Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 367 - Till The Day I Die

Chapter 367 - Till The Day I Die



"No, I am sorry dear. I should not have given up on you like that. Yes I was angry and hurt about the possibility that someone else had your heart after you made me wait in my pursuit for you and so I...I regret all of my actions and my anger. It was uncalled for."

Li Jing shook her head. No he needn’t apologize to her. It was all because of her and not him. He had all the right to get angry at her. He was hurt and she did not even know. He had to keep that pain in him yet when she was in trouble he was the first to help her out.

"Nah, I should have seen it coming and known that Tang Zixin would do so. I am sorry. I should have also picked your call and if my love was as strong as I felt, I should have gone to you and ask why you refused to pick the call. I guess I was still new to it all and did..."

"Shhh." He placed a finger over her lips. Stop talking Li Jing. We were both at fault. We were stubborn mules. We were our own problem. We let our work, anger and duty to our families lead us and we put our hearts second below them."

"Now I know better and I would never try it again," Li Jing promised.

"Neither would I," Ye Cheng assured her. And just to assure her further, "I am going to seal this promise with a kiss. No matter what happens in the future, we wouldn’t break up nor leave each other. You love me right?"

"I do with all of my being," Li Jing eagerly replied. She looked like a child waiting her turn to give her own presentation.

"That’s my girl. I love you too, Jing love. I promise to love you and only you till the day I die."

Ye Cheng did not know why he was making her that promise. Was it that he had forgotten about his childhood love all of a sudden?

Even though he had not forgotten about her but his heart would only beat in his chest for her and that was worth more to him than anyone else and if he did still find her of which he promised himself to, he would plead with her that he could not keep his promise to her and beg for her blessings to live his life peacefully with his wife.

"I will love you till the day I die as well, Ye Cheng," Li Jing promise as well. It was such a funny thing, even they themselves felt like high schoolers that promised themselves heaven and earth but would not end up keeping it.

Although that was the case most time, Ye Cheng was determined to let it be so. He had been with her for almost a year now and he knew his growth with her.

Right now he did not think there would be any joy in his life without L Jing and he was determined to go any length to fight for her hand rightfully.

While those thoughts ran through his mind, the very same ones ran through Li Jing’s mind.

She did not have much though, all she had planned in her head was nothing other than being with him every day of her life.

Her issues were minimal. And although she knew her grandfather had not fully accepted her marriage with him, she did not bother with it much.

He had more to lose than she ever would. She was going to live her life based on her own terms and no other persons. If he still valued her enough to want to have her as his granddaughter then he would stay away.

On the other hand, Ye Cheng had much more work to be done. He would need to find some way to keep his father in check permanently.

"It is settled then. No one can come between us again," Ye Cheng began to say.

"Even if they do, thistime around I would fight for what is mine. I would fight for my hubby. All those girls better beware and keep their naughty fingers to themselves and not let me catch them. Anyone who tries to tamper with my happiness would suffer the price, tenfold."

"Wow, that’s my love. My wife is a good fighter."

"Yes, I am jealous much. I won’t be hurt. Next time I see someone like that girl in the hotel,ould walk up to you and kiss you had then snarl at her and take you away."

Ye Cheng was left speechless. His girlfriend was more fierce than before. She wasn’t the timid naïve lady he knew.

Hehhehe this time she was ready to protect what was hers.

"I love that and every other guy should stay clear from my baby. You are mine alone."

"As are you. You belong to me."

"I love this possessive side of yours," Ye Cheng finally confessed.

"Me too." Both of them smiled at each other again. It was nice how things changed from a terrible situation to a lovey dovey one.

The brought their faces closer again and kissed each other passionately. No one was shy, nooone blushed. It was what they wanted.

It was a seal. They had sealed their love and let heaven bear them witness. No more apart and separate but now together, now and forever.

Their marriage was now true and unified.

"Together forever," Ye Cheng noted, before diving in for another kiss.

This time around there was no holding back. He was going to be with her like they were meant to be.

She too, she did not want to stoop fpr any reason. She wanted to be with him and unify their bodies soul and spirit.

With mouths entwined, fingers began to move of their own accord and began to touch and caress the other. Their breathing soon became labored as the atmosphere itself changed.

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