Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 92 Finding Him Directly

Tungmei has really had enough of her father's incessant complaints and nagging about studying, but she didn't really do anything about it.

There was no way she could scold him and tell him straight to his face to stop pestering her.

She used to love studying because she wanted to do her best if that is what she could give, but with him always putting pressure on her, she was beginning to lose her purpose, and see studying as a hassle.

After the long conversation ended, Tungmei quickly put him on her blacklist before keeping her phone aide. She sighed in relief and ran her fingers through her short black hair.

Tungmei had so many things to process in her head, but then she heard her phone ring and got a huge fright.

'I thought I blacklisted him' She thought in anguish before peeking at her lit phone screen only to see Zhang Liling's name. She patted her chest before picking up her phone and answering the call.

"Liling, you almost scared me!"

"Why would my call give you a fright, did you do something wrong against me?" Zhang Liling teased.

Tungmei sighed. "I thought it was my father because I just blacklisted his contact."

Zhang Liling found this interesting and sat up on her seat immediately. "Wow! Tungmei, you really have such guts, but why would you do that? Did he nag you again?"

Tungmei did not deny it. "…he is making me lose focus in my studies, and I figured that it would be good to get rid of every kind of distraction."

"So, you blacklisted his contact? I must congratulate you for taking this step, but are you not worried that he come to find you when he realizes what you have done?"

"I'm not afraid. It's not like he can afford to take a few days off from work to come to the S city to look for me." Tungmei didn't seem to mind.

At this point, she didn't care about what her father would think or do. She just needed maximum concentration, and the last thing she wanted to hear, was his voice.

Zhang Liling tapped her fingers on the desk and said in a lively tone, "I wish you I can have your kind of courage, but if I try your method, my father would personally come looking for me the next minute, so I dare not act rashly."

"Our lives are different." Tungmei groaned.

The two friends ended up talking about their last classes that week, which would be the last time they would ever get to sit together in a hall to listen to a professor teach them.

They also talked about Mr. Fang's class, which would be the last.

"Liling do you think that Mr. Fang would give us a project to do?" Tungmei asked after gossiping for a bit.

"I wouldn't know. I asked him about it yesterday, but instead of responding, he retorted with another question. I guess we would never know until our last class with him."

Zhang Liling replied without thinking and regretted it the next moment. She covered her mouth as she almost slapped it.

She almost revealed the kind of relationship she had with Mr. Fang by giving that kind of reply.

Was she the course representative to meet professors or a man like Mr. Fang to ask that kind of question?

Not knowing what was going on at the end, Tungmei praised her.

"Liling, you must have an extra life span in the Zhang family, because how could you meet Mr. Fang to ask him about it? How did you withstand his cold countenance to be able to hold a conversation?"

Zhang Liling immediately tried to cover things up by acting like Mr. Fnag gave her a hard time.

"Mei, forget it, I don't even want to think about it."

Tungmei did not suspect anything and chatted a bit with her before their conversation ended. They had to go back to studying.


"What are you doing here?" Mr. Fang asked with a frown as he looked up from his desk and saw the familiar face that just stepped into his office.

Chuanli smiled sheepishly and helped himself to one of the seats in front of his desk.

"I thought it would be better for us to talk one on one." He said with a bright charming smile that did not have any effect on someone like Mr. Fang.

Mr. Fang ignored him and asked himself in an audible voice that he too would be able to hear. "Perhaps, Bolin is tired of working for me."

Chuanli heard that and immediately intervened. "Are you thinking of firing Bolin? Your personal assistant did nothing wrong."

He understood the meaning behind his words and knew the reason he said that. That could only be because Bolin let him in without his permission.

Mr. Fang closed his laptop before staring straight at his face. "If you came here to ask for permission to get Zhang Liling's blood, the answer is NO, so just leave."

"Bingwen, why are you being so stubborn?" Chuanli asked frustratedly. Mr. Fang only glared at him for using that word on him.

Seeing no other reaction apart from the glare from him, Chuanli continued. "You are really one of those patients that draw their doctors back. This can really be a pain in the ass."

"Did you just call me a patient? Do I look like one to you?" Mr. Fang finally reacted. His glare was icy now as he seemed to hate being addressed as a patient.

His annoyance did not move Chuanli. He spread out his hands and asked in wonder.

"If you are not my patient, are you my customer? As you can see, I am not a businessman, I am a doctor, YOUR doctor, so that makes you my patient."

Mr. Fang's lips moved as he continued glaring at him, but he seemed unable to form a sentence. Before he could even manage to utter a word, Chuanli  continued,

"Surely you do not expect to be addressed as my friend now, because you have always addressed me so formally, 'Dr. Li' do you remember?"

Chuanli was definitely here to tease him…

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