Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 248 Ignore

Mornings in the Tang house has always been like every other wealthy household.

Servants waking up on time and going about with their daily tasks, while their masters get to sleep in or do whatever they want before breakfast time.

In Zhang Xiaoling and Tang Enlai's bedroom, it was quiet with a lot of tension in the air.

Waking up in the morning, the first thing Tang Enlai did was to pick up his phone and started playing around with it.

With his phone making some little annoying sounds plus the brightness that spread around the bed, Zhang Xiaoling was forced to come out of her Dreamland.

Squinting her eyes, her body which was facing the drawn curtains, turned slightly, so that her back was now against the back.

'What sort of nonsense is this?' She thought to herself as she heard the low chuckle Tan Enlai let out beside her.

For some reason, the man seemed to have found something interesting on his phone and was busy laughing heartily, not caring if he was disturbing her sleep.

Well, he just didn't care, not after the stunt she pulled yesterday's evening at Old Mrs. Fang's birthday party.

Being aware that he was probably doing that on purpose just to piss her off, Zhang Xiaoling slowly sat up with the help of her arms.

With her back resting on the bedboard, she tilted her head to the side as his side profile came to her line of sight.

She could see him sitting with his legs sprawled lazily on the sheets. His hands were on his phone as his eyes glued to the lit screen.

The corner of his lips curled as his eye shone brightly.

He didn't look like he was forcing himself to laugh.

Glaring at him, she scoffed and threw her face to the side before pushing the duvet off her body.

Climbing straight out of the bed, her feet landed on her pair of flip-flops before walking over to the other side and heading for the inner room.

Both husband and wife ignored each other and went around their morning business.

While washing her face in the sink, Zhang Xiaoling heard the ringing sound of her phone coming from the room.

Normally, her husband would have called out to her, but he chose to ignore her altogether.

Exhaling deeply, she looked at herself in the mirror before leaning away and going to the handrail to pick up a face towel.

In careful movement of her hands, she dried the water droplets from her face before wiping her hand.

When she was through, she dumped the towel in a small basket by the door before going out.

Zhang Xiaoling stepped into the room and went straight for her phone which was placed on the nightstand.

Instantly, the ringing sound which had died down, rose up again, and that saved her the trouble of unlocking her phone before seeing who had called.

Seeing the three capital letter word on her screen, tha annoyance in her heart deepend as her chest rose and fell.

'What is she calling me for?'

Without thinking it twice, she slid her index finger to the side of the screen, automatically ending the call, but she didn't stop there.

Knowing fully well that her mother would keep calling back until she answered her calls, and not being in the mood to hear her irritating questions, she turned down the volume of her phone.

She could have simply put her phone on airplane mode to save her the troubles of receiving so many missed calls from her, but she at least had to leave a little leeway for some other important calls that might come in.

At the Zhang Mansion...

"Why is she not picking up?" Shi Wenqian muttered to herself with knitted brows.

While staring down at her phone screen, her thumb finger clicked on the first contact on her recent call list and dialed the number for the upteenth time.

After a long ring, she was met with the same response. No answer, and just the sound from the female mechanical voice.

"Arrgh!!" Shi Wenqian groaned and went to sit at the foot of her bed in anger.

She was still dressed in her night robe, but she managed to at least smoothen her hair before making the call.

"Why is she not answering my calls?"

"Does she know the importance of my call?"

"Don't tell me she is still in bed at this time..."

Shi Wenqian just sat there questioning herself until she got fed up with it. And when she was tired, she left Zhang Xiaoling a message asking her to call back as soon as possible as it was urgent.

After sending the message, she walked into the bathroom to freshen up after which she left for the dining room.

Zhang Xiaoling who got the message before going out for breakfast, did not open it until she was done eating.

Finally when she returned to her bedroom and saw the message, she returned her call after letting out a long sigh.

Fortunately, her husband was chatting with his parents downstairs, so she had the whole room to herself.

Her privacy was intact.

Zhang Xiaoling proceeded to dial her mother's contact as soon as she sat on the couch in the bedroom.

At the first ring, Shi Wenqian who was a little busy instructing the servants to change the potted plants in the sitting room, immediately smiled when she saw her calling.

All this time, she had her phone in hand, only for this moment.

As soon as she answered the call, she didn't even let her daughter speak first and immediately went on to give her an earful.

"Xiaoling, where did you drop your phone that you failed to pick up after several calls? Did your mother-in-law make you cook them a table of dishes? Are you being bullied?"

Unable to take her questions, Zhang Xiaoling hurriedly interrupted. "Mum, what is the resosn you called? Please can you get straight to the point, I have plans today."

The young woman was irritated from the actions she played out the previous day and her husband's scolding. And now she had to face her no good mother.

Could her morning be any uglier?

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