go find her mother relaxing in the sitting room.

Hearing the series of heavy footsteps resounding in her ears, Song Jujing's brows twisted as she frowned slightly.

Slowly, her lashes fluttered open. Squinting at her bright surroundings and before she woozy head could comprehend what was going on, her daughter's figure came into her line of sight.

Without warning, she heard her thunderous voice asking, while holding up a paper in front of her.

"Mum, what is this? Can you explain this letter to me or do you want me to go straight the hospital to find answers myself?"

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