Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 358 - He Loves You

Chapter 358 - He Loves You



"How sure are you?" Li Jing was forced to ask as he knew that Han Qing Qing now had an idea of what was going on between her and Ye Cheng.

She wanted and needed that clarity that he was still in love with her so that she wouldn’t fight a lost cause.

"Anyways, that aside. What I came here for before I go see him. Han Qing Qing, answer me truthfully, is Ye Cheng having any financial crisis? His the company suffering like it did when I arrived then?"

Instantly as she mentioned those words, Han Qing Qing’s smile dropped. She was no longer comfortable with the idea and did not want to lie to Li Jing even though Ye Cheng warned her not to say anything but she knew that his stubbornness was making him do what he shouldn’t while also stressing out even more.

"Honestly, Li Jing, we are okay but then we are lacking something. Although it is not as terrible at then when we had thse money hungry souls steal the company’s money."

"ay, thank goodness. So what does the company lack?"

"A financial manager."


"Yes. Ever since you left, Ye Cheng had refused to hire someone else."


"Come, let me show you something." Han Qing Qing held her hand and led Li Jing away.

Within a few minutes they were already standing in front of a door, one that Li Jing had come to cherish as her first step in rising up.

"Financial Manager," Li Jing read the words out loud causing Han Qing Qing to turn in her direction and smile at her.

"It brings back memories?"

"It does," Li Jing quietly said.

"Shall we?" Han Qing Qing asked and when she got a nod as an approval, she unlocked the door and they both strode in.

Everything was just as she had left it. There was no change whatsoever. Just standing there and looking at the office, brought back old memories. She could still envision herself seated on her chair with all her attention fixed on the work at hand.

Before she knew what was happening her eyes stung and she smiled then shook her head to get her mind back.

Just on the table, her eyes landed on the telephone there, causing another breathless smile to envelop her being.

That was the telephone he always used to call for her, especially when her own phone was on airplane mode. "Hehhe..."

Han Qing Qing was shocked by the sudden giggle she heard from Li Jing and looked at her friend to see what had made her laugh but she found nothing even after following her line of sight.

"What I the matter, Li Jing?"

"That, the telephone." He pointed at it then continued. "He always called me via it or you did or he left a message for my assistant when my phone wasn’t reachable," she explained with a face still full of smiles.

"I see. Hehee, although it felt like he was demanding, my boss still left a good memory with that annoying tactics of disturbing you just so he got to see your face."

"Who would have thought that I would come to miss this?" Li Jing absent mindedly stated.

"No one, Li Jing, no one."

"Everything is just as new and the same as I left it."

"I told you, didn’t I? Even then, he refused for them to enter your office to clean it as he somehow wanted to preserve your scent in there or the feel of your presence but after a while, dusts had began to set in that was when he agreed to them cleaning it but leaving things in place as you did."




As they spoke, they failed to realize that someone somewhere was watching them. The moment they stepped foot into Li Jing’s office, a red light by the wall to his left began to blink.

He had installed that there to be able to monitor who entered her office and who didn’t. Whenever someone other than him did, the red light would blink several times till he got up to check the CCTV footage in the office and see who it was.

He was shocked when he saw that the ones breaking in was none other than Han Qing Qing and Li Jing, the owner herself.

"What is she doing here? First the help and now this? Hmm, I better go down there and find out what is going on."

Ye Cheng stepped back and closed his laptop before exiting the room, hurrying to where the two of them were.


"I can’t believe he would do that."

"Yes. I did tell you he loved you. Who would do that if they weren’t somehow attached to the person in question Ye Cheng cared deeply."

"So it would seem," Li Jing stated absentmindedly again.

"And I am sorry that I may be prying but what really happened between you two? I still see the emotions when I look into your eyes via your wedding pictures. It wasn’t a pretense. It was real but I can also feel an air of indifference radiating from you two especially him. Why?"

"Well... I do not know myself."

"Hmm, why wouldn’t you? Okay let me help you out on that. The last time I saw him still joyed and talking about you was during our last business meeting trip before valentine."

"Oh really."

"Yes, back then I knew he was planning..."


Both ladies turned around swiftly when they heard the door pushed open. They had least expected such an entrance and that had startled them all.

"Ye Cheng!"


He could see the look of surprise in their eyes and his lips tugged at the corner, smirking at them.


"Hello, Li jIng."

"Ye Cheng."

"Why are you two here?" His cold piercing eyes shone with a certain depth in them, causing Han Qing Qing to fret a bit but seeing as Li Jing did not move a muscle, she tried to relax.

"Han Qing Qing, please excuse us."

"Yes sir." She hesitated a second, but thought that it was best, then she left.

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