Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 414 - Unannounced: Visitor

Chapter 414 - Unannounced: Visitor



"It is alright, Li Jing. I mean it. By the way, how is the young man that stole your heart?"

"He is fine. We are good."

"I can see that. I wish you both the very best in life. More happiness. Here, a toast to your married life."

They all raised their wine glasses with smiles on their faces and clicked glasses on each other before drinking.

’To my happiness.’


Like every other day, Li Jing got home later than usual and met that Ye Cheng was already home waiting for her.

Due to how exhausting her day was, she wasn’t in too deep with cooking but when she saw him seated on the cushion in the living room with a bored look on his face as his finger moved up and down on his phone, she felt bad that she had caused him to wait for her.

As if on cue, her eyes darted over to the dining area and she spotted unused dishes on the table with plates perfectly and neatly covered, untouched as they had been.

A soft sigh left Li Jing’s lips the moment she took her next step forward. He was missing her and because of that, he refused to eat his meal.

More importantly, he wouldn’t want to eat them especially when she wasn’t the one that cooked it. Her heart already told her that he may have called her severally but when she recalled that her phone was on the table and she didn’t get a call or message from him, she smiled.

It wasn’t like he did not eat the food made by the chef in his house prior, he did but when she wasn’t home early, he lost his appetite and waited for her.

Stopping right in front of him, Li Jing dropped her bag on the chair beside him and lowered her butt on his laps while wrapping her arms around him, in a bear hug.

Ye Cheng did not move at first, he remained stiff for some seconds as though his mind wasn’t there at the moment before he relaxed and wrapped his hand around her waist.

"I’m sorry, honey."

"It is okay. What matters is that you are home now."

Even though his mouth said one thing, his heart said another thing, he missed her.

He was hurt when she didn’t come to his company and thought that she was probably home relaxing or something but when he came home, he did not find her and when he called her company, he was informed she left since with her friend.

Pulling back, Li Jing looked into his brown eyes, searching for the truth in his heart. "It matters. I got carried away and just hanged out with my friends rather than rushing here to you."

"No, babe. In as much as I love to have you around, I have to get used to the fact that I may not always have you around me. Just because you are married to me, doesn’t mean that you would never have your life to yourself again. You have friends, mix up and have fun."

"But you were missing me, right?"

"Of course I miss my wife. Why wouldn’t I?"

"I am not so sure, if not you would have called me or sent a message."

"You are doubting your hubby right now?"

"Nope but I want to know why you didn’t call?" Li Jing quickly changed her words.

His chest rose and fell but he kept quiet, just allowing his eyes to feed in the beauty of his beloved. "Honey..." she began to probe but as soon as she started, Ye Cheng made it his job to stop her.

Before Li Jing knew what was happening, he leaned in close and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her with all that he got.

"Aah." Her lips parted willingly, welcoming his tongue into her mouth, sucking and teasing him like a new flavoured ice cream she couldn’t get over.

After some seconds, they broke the kiss with hands caressing the other’s face. "I love you, baby and I miss you so much. Is that clear?"

"Hmm." She nodded her reply, her lips still parted and eagerly waiting for more.

Ye Cheng smiled at her, before pecking her on the lips and pulling her head down a bit to kiss her forehead then lifted her face so she could look at him deep in his eyes.

"I did not message or call you for a reason. I wanted you to be free. I did not want to be controlling or possessive, although I am jealous they got to enjoy your time till you were exhausted while I got the tired you."

"I am so sorry."

"Nah, it is okay. At least I get to massage you and pamper you."

"Thanks, hubby, but right after I make you something nice to eat."

"No need. There is. You haven’t touched your meal and I know why."

"Sigh, Jing, no need to bother with that. Come let me wash you up and pet you to sleep."

"Nah, I would sleep better knowing that my hubby has eaten something. Do not worry yourself much. So please, let me prepare you curry chicken and specialized noodles. I would garnish it with every nutritious healthy ingredient I can find."

"Fine. I look forward to that but, I would cook with you."

"Nope. You look too stressed out to do anything, Ye Cheng. You need proper rest before helping out, yourself."

He pouted his lips at her. He loved her serious self, more and even her bossy self, had a way of making him feel funny. He was always so used to watching over her and being in control of things in his life but now that she wanted to, he felt somehow.

"Love, please let me join you, okay? Then after eating, we go get a shower together."

"Fine. I guess I cannot refuse now, can I?"

"Obviously not! I am yours after all." He smiled at her, then he kissed her on the lips again, before helping her up and standing with her.

Just as they were about to leave to the kitchen, the doorbell rang, pulling everyone’s attention towards the door.


Quickly, a maid raced out from one of the rooms she was working in and hurried to get the door. Meanwhile, Ye Cheng and Li Jing did not move a muscle as both of them waited earnestly to see who the person was.

"Yes, good evening. Yes sir. Okay. I would inform them. Please do come in." She stepped back, pulling the door wide open with her, to usher in the august visitor.

Unlike Li Jing, right from when their visitor spoke, he already had a good grip as to whom was there but Li Jing had to wait for their visitor to step inside before she could see who it was.

As though on cue, the minute his feet stepped into the house, Ye Cheng wrapped his left hand securely around Li Jing’s waist, pulling her closer to his body.

This singular action had caused her to take her eyes off the door and peered deep into her husband’s eyes. Following her lead, Ye Cheng too peeled his eyes from the door but not before making sure their unexpected visitor looked at his face first.

And then he looked at her. The way and manner in which they stood so close, with their faces just a few breaths away, made it look like a lover’s opera about to kiss.

No one spoke. Everywhere remained calm and even the guest remained silent as he watched the show go on.

After about a minute and thirty seconds of just searching for the unspoken words in each other’s eyes, Ye Cheng smiled at her, pecked her lips and then turned his head around to look at their visitor.

"Well, come in," he announced out of the blue with a cheeky victorious smile on his face.

"Thank you."

’That voice!’ Li Jing thought and like a spellbound fool, she whipped her head to the side and her own eyes locked with his. "Tang..."

"Tang Zixin, do come and have a seat please." He let go of Li Jing and sat down, pulling her by the hand so she could sit down close to him.

In as much as he wanted her to sit on his laps, he felt that would be too much for the young man who was equally in love with his wife.

Besides, it wasn’t like he intended to use her to get him angry or something. He just wanted to show that she was his or perhaps, a part of him recalled what had happened previously.

"Tang Zixin, welcome." Li Jing gave him her best smile. She had not had time to see him since after her fight and reconciliation with Ye Cheng. It was thoughtful, he decided to drop by.

"Thanks, Li Jing, Ye Cheng. Good evening. Apologies for dropping by unannounced."

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