Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 320 - Double Spy

Chapter 320 - Double Spy



Li Jing did not wait for Kim Fan to speak before ending the call and pressing the telecom to call for her personal assistant.

"Time for phase two, Fen Fen."

"Glad this phase has arrived. At least let her know who is boss. It is you and not your aunties."


Knock! Knock!

"Come in." The door pushed open and Deng Meili walked in.

"You sent for me ma."

"Yes, I did. Come in close." Deng Meili did as she was instructed and walked further into the office.

"You are aware of the lawsuit that Kim Group sent to me?"

"Yes, ma."

"Good. Now, just how many people have you delivered the message to?"

"I do not understand ma."

"Okay, perhaps I am speaking in a foreign language, tell me, who you are working for honestly, Deng Meili."

"What? Ma’am, I am not working for anybody, And no one knows about your lawsuit from Kim Group. I never mentioned it to anyone."

"Oh okay. You said you are not working for anyone, then what about me, this company?"

"When I said that, I did not mean to exclude, Lin Enterprise. I only just said it. It is just you and..." She paused when she saw she was about to spill out the truth and coughed.

"I mean it is just you, I am working for."

"There is somebody else and I am interested in knowing. Last chance I give for you not to lie to me. I know you are working for somebody," Li Jing insisted.

"Truthfully ma. I am not working for anyone. Please believe me," Deng Meil pleaded.

"Okay then, since I decided to be liberal. I would not waste your time anymore. Before the end of today, send in your resignation letter."


"I hate liars and two-faced people the most. I gave you a chance to come clean and you refused. Do not worry, you would explain to the police what had happened, and with my evidence that you report to my auntie, be sure ready to spend years in prison as an accomplice or the main thief."


"What? Ma, I did nothing. I do not know why you do not want to believe me. I have been honest in my work for Lin Qi since..."

Li Jing arched her brows at her. That was it, she wasn’t even in too much trouble and she had already spilled the beans.

"You said?"

"No ma, that is not what I meant. I meant you, Miss Li Jing," Deng Meili tried to cover up her mistake.

"Tsk, do you think I am two years old that you can lie to so easily? Anyways, I have more than enough proof tying you down with my grand auntie but you still chose to lie to me."

"No ma. I never meant to do so. I am so sorry. Kindly forgive me," Deng Meili pleaded.

"Forgive you. I am sorry, I cannot have someone like you work under me. Be prepared, I have called the cops and they would soon be here. You can plead with them in jail."

"No ma, please. Wait do not do that. I do not want to go to jail, please."

Deng Meili no longer was proving to be stubborn and started begging with all sincerity. She had tried to be careful but ended up spilling the truth out for who she was working for.

"No. You deserve what is coming for you and more. Oh lest I forget, I have found who stole the files and know this, they were planning on making you the scapegoat. The people you worked for were planning on letting you take the blame. It is a pity that you still cover up for those who have abandoned you. Just listen."

In no time, the recorder started to play and Deng Meili could no longer deny it. She wasted no time in kneeling down and raising both hands, clasped in front of her to plead for forgiveness.

"Please ma. Reconsider."

"You really are a green snake in green grass. Give me one good reason as to why she should agree to your plea for forgiveness?"

"Ma, I was wrong. I was promised more money to help out with my mother’s hospital bill that is why I did it. Please I am sorry. I am not a bad person. Please. If you take this work from me and send me to jail, I won’t be able to take care of my sick mother. Please. I would do anything."

’You should have thought of the repercussion of your actions first before doing anything."

"I know ma, and I am very wrong. I admit. Please ma. I swear, I would do anything. Anything you want. Just do not let the cops come here."


"Anything ma. Please anything."

Before Li Jing knew what was happening, Deng Meili was already in tears, crying her eyes out.

"Hmm," Li Jing sighed and looked at her friend, hoping for some guidance on what to do.

Yin Lifen saw this and mouthed for her to be sure first before she does anything further.

"Okay, Deng Meili stand up." She did as she was told. "Wipe your tears." She obeyed. "Is it that what you are being paid here is so small?"

’No ma. But my family had been in debt for a long while and my work is the only supporting thing they have to lean on. I cannot afford to lose this job."

"Okay. Let us make a bargain. I would not report you on one condition."

"Anything ma. Just state it."

"Okay. You would have to be a double spy. Meaning you would still report to my grand auntie only what I tell you to report to her, while getting information about her plans and plots for me. Easy right?"

"Just that and I am free?"

"Yes, just that but if I find out that you are trying to double cross me, I would not only ruin you but your family too. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, ma."

"You should count yourself lucky that she is not willing to lock you up and is giving you another chance. But do not let this kind of a thing repeat itself again."

"Yes ma, I won’t. I promise."

"Good. I would arrange for my driver to follow you and sort out the hospital bills of your mother. Meanwhile, also know that Lin Jingyi is only using you. So be wise."

"Yes, ma. Thank you so much. Thank you very very much. I do not know how well I can thank you again. I am so sorry for what I did earlier. Please forgive me."

As she spoke, more and more tears began to flow out. She could not believe that her prayers had been answered and she got this kind of favor.

A part of her felt so bitter that Li Jing everyone thought as a bad person could be this good but none of them ever gave her a chance and made her feel like she was just a gold digger.

"I am so sorry."

"That is enough. Wipe your tears now or else you would be taken by the cops."

"Yes ma," She managed to clean her eyes and compose herself but if one looked closely at her they would see her gratitude and pain still clearly written all over her.

"You may leave now. Keep me posted on anything, okay. I have some other things to take care of."

"Yes, ma. Thank you once more."


By the time Li Jing got home from work, she met her grandfather in the living room waiting for her return.

"Grandfather! Good evening. How are you?" Li Jing greeted and went to kiss him on the cheeks.

"Hello dear. How are you? How was your day?"

"I am fine. My day was okay as well. I heard grandfather came to work today. My apologies for not coming over to greet you. I had some issues to clear and take care of."

"I know. I was aware. And how did you handle it? Have you found the person behind the whole problem?"

"Yes, grandfather. I have."


"I think you already know who. Auntie Lin Qi and Lin Xuilan with Lin Jingyi being the number one accomplice and stealer of the file."

"As I suspected. You did a good job dear. I guess you have already confronted them?" Lin Zian asked her. His face was already brimming with smiles as he awaited her reply.

"Yes. I confronted auntie Lin Xuilan. There is no need for grandpa to worry. She is under control now."

"Be careful with your aunties. They are advanced, more devious and they would stop at nothing to get back at you for the humiliation you caused them at the get-together."

"I am not scared, grandpa. In fact, I am prepared but how did you suspect they were the ones?"

A wide grin appeared on his face at that moment. "Even I have my ways, Li Jing. Just let that be. Okay, I would release you now."

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