Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 248 - Li Jings Grand Aunt

Chapter 248 - Li Jing's Grand Aunt



"Ahh!" The crowd around her gasped upon seeing the incident but when they all saw who it was, no one uttered another word.

Slowly, Li Jing raised her head from his chest and lifted her head to see who it was. She did not need to guess as her heart, mind, and body already told her who it was.

She recognized that scent and those broad muscular chiseled chests anywhere.

It was none other than...

"Ye Cheng!"

"Miss me?" His lips curved in a corner of a smile as his penetrative gaze warmed her heart.

For a minute there, Li Jing forgot where she was and was carried away by that deep gaze in his soulful brown eyes that she did not speak or do anything but remained in his strong arms.

"Hey, Li Jing." Ye Cheng’s voice pulled her out from her reverie and she quickly stood back and straightened herself. It was at this time that Li Jing noticed that she had once more managed to catch the attention of everyone around.

Ignoring them, she returned her gaze to the handsome guest in front of her. "You came." Her voice betrayed her. She never wanted to sound surprised but the sound that came out of her mouth did the exact opposite.

His smile widened at her failed attempt before he responded. Even though she tried to be tough, it took more than just saying it to be. He had to hand it over to her, she was trying and he believed that soon she would be a changed person.

"How could I miss this for anything? It is your big day. Of course, I would come."

"Thanks." It was now that she recalled that she was about going to meet Tang Zixin. Immediately she remembered, Li Jing turned her head to the side to check for him.

As though sensing what was about to happen, Ye Cheng quickly took hold of her hand and lowered the upper part of his body a bit for her. "May I have this dance?"

Li Jing hesitated for some seconds as she was contemplating her answer. At one end her mind was wondering where Tang Zixin was and at the other, her mind wanted to stay with Ye Cheng and dance with him.

A lot of persons were watching and it would be a shame to Ye Cheng if she refused him now.

Left with almost no choice, Li Jing nodded her reply and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor.

The music started playing and both of them began to move their bodies to the slow rhythm of the waltz. As she danced, the lights seemed to be centered on her further illuminating her beauty.

They looked like a pair made from heaven and a lot of people envied her. Not only was she beautiful, but she also caught the fancy of the richest businessman in the country and handsome bachelor.

A lot of the heiresses there felt their shine dwindle just because of Li Jing’s presence. She was a huge threat to their glory and their envy only worsened.

By the time they were done dancing, Ye Cheng led her to the dining table to get a drink while they had the opportunity of chit-chatting.

Meanwhile, Tang Zixin had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to meet with Li Jing after her dance with Ye Cheng. The moment he caught her drinking with him at a corner, he strode over to greet them.

"Evening, Ye Cheng, Li Jing," Tang Zixin greeted them. He wore a nice smile that did well to hide his anger while showcasing his magnificent looks. "You look particularly stunning, Li Jing. Nice outfit."

"Thank you. An evening to you too, Tang Zixin."

"Evening Tang Zixin," Ye Cheng greeted. Even though he wasn’t wearing a smile, the coldness in his eyes was enough to deter anyone who was trying to come to his territory.

Unfortunately for Ye Cheng, Tang Zixin was not all that affected. To him, he was all bark and no bite. There was nothing he could do here except for him to tamper with his business one way or another when they return.

"Congrats once more and I hope you get all the love and attention you missed while growing up."

"Thanks. It means a lot."

"Can I have this dance?"

’She is tired.’

That was the thought that ran through Ye Cheng’s mind to say to Tang Zixin but then again, he did not want Li Jing to feel like he was trying to control her life and end up losing his friendship with her.

Things were different now. He could not command her as he wished and what was worst was that she was the heiress to a million-dollar big wealthy family.


She handed her glass over to Ye Cheng with a smiling face and went dancing with Tang Zixin. Before long several other young men asked for a dance and she complied to some.

Later she was whisked away by her grandfather and she spent most of the evening being introduced to a lot of people.

One of the persons she was introduced to that she least had expected to be introduced to was her grand aunt, Mrs. Lin Huilang.

"Li Jing!" The older lady, Mrs. Lin. Huilang exclaimed when she saw Li Jing.

"Mrs. Huilang." To say she was shocked was an understatement.

Although she should not have been too shocked, what changed things was that she was the last person she had expected to see when her grandfather told her that she was going to meet his younger brother’s wife.

"Oh my! What a small world. When Lin Zian had told me that he had found his granddaughter, I never would have imagined that it was you."

"Same here."

"I am glad to meet you."

"Thank you ma," Li Jing politely greeted her.

"I saw the resemblance when I first met you but I was so engrossed in my discussion with yourself and Ye Cheng. Do not mind me. Welcome to the family."

"Thanks, ma."

"No need to be too formal. We are relatives now. Call me auntie," Mrs. Lin Huilang corrected.

"Noted auntie."

"Better. Now, Lin Zian." She turned her gaze to face Mr. Lin Zian. "I wasn’t happy that you missed my birthday celebration," Mrs. Lin Huilang complained.

"I am sorry, Huilang but you know I had a very important business meeting to attend. That was why I sent you a birthday gift and an apology present with it," Mr. Lin Zian explained.

"Yeah, I saw. Thanks, I loved them."

"Of course you would. I trust my sense when it comes to picking gifts. My wife made sure of that."

"God bless her soul."

"Yeah. By the way where is that brother of mine, Lin Jie?"

"He should be around here somewhere. He got busy with some business stuff. Do not worry, your loving brother would come to see you later."

"He better does. I want to show off my darling granddaughter to him."

"Sigh! You two would be at it once more. Remind me not to be there when that comes okay? Anyways, Li Jing, I bet you would have some mingling to do. I would release you so you can be with your mates. By the way, where is Ye Cheng? Do tell me that he honored your invitation."

"Yes auntie, he did."

"Good, because that young man is something else. He rarely honors any dinner party invitation. It is obvious he is learning and changing for the better or I guess he really likes you then."

All Li Jing could do was to smile at her compliment. She could not deny the fact that Ye Cheng liked her. Yes, there wasn’t anything much going between the two of them but she could not deny the fact that something did happen.

She did not just kiss someone many times for nothing, but even at that, she needed to be sure of where his heart was so as not to repeat the tragedy of before.

Her heart was still fragile and that was why she needed to grow tough skin to better protect it from hurt.

Mrs. Lin noticed the blush that had begun to form on Li Jing’s cheeks. It was similar to when she first met the young girl.

She gave her that knowing smile. She knew both parties liked each other but they were just dilly-dallying to confess their feelings.

’Naughty youths.’ Mrs. Lin Huilang commented in her mind.

"He is around somewhere. Gramps wanted me to meet a lot of people. I would go find him now. If you would excuse me."

"Why yes, please do have fun."

Li Jing bowed her head to both of them and took her leave. All through their mini conversation, Mr. Lin Zian kept mute like he wasn’t there and both ladies ignored him as well.

It was after Li Jing left that Mrs. Lin Huilang turned to face her brother-in-law. "Hey, what’s with the look like I did something wrong?"

"I am glad you know that you did," Mr. Lin Zian said, arching his brows at her.

"Did not," Mrs. Lin Huilang refuted.

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