Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 408 - Love Letter

Chapter 408 - Love Letter



Meanwhile, Ye Cheng was busy in his office when a knock came on his door and it pushed open.

"Sir." Han Qing Qing called out calmly.

"Yes?" Slowly he pried his eyes off the work in front of him and looked at her.

He did not need her to answer for him. Just her standing there with the bouquet she was holding was more than enough to leave him speechless.

"Sir, this just came in. It was addressed to you."

He did not need to ask from who as he already have a great idea as to whom sent it but his instincts got the better of him and he asked because a part of him feared it might be from one of his numerous crushes and if so, he did not want it to enter his office.


Rather than answering, Han Qing Qing smiled at him. He knew from her smile that his hunch was right and he nodded at her.

Taking her time and walking nicely, she waltzed into the room with the bouquet and a box in hand. By the time she arrived in front of his desk, she dropped it and then took three steps back.

"Sir, Mrs Li Jing sent them."

"Thank you."

"I think I am not the one you should be thanking. It should be your wife."

"I know. I would call her too and do something splendid for her."

"Alright, sir." With that, she bowed her head and was about to take her leave when his voice rang out.

"Qing Qing."


"Please put a call to Rong Royals for me. And make the necessary arrangements. Tell Rong that it is a treat for his sister in law."

"Noted sir."

With that, Han Qing Qing took her leave and made her way out to carry out what was asked of her.

After she had left, Ye Cheng picked up the bouquet of flowers and smiled. His wife really outdid herself. All he expected was a love letter and nothing else.

After bringing the flowers close to his nostrils and inhaling them, he let out a satisfied sigh first then he picked up the box, dropping the flowers back on the table.

After tearing off the wrappings, Ye Cheng closed his eyes briefly, opened them to the lovely package in front of him.

Right before his eyes, laid a box of chocolate and a letter atop it. He smiled brightly before picking the letter up. He could barely wait to see the content of the letter as his heart and mind had begun to jump in joy.

It was already almost noon and he had waited so much for it. Finally, it got to his table.

Opening the letter, Ye Cheng’s eyes moved to and fro, admiring the lovely handwriting of his wife before he read in his mind.

’Dearest Hubby,

I write this letter to you from my heart, in appreciation of the love given to me by you. Right from the day I first met you, everything in my life changed and nature was screaming to me that this was him. This is the man of your dreams but I was too blinded to see the truth on time until it was almost too late.

Each moment spent with you since then had always and would always be the best moments of my life. You are the joy that begins my day and the light that ends each day.

When you are close, my hearts leap for joy at the thought of your being there and even when you are far away, I can still feel your presence so close to me.

Those past months when we were not together were one of my saddest and loneliest months but I was just too stubborn to listen to reason and reach out. Being with you now, out rules those lonely days but I want to cherish every day with you and look forward to a greater future.

I love you, Ye Cheng Michael. I do not know why but it seems like this love has been since time began and all my life even though I have only known you for a year. I love you and I want you to know that you are my sunshine, my moon, my star and my light.

Thank you for coming into my life and I bless fate for that glorious encounter. Be my forever as I am yours, my heart. With love,

Your Love,

Li Jing.

A proud smile overshadowed his face at that instant. He did not even know what to say and after about two minutes of thinking about what she wrote, he read it again and again and again till he completed a round of ten times before dropping the letter on the table.

"Hahhaaa..." A peal of small laughter escaped his lips, causing his smile to reach his eyes. His heart was so full of joy that Ye Cheng did not know when a teardrop escaped his eyelid.

"Li Jing. Oh, my love. My love..."

Quickly he picked his phone and scrolled through his contact list then dialled on a contact.


"Hey, Cheng, what’s up?"

"I have never been better."

"Ohh... Wow, what is the good news, come on tell me."

"Tsk, what makes you think I would tell you anything Rong?"

"Because we are buddies and your joy is my joy, your peace, my peace."

"Umm, if I did not know that you were straight, I would have thought you were hitting on me. Leave my joy and peace for my wife. It has nothing to do with you."

"Stop being such a grumpy old man," Rong teased and laughed at his own joke but Ye Cheng wasn’t smiling.

"Well, this grumpy old man has other things to tend to. I would drop my order, make it special okay, cause next tomorrow, I would be going for a vacation with my wife and I would like for you to supply all of your best delicacies to my vacation house."

"Nice but what about your evening outing to the restaurant today?"

"Oh that, I am going to cancel."


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