Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 322 - Accident: Duan Tians Fear 1

Chapter 322 - Accident: Duan Tian's Fear 1


CHAPTER 322 – Accident: Duan Tian’s Fear

Li Jing yelled into her palm until she could not take it and she fell face forward on the bed, crying her heart out loud. "Mother! Where are you? Give me a sign to know that you alive."

She cried, letting the tears fall freely down her cheeks. "Please. Give me a sign. I need to know you are alive. I need to know where you are and what happened to you and father. Please."

Her heart bled for a woman she knew not. Her heart ached for a lady that when she looked at her picture, her worries dropped and her sorrows were lifted.

Her heart clenched for the lovely deity of a lady she had not known but she felt like she had known her forever.

Why she had not bothered so much in searching for her father was because she had no lead whatsoever as to where or who her father was.

At the very least, for her mother, she knew her name and where she was from. From her father, there was nothing. It was like a blank card.

So that was why she focused so much on looking for her mother, just so she could find her and then get to know who her father is and from there, reunite her family.

After lots of crying, Li Jing finally fell asleep looking at her mother’s picture in her phone.


~Four Months Later~

All seemed to have been going on smoothly for Li Jing and down till that moment she still had not heard from Ye Cheng.

It was as though he disappeared from her radar completely and she being a stubborn little girl, failed to actually call him.

She felt sad that she was willing to leave her family and come see him but on calling him he did not answer, neither did he return her calls.

It never meant to be this long but both of them got too engrossed in their work rather than finding time to check on the other person.

Unknown to Li Jing, Ye Cheng was hurt by what he saw and felt that she did not want him and all through, even though he ignore her call then, he had secretly hoped that she called just if she still cared about him but Li Jing being angry did not further fueling his thoughts that she didn’t like him as he did her.

On one sunny day when Li Jing closed from work she boarded her car and drove to the mall. It had also been a while since she saw Yin Lifen as she decided to return home and also focus on improving her family business.

Indeed Li Jing had challenged her to do more and she felt it was time to stop playing and do what needed to be done.

Both ladies had abandoned love in their lives and pursued after their career. So right now she did not have anyone to accompany her but even down to a driver she chose not to have anymore.

She already learnt how to drive and she did not want the special treatment. A part of the reason though was because it reminded her of her first driver experience which was due to Ye Cheng.

Li Jing felt that if she erase a lot of things about him in her life, it would help her in forgetting about the love she had for him and reduce the ache her heart felt.

So, she was just on her way to the mall and thinking casually of happy times she had with Yin Lifen when she heard a bump.


Quickly she placed her feet on the brake pad and pressed on it, coming to a stop before pressing her hand to her chest.

She calmed her beating heart first before she opened the door and highlighted from her car. At the same time the person in the car that bumped into her vehicle stepped down as well.

Immediately Li Jing saw the man, her lips moved into a corner of a smile and she quickly masked it as she walked up to the man, feighing being angry.

He of course had not known who she was as she was now so porch up and pretty. To make it worse, Li Jing was putting on a shade, completely blocking her face from him.

"I am so sorry, Miss. I never meant to do that./ I just got carried away."

"Is that any excuse?" Li Jing asked sternly.

"No ma. I am so sorry."

’Would sorry fix what you did to my car?" Li Jing questioned again and diverted her gaze to the the right side of the car at the back light.

She saw the lovely damage done to her car by the nuisance of a man standing before her.

"I would fix it up for you, Miss."

’Do you think you have the money to fix my car? You arte not even qualified to wash opr touch her let alone [pay for her repair," Li Jing insulted him, indirectly.

"Hey miss, just because I slammed into your car, doesn’t give you the right to talk to me like that."

"Oh... Now we are being offended. Tell me, what is your name?"

The man sized her up from head to toe first. She could see it in his eyes that he was contemplating what to do at that moment.

"Do not think too highly of yourself," the man responded daringly.

"Really? Tell me and maybe I can pardon your sin of smashing my car."

"Fine, my name is Duan Tian."

"Ah, Duan Tian. Duan, the young Lord of the Duan Group and heir to the empire."

Hearing the unknown lady praise him, Duan Tuan felt like he was on top of the world. He felt proud that even such a wealthy looking lady would know him.

"I am glad that Young Miss knows my name. Meaning our family is famous," Duan Tian said with a smile.

"Yes, famous for backstabbing and stealing."

"Young Miss!"

"What? Did I lie?"

He could not say anything to defend himself other than to frown at her.

"If you do not like it, then do something about my car. Fix it if you have the money to."

"Young miss, I can do anything if you chose to wave this off and turn a blind eye."

"Really? Anything?"

"Yes, anything," Duan Tian replied, causing Li Jing’s lips to curve upwards into a smirk. She loved it when her opponents said anything. It made her feel okay when she wanted to punish them.

"Okay, if you would kneel down and plead, I would consider this matter close and not make you pay for it."

Duan Tian could not deny that this was an insult for him, considering his personality but when he looked at her car again and saw the made, he knew that even in ten years he would not be able to afford it, so how was he going to pay for the repairs?

His family had fallen broke because of him. Of course he wouldn’t have the money.

"What are you waiting for?"

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