Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 336 - Found Out

Chapter 336 - Found Out



By the next day, Ye Cheng got a call informing him about all the problems Li Jing had for the past month.

Although the informant was well informed and he too was surprised that all the problems Li Jing encountered, one way or the other she managed to scale through them and still come out triumphantly.

"Well sir, of all the problems she had, only one seemed to stand strong and what I found out seems to be the reason why she left her city and returned here."

"And what is that?"

"Well I got it from a close informant to e precise, her second cousin spilled the beans to someone I know. It is about an arranged marriage to the heir of Kim group, Kim Fan."

"What?" Ye Cheng could not believe his ears. What was he hearing right now?

"Yes sir. On careful analysis, I saw that with the constant problems arising, she was not the candidate to come and start up their new branch yet but somehow the issue of her arranged marriage came at the same time and she left for Star City."

"Do you mean that she plans on escaping this by coming here?"

"Yes sir."

"I do not know whether to say it is stupid or not. Leaving to focus on a family’s business is not the right way to avoid an arranged marriage. Even if she is not there, they can still make preparations on her behalf."

"True sir and from the way I see it, I think it has been decided and settled without her. She is to marry Kim Fan."

"Hmm. That must be the message she got. Perhaps she was informed that everything had been set. She ran away but running does not solve a problem," Ye Cheng muttered to himself.


"Oh, it is nothing. No matter how one prolongs an issue, it doesn’t change it if you do not deal with the matter. I should know better because I am facing the same issue," he said in a very low voice.

"Sir, I cannot hear you," the caller once again said out to get Ye Cheng’s attention.

"I am sorry. I was just thinking. Thank you for your help. I would send the necessary payment. Just keep your ears on ground for me and get back to me on anything."

"Yes sir. Noted."


He removed the phone from his ear and allowed his mind to ponder on what he just heard. ’So she was facing this problem and never said anything? But why did she and Tang not announce their relationship, perhaps that would have deterred her grandfather from making such an arrangement.’

He let out a soft sigh. He was not liking where this matter was taking foot at. From how sad she was that she almost cried, Ye Cheng knew that she was hurt by the decision. It was too obvious she did not want to marry this Kim Fan of a guy.

’I better do something to help her out. But then again what do I... Wait a minute. Look at me looking for a way to solve her problem when I am in the same mess myself. Tsk, Ye Cheng...’

He shook his head at his own thought and went to sit down on the cushion in his room. ’On second thought, father asked me to marry within one week. I do not recall him saying or specifying to whom. What if...

His mind replayed back what his father had said on that day.

’Yes. It is either you get married or else I would strip you of your CEO title and rights.’

’You have one week to get married to her. No excuses whatsoever.’

’It is the best business deal for you and the company and if you are a true CEO, you would not be selfish with what is best for the company.’

"Hmm, what is best for the company he said. He never specified that I should marry Fang Qiuyue, he only said I should marry her and secondly what is best for the company, a business deal with Lin Enterprise is much better to me than Fang Company and Li Jing is a much more suitable candidate. She is what is best for the company."

Ye Cheng’s lips curved upwards at the thought and he smiled to himself. He was going to play his father’s game and do so very well.

Immediately, Ye Cheng dialed Li Jing’s number and waited for her to pick her call.

"Hello, Li Jing."

"Ye Cheng, what’s up?"

"Umm, I think I have found the solution."

"To what?"

"Our problems."

’Huh?" She did not have any idea as to what he meant but she knew he would not call her to say something stupid. "What problems do we have?"

"I would tell you when I see you."

"Ye Cheng I do not have much time. I still have..."

"Wait, listen to me," he said, interrupting her.

"Alright. I am listening."

"Good. I know about the text, the arranged marriage and I have a solution but I need you to trust me, Li Jing. Can you do that for me?"

"Yeah, I trust you." She held her breath and waited for him to keep on speaking. She was now interested in the so-called solution he said he had.

"Great. I would explain more when I see you. I would come and pick you up."

"No need, where should we meet up?"

"At the house. The other one I told you to stay in whenever you want to."

"Alright. I would be there in thirty minutes."

"Good. See you there."


"I may not be the one you have in your heart but I believe even I may be able to help you out."

Ye Cheng smiled at his plan. He was going to show them that their generation shouldn’t be tampered with.

He kept his phone in his pocket and picked up his car keys from his bedside table and made his way out of his room.

’Father just you wait, you would get what you want in my own way.’

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