Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 264 - Business Partner

Chapter 264 - Business Partner



Although Yi Wang Lei wanted to question it but remembering what Ru Mei Xing had almost caused Ye Cheng he did not question him and right away went to do as he was told.

By and by, the days went on for Li Jing and she rushed with the work at hand.

Soon enough it was the start of a new week and time to resume work at the company properly.

Due to her busy schedule in trying to get things done properly and fixing files and all, Li Jing did not really see anyone during these few days that she was living at her grandfather’s house.

So now, it was the first time for the world, more like the occupants of the city to see the heiress first hand.

In no time the car driving her arrive d at the company and stopped for her to highlight.

Coming down from the car, L Jing took one long glance at the company from top to bottom and appreciated it all.

Her grandfather really was strict and hardworking that was why he could move his company to this point. It was even more due to the fact that any snitch he caught would suffer a long term imprisonment and other penalties. He dealt with them well and got employees who feared him.

"Good morning ma, welcome." The security men at the door greeted her when she walked forward, ready to enter the building.

She had wished to get to this point one day in her career. Turns out life already gave that to her on a platter of Gold.

"Welcome ma."

"Good morning ma."

"Good morning to you," Li Jing replied the many workers that greeted her before making her way to the elevator.

When she had stepped foot into the lobby, instantly four men in suit turned in her direction and walked up to her. At first she thought she had done something wrong, but when they greeted her and moved to her side, her mind had calmed down getting the drift.

"Ma, beginning from today, we are your personal escorts. This sis the order from the chairman."

The only thing Li Jing could do to reply them was nod and continued to the elevator with them at her side. For the first time in her life, she felt extremely important, she felt worthy, she felt good.

It was as though she was on top of the world with what was happening.


They were at their stop in no time and as they walked down the corridor, several heads lowered at the sight of her. If only Li Xiu could see her now and know that they were now of different class and level in life.

"Good morning ma. Welcome to Lin Group. My name is, Deng Meili. I am your personal assistant and secretary and this is your office for the mean time. Please, follow me."

Li Jing’s eyes darted to and fro as she took note of the surrounding. There wasn’t an office there but just a normal corridor. It was not until they passed the bend and came upon a wider part of the company with a few doors to 3 different offices.

Her personal assistant, Deng Meli made her way to the one on the right and stopped to wait for her.

"Ma’am this is your temporary office as the acting CEO of the company. Please, if you need anything, do not hesitate to let me know. I would leave you to do your thing while I head back to my desk." She turned around and pointed to the desk right at the other side from where they stood.

"Sure. No problem. Thank you."

She turned the doorknob and walked in while her bodyguard waited outside for her.

Her eyes widened and her lips fell ajar at the bigness of her office. Lefty to her it beat Ye Cheng’s office in terms of style and wideness.

She had everything present there at her disposal. A mini parlour stood in place with a flat screen television.

Her working table and chairs were top notch executive brand that had a certain comfort one could derive from looking at it.

"Wow!" It still felt unrealistic to her that she was living the life but today’s own proved it perfectly well.

"Time to work."

A couple of hours later, her personal assistant after briefing her on her schedule informed her of a visit from one of her business partners.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in."

The door pushed open and a man in his late twenties walked in. Li Jing slowly peeled her gaze from the work on her desk jhjist to see who her guest was.

With each step he took towards her desk, made begin to beat faster than normal. She did not understand this but something about him strike at her upon first meeting.

He had straight nice looking blonde hair with matching blue eyes that looked like they could pierce the ocean. His brows, nose and lips were all perfectly well structured that it felt like she was staring at a sculpture.

If not for the fact that she had seen Ye Cheng and Tang Zixin, she would have called him the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on.

"Morning. Nice to meet you," the young man greeted as soon as he arrived at her desk.

Li Jing quickly composed herself and stood up to greet him, accepting the hand that he stretched forward to her.

"Good morning, please do have your seat."

"Thank you." Both of them sat down and waited for one to speak.

Seeing as she was not forth coming, the young man broke the small silence.

"My name is Kim, Kim Fan. Nice to meet you, Miss Li Jing."

"My pleasure."

"I understand that it feels kind of weird seeing or having me here but this meeting had been slated for today with the CEO of the company. I put a call across to Chairman Lin and he assured me that the acting CEO would be very much capable in handling things in his absence."


"Yes. So I was a bit surprised when I saw you sitting behind that desk. I never expected he would allow you to take over running the company so soon but seeing as things are like this, I would say he trusts you much."

"Thank you, Mr Kim."

All these while as he spoke, Li Jing’s mind went on a thought wise journey. She knew the name Kim was familiar as she had seen that a lot of businesses had been done with them during her review of some of the company’s financial account details but that still did not ring much of a bell.

It was when she cracked her brain more that she recalled where the name had first come up that made her mind label it as a warning.

It was when her grandfather made mention of the reason why her mother left. It turns out that this was the son of the guy her mother was supposed to get married to, Kim Lam.

Wow! Small world. He was not looking bad and from the little interaction they had, Li Jing already knew he was a smart kid but she could not help this feeling in her, like her git was warning her to be careful.

It was strange and even more worrisome that her heart began to beat faster when he came. A part of her felt like clutching so hard top her chest and probably stop the fast beat of the heart bbut she knew that was not possible.

"Hello, Miss Li Jing?"

Li Jing blinked thrice as his loud voice had broke her out of her reverie. "Yes? Sorry, my apologies fr spacing out. I thought of something."

"Okay, no worries. Perhaps it is still a bit overwhelming and tiring on your first day. A simple advice, take things slow. Do not rush it and you would do fine."

He flashed her a brilliant smile showing his nice set of teeth to her.

"Thanks for the advice but I need to rush it and it isn’t overwhelming," Li Jing fired back at him calmly, returning his smile with one of hers.

"Okay, if you say so. Now back to business. We started a feasibility study on the new business plan. I do not know if you have been briefed on it?"

"Umm, the files got to my desk an hour ago, so I am afraid that you would have to brief me on things a bit, so I know how much I can help."

"Alright, but there is not much for us to talk about on now though. When you read you would best understand. I would explain but note this, be prepared for a vacation."



My apologies for the late update dearies. I had work and did not finish on time. Hopefully i would be able to make it two chapter uploads tomorrow.

Kindly keep supporting this book and do not hate Ye Cheng.

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