Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 356 - One Step Closer

Chapter 356 - One Step Closer



Li Jing watched as his eyes widened when he began to chew on the cake. Not saying anything, she smiled and took her leave.

This was going to be her first step in getting back his interest in her. And if all she planned didn’t work then perhaps he really had lost interest.

’Now, this is not the time to think sad thoughts Li Jing.’ She scolded herself in her mind then smiled brightly like nothing was wrong and went to make him a delicious dinner.

Moments after she had left Ye Cheng took another bite at the cake and actually closed his eyes since she wasn’t there to savour the taste of the snack.

’Damn!’ he thought and finished eating what he had on his fork. He picked up a table cloth and was about using it to wipe his mouth when his hands brushed on his cheek and a thought came to mind.

He recalled what she did when she pecked him and subconsciously he reached his fingers towards where she had pecked but when they were about making their mark with his face he stopped.

He really wanted to touch it and feel it but a thought flashed in his mind that what if she had only done that for public sake to keep up all appearances and not because she actually felt something for him?

He shook his head at the thought, and still wanted to feel it when he realized that he had company.

He quickly cleared his throat as he noticed his servants looking at him. He wasn’t one to behave that way in public but if only they knew that their boss was just someone crying to be loved on the inside.

Her wiped his lips and dropped the cloth to continue eating.

By the time his meal was ready, Ye Cheng was perfect done with the desserts and for some reason he was waiting.

Was it that he was actually looking forward to her cooking now or what? He could not understand it himself but what could he do.

For today he was just going to play along and act like he was to initially.

He watched as Li Jing took her steps slowly till she got to the table, setting the dishes one after the other from the tray and went back to get more.

Why she had been slow was due to the fact that she was actually surprised to have seen that he waited.

In fact ever since their wedding day when they ate together, the couples have not been seen together in public like this.

Both of them have been forming busy with their office works and all but today...

Today, Li Jing was determined to change all of that.

"Your food has been served. Please kindly eat your dinner. You need it to work well. I have been told you haven’t been eating well these days and that has got to change honey."

’Honey? She really is getting into her role quite fast. Tsk I wonder if she still calls Tang Zixin that as well.’ Ye Cheng wasn’t buying it. Rather it was irritating him somehow.

"Fine. I would eat," he said blandly.

That evening nothing much happened at dinner other than he eating and feeding her when she requested it once a while for appearances sake but when it became too much, he told her to feed herself instead.

’Such an unromantic CEO.’ Li Jing thought to herself but took it in good faith. She was determined to set things straight whether he liked it or not.

After dinner Ye Cheng left first and went back to his study but this time around he went to the one upstairs, leaving Li Jing to do her thing.

Soon night time came and by the time he got to the room, he met her sound asleep. He had missed holding her honestly but he made a promise to her not to do anything she didn’t want him to do.

Just watching her lie down there like a peaceful child actually made him wish he could just hug her from behind and enjoy the peace with her too.

He sighed, turning his head to the side where his table was and found a document waiting atop the desk.

Moving close, he took it and picked up his laptop too. There was still so much work that needed to be done on the office.

Immediately he sat down on the bed, he opened his system and got to work. Unknown to him, as soon as he entered the room, Li Jing woke up.

She had intentionally slept on time so that she could be awake and take note of the exact time he came and left.

Stylishly she stirred in her sleep and turned to face him then went back to sleep again. Ye Cheng looked over and found out that she had pushed the covers away and helped her cover herself up, shielding her from the cold properly.

’Thanks for the meal. It really was as great as the last time I tasted your cooking.’ Ye Cheng complimented her then returned his gaze to the system.

With no more interruption, he began to work on his system. Unknown to him, Li Jing was watching carefully and she saw all that he was working on.

At first she felt like he kept late nights to avoid her but now she actually saw that he had so much to be done. Within fifteen minutes his eyes had begun to drop close. It kept on for another three minutes and then he could no longer hold it.

He closed the system and dropped the document on top of it then placed it on his bed side stool. Right now he was mega tired all he could think of was sleeping to relax his body.

That was how tired he was that he did not bother to even do the right thing.

When Li Jing was sure another thirty minutes had passed and he was fast asleep, she smiled to herself but as quickly as it came, it disappeared.

Not saying a word, she too stood up from the bed and silently walked towards the small bedside table.

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