Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 374 - Date With Huizhong

Chapter 374 - Date With Huizhong



Just as it was planned, Hao Zhi Ruo told Li Xiu of the date with someone important and after some much talk, Li Xiu agreed.

Currently, she was seated on one of the chairs in the restaurant, waiting for her supposed guest. Unfortunately for her, she had not been able to create the opportunity for their meeting.

Now, she had time and fixed the time and place for the meeting but her supposed date did not keep to time.

It was already twenty minutes past the stipulated time and Li Xiu was not one to favor lateness even though she wasn’t perfect as well.

As her thoughts and her anger began to surface, she heard a deep voice and paused, stopping what her fingers were doing on her phone and slowly lifted up her eyes.

Subconsciously, Li Xiu’s lips parted when she saw the dazzling young man standing in front of her. He wore a simple dark brown tuxedo which seemed to match his curly hair that was left to cascade down his shoulders and his bright brown eyes that captured the hearts of onlookers.

For a moment there Li Xiu forgot to breathe as she was carried away and mesmerized by the handsome stranger.

"Hello, Miss Li Xiu, my name is..."

"Hao Huizhong..." Her lips remained agape after uttering his name. He looked so much finer and cuter than his younger sister.

Honestly, when Hao Zhi Ruo had made mention of her brother wishing for a date and stating he had a business proposal for her, Li Xiu was tempted to actually decline the offer but then when she recalled how useful it might be to her father’s company, her mind changed and she agreed.

"Fine, I would agree to this business date but that is what it is and nothing more," Li Xiu stated firmly.

"Exactly boss. He would not disturb you. All he wants to do is work with you on a business deal and I believe that this company needs all of the deals we can get right now," Hao Zhi Ruo advised.

"Hmm, nice thinking. Alright, everything would be so. I would get back to you on when I would be free, then we can set a meeting at that time."

"Noted ma. I would inform him of your decision then."

"No problem." Hao Zhi Ruo wasted no time in dipping her head down a bit and exiting the office.

’There isn’t much to lose anyway, if his appearance is nothing to write home about, I would excuse myself and if his deal is also terrible, I simply just have to make Hao Zhi Ruo pay for it.’ Li Xiu thought and then smiled wickedly to herself.

Who would have thought the handsome man standing in front of her was indeed the person that wanted to speak to her?

Although he wasn’t as handsome as Ye Cheng, he still was very much good-looking and a nice man worthy of the blushes and compliments of women.

"Yes, I am Hao Huizhong. Nice to make your acquaintance." Stretching forth his hand he smiled and motioned for her to shake him.

She blinked, trying to bring her thoughts back to the present and smiled back then shook his hands.

"Pleasure is all mine, please, do have a seat." Li Xiu offered and tried her best to compose herself before him.

"Thank you." He took the seat opposite her and picked up the menu on the table. "All through his search on what he wanted to have, she had her eyes on him. "Umm, wouldn’t Miss Li want something to eat too?"

"Ah! Yes. I would get um..." She picked hers up to make her order fast. In as much as she did not want to look stupid right now, she still felt kind of stupid. "Give me the shredded chicken please and um a strawberry and cream milkshake."

By now a waiter had seen the complete pair and went to attend to them. The young man dipped his head a bit low, nodding in an understanding of her order then looked over at Hao Huizhong.

"Sir, what would you like to have?" The waiter politely asked her.

"Umm, I would take the curry chicken with a nice Martini."

"Noted sir. Please your order would soon be ready."

Once the waiter had disappeared out of sight, Hao Huizhong’s smile suddenly disappeared. "Now, Miss Li, I came for business and I believe we can talk about it now."

The change in the atmosphere had completely left her speechless. This was the handsome young man who looked crazily cute a while ago, right now all he looked like was a very handsome devil of which he was or going to be.

"Okay. I am really interested in the business you decided to bring to the table especially to our company."

"Oh, you got the wrong idea. This meeting today wasn’t to talk about any business arrangement with Li Group."

"Then what am I here for?" Li Xiu’s smile dropped as well. She did not understand the meaning of the whole problem but here she was.

One minute she had hoped that it was something business likes so she could prove to top her father she wasn’t particularly useless and now he says this?

"Calm down. I would get there."

"Your food is ready sir." Both of their heads turned almost instantly to look at their side. Of a truth, the food was ready and served. The waiter finished his fair share of work then left the two to their sumptuous meal. "Enjoy."

"Hmm. Now please can you tell me?" Li Xiu asked impatiently.

"I am afraid our discussion would have to wait. It would be the wrong etiquette to eat while talking so enjoy your meal first and then any other discussion shall follow."

Ignoring her puzzled look, Hao Huizhong took up his cutlery set and began to eat, leaving Liu Xiu to follow his lead.

By the time they were done, he smiled at her and nodded his head. "Now, we can resume. To make things sharp so that I do not bore you, I am going to move straight to the point. The business deal my sister talked about isn’t just any ordinary deal."

’Yes, now tell me what it is, and do not make me waste my time."

"Fine. Li Xiu, we are well aware of your sour sisterhood relationship with your sister, Li Jing and we would like to help you further in your quest to bring you down."

He was so blunt and straight to the point that he left Li Xiu speechless once more.


"Yes, you asked me not to waste your time and that is exactly what I am going to do. It is no news of your relationship with Li Jing and how you would wish her downfall, great. The person I work for also has a personal issue with her and needs someone who knows Li Xiu so well to complete the job."

"Umm. But I think you are getting something wrong here," Li Xiu stated as a matter of fact.

"And that would be what?"

"You... no, I mean my relationship with my sister, it is not sour. Although Li Jing is not particularly an all too good girl due to her character, that would not mean I would do all it takes in my power to bring her down. I wish my sister the very best in life. Even though it hurts not to be a part of her wedding."

Her acting skills were great and if it were someone who did not know her, they would have believed her lie very easily.

However, this was Hao Huizhong, he had done a proper investigation about the Li family a very long time ago and he knows that the sisters are not to be reckoned with. "Hahhaaa hahaa..."

Li Xiu who have thought she did a great job was stunned to see him laughing. It was one heck of hearty laughter that lasted so long before he quieted it down.

"Li Xiu, this is why you are the perfect candidate for this kind of job. Tell those lies to someone else like the public if you must but not to this guy." He said pointing at himself then leaned in closer on the table. "I know you and I know the hatred you have for her... Tsk, do this to someone else and they would believe."

"So what if it is a lie? She is not anything in particular so why should I bother to make good speeches?"

"That is my point. I need that seething hatred. you can do this job I have already seen it."

"Really?" She blushed at his compliment and lowered her eyes. It was then something occurred to her and she looked up at him again, no longer blushing but a bit angry, depending on the answer she got next.

"So if you want me so bad due to my rage, okay but why not go get Li Jing yourself? The way it is, you are exploiting my rage and anger for her."


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