Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 193 - Pained But Naughty Ye Cheng

Chapter 193 - Pained But Naughty Ye Cheng



"I would take a look." Long Lei understood and he did not wait to even hear the rest of it and went straight to check on Li Jing who was lying on the bed.

The stress of the day had worn her out and the stone to her head further worsened it. She was having a headache but other than that and the slight pain where the stone had hit her, she was okay.

Long Lei found out that Ye Cheng had already applied first aid to her injury and plastered that spot where her skin tore.

Really it was a minor injury but his friend called him like she had broken her skull. Long Lei took in a deep breath first before he turned to look at Ye Cheng.

"It is a minor injury, Ye Cheng and you have taken care of it. Why did you call me still?"

"Are you daft? How did you get your degree anyway?" Ye Cheng lashed out at Long Lei. "Wouldn’t you check to make sure she does not have any concoction? Tsk, even I that isn’t a doctor know this much."

"Why you..." Long Lei widened his eyes threateningly at Ye Cheng. He knew his friend was only acting this way because he cared. He really was a softie once one gets to know him but he would always carry this cold front.

Losing her just when he met her turned him into the cold handsome young man that he was. He could be very much wicked when someone got on his bad side and was very focused that was why he required the best from his employees.

"Are you still wasting time?" Ye Cheng’s voice pulled Long Lei from his thoughts and the latter shook his head and made his way over to Li Jing and sat opposite her on the bed to ask her some questions.

Minutes later, he was done examining her and gave her some prescriptions and asked that she rested well, then she would be alright.

"Thank you, Dr Long." Yin Lifen thanked him after Li Jing did.

"My pleasure." He smiled at the ladies before moving towards his naughty friend. "If you are expecting thanks, forget it. You delayed."

"Sigh. I would be charging you then. You do not make me drive out at this late in the night and give me that attitude of yours. I wonder what your mother would say when she finds out."

"You wouldn’t dare tell her."

"Why? It is not like she would not find out about this. It was a huge scandal. But that wasn’t what I meant. I meant about your incessant rude behaviour."

"Please then be my guest." His lips curved upwards into a knowing smirk. He could always talk his mum out of it and tell her it was Long Lei who was at fault.

But from his heart of heart he knew that even if she believed him, it was just to calm him. She knew he was troublesome enough to his friends.


"Just fix things in your life and stop dragging her into your mess is my only advice for you."

"I did not seek your counsel, Long Lei."

"I know you are wise and you would take it, Michael."

"And I know you are wise not to use that name, Jake." Both men gave each other the warning smile before whispering some more words and Long Lei left.

All through their conversations, li Jing and Yin Lifen did not hear what they said as both men spoke in whispers to each other.

All they knew was when they finished, Long Lei left and Ye Cheng had his focus set on them.

Li Jing already knew where this was going and so did Yin Lifen.

"I would give you two some privacy," Yin Lifen informed them and cast one more glance at her friend, reassuring her that it would be okay then she left the room.

The atmosphere in the room was tense and thick. No one spoke but Li Jinbg could feel his eyes were boring holes into her head.

She did not look at him though. She would rather not do that as she knew he would scold her first for not being careful and not answering her phone or returning his calls when she got back home.

What was worst was that she knew he would quarrel that she saw such danger and ran head in back into the house rather than leaving with her friend.

After what felt like forever with none of them speaking, Li Jing finally opened her lips to talk.

"I know you want to scold me silly for what I did and what I didn’t do." She raised her head and turned to look at him.

He had his hands crossed on his chest as he waited for her to finish. Nevertheless, his eyes darkened like a predator waiting to devour his prey and if looks could kill, Li Jing was sure that his would have killed her and she would have dropped dead by then.

"But I seriously do not want to hear it again as I have already scolded myself enough."


Okay? Was he being serious right now? Okay? Wow!

She felt like he was not listening to her or taking her seriously and she got up from the bed. Ye Cheng took some steps close to her but she held her hand out in front of her to stop him and stood up herself.

’At least she was not yet a handicap, so she could do that much on her own.

"With what happened today, Ye Cheng. I do not think it is advisable for us to be together. We still need time to figure things out and we haven’t even started dating, yet all these haters and being chaotic and your ex is just not willing to give you up and..."

As she spoke she closed her eyes because it was hurting her and she did not think she could look him in the eyes and tell him that so she failed to notice when Ye Cheng moved, closing the gap between them.

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