Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 341 - Married

Chapter 341 - Married



Taking a deep breath with eyes etched forward, Li Jing took the first two steps and came to stand in front of Ye Cheng. "Morning."

Hearing her melodious voice, Ye Cheng raised his head up just so he could gaze at the heavenly beauty that owned the voice. His eyes shone with delight when his eyes locked on her.

Even in her simple outfit, she looked dazzling. As pretty as the radiant sun on the flowers in the garden, eliciting a graceful blend of divinity in it.

For a moment there, he forgot what to say next but due to his wit, he quickly composed himself and smiled back at her as though nothing had happened.

Unfortunately for him, Li Jing caught him staring and smiled at his sorry attempt to cover it all up. "You look good," Li Jing complimented.

"Thanks for the compliment. As do you. You look stunning my dear."

"Thank you. Shall we?" Li Jing did her best to present the best of smiles she could conjure.

"Sure. Let’s get married."

Together they walked into the registry. People present there thought of them as the perfect couple and as good as that was, it would have been good if they were marrying because of love but not what they were doing.

Photographs and all were taken and before long, it was official, they had their marriage certificate. Li Jing and Ye Cheng were lawfully married.

As soon as they stepped outside to where their cars were, Li Jing was about boarding hers and driving him when Ye Cheng took a quick step forward and blocked her path.

Li Jing raised her brows at him. She did not understand what he was doing but when she looked at his eyes she saw that he was no longer looking at her but behind her.

Curious as to what was happening, Li Jing turned her head and followed the line of his sight to look at the thing that captivated him.

What she saw, she had least expected. Not too far from where they stood was another car, a beautiful white and gold Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 with three of Ye Cheng’s bodyguards standing close to it and decoration of ’Just Married’ written on it.

The mere sight of the car was enough to steal Li Jing’s breath away as she stood rooted to the ground with mouth agape and eyes widened.

This was just so unbelievable. He really bought a Lamborghini just for such a fake wedding. Li Jing did not know what to say about this.

Instantly she turned to face him, her mouth still parted as she searched his eyes for answers but found a smile that radiated the depth of his heart.

He never meant ill with it and she knew that but she had done nothing to deserve such.

"You are my wife and if we are to have a wedding, be it fake, why not play the part and have an actual wedding, hmm?" He explained to her in a whisper.

He was careful not to speak too loudly to prevent anyone from understanding that this whole thing was just a façade.

His smile reached his eyes, he was glad he could steal her breath away and render her utterly speechless. At first, he wasn’t so sure of the result it would bring but look at it now, her was glad that he did.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing well."

"My point exactly. I am glad we are on the same page. If we must act, then we must play the part," Ye Cheng stated again.

"Yeah, and as such, I guess I have to do this now."

Before Ye Cheng could register what she meant in his head, Li Jing flung her arms around his neck and hugged him joyfully.


"Thanks a bunch." She moved in and pecked him on the cheek first before entangling one hand and letting it fall to her side while the other still hung loosely on his shoulder and she turned her head to the side to look at the car again.

"Just a peck?" Although he sounded angry the look on his face stated otherwise. He was happy to have her peck him even though he felt she may not have meant anything with it.

It was all still just an act.

"What else were you expecting?" Her smile remained as she spoke, saying it as though it was =nothing.

"Uhh, I don’t know you tell me. A newly wedded couple just got a Lamborghini as their wedding ride and all the wife could give the husband was a peck."

"I do not do PDA." Li Jing defended.

"Seriously now? The time at the bar when we kissed?"

"That was all you and not me."

"What about when we were outside on Christmas day."

"Still you, hubby."

"Okay then..." He paused, searching for the right accusation to use or say. "Yeah, in the presence of my staff on Christmas morning?"

Okay, Li Jing totally did not have anything to say to counter those words. That was indeed truly a PDA.

"Well huh...that was one time and the rest were you," Li Jing said with a smile.

’And what about when you and Tang Zixin kissed in front of a flower shop in a park? Hmm, that wasn’t PDA?’ Ye Cheng mumbled in his mind.

He felt really hurt about what she said but then again this was acting and he needed to do it well as soon, it would be all over on the media.

"So you see, they can just take it as your wife," she turned her head to the side to emphasize her point at the few people that were already gathered there to see the couple who owned the ride. "Is not a public display of affection kind of..."

Ye Cheng was already tired of seeking her permission. Ignoring what she was saying, he used one hand to hold her waist tighter and the other to tilt her head in his direction and before she could say, Jack Robinson, Ye Cheng had his lips pressed against hers.

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