Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 419 - Confrontation

Chapter 419 - Confrontation



By the time Li Jing arrived at the Lin Mansion, she was shocked to see everyone behaving and acting like nothing terrible had happened.

At first, she began to doubt if the maid wasn’t just pulling her legs and all. Perhaps it was a ploy to get her to come back home and stuff like that, but regardless of what it was, she was here and she told herself she could leave at any point in time.

"Young Miss, welcome home," the head butler greeted her with a bow before raising his head and gesturing towards the elevator. "If you do not mind, may I assist young miss with her bag?"

"No need to worry. I am fine. How are you and how is the house?" Li Jing asked him and even though it felt like her attention was on him, it really wasn’t the case as she took her time to scan the house she had stayed in for six months of her life as to whether or not there was any clue as to why they were like this.

"Umm, this way, miss."

"It is okay. Where is grandfather? Why isn’t he here?"

"Umm..." the head butler cleared his throat and turned his eyes away. "Umm, he is not here at the moment. Anyways, I believe that Young miss must be tired from her journey, please do rest your head and I would have dinner be served to you."

"I am sorry but I intend not to take another step further. Really what is going on in this house?"

She was determined to find out what was going on by all means and that was not going to change. Her being here, she had so many goals.

One was to find out who was behind her grandfather’s attack and the other, what her grand auntie was up to and why or who gave them the order to behave as though nothing happened because in doing that, they would throw the public off their backs and also thwart the work of the police on the issues.

"I am sorry Young Miss but I am afraid I do not know what you are talking about."

Li Jing scoffed as her lips pulled to the side in a half-smile. She let her lashed move up and down in a stylish manner before dropping her hand to her side and smiling brightly at him.

"I believe who told you to lie to me is very much capable of settling you and finding you a better job."

"Ma?" His head rose up instantly when he heard the light threat that she gave. The look in his eyes held that of pain and disbelief but Li Jing wasn’t buying that.

"Why? You heard me quite well or do you want to also deny that fact?"

Turning around, she smiled at the few maids that had stopped what they were doing to look at the small drama happening.

"Perhaps I should make it clearer and more official, right?" Her lips parted as her smile shone through at the head butler. "As from this day, no longer would he be the..."

"My lady..."

Li Jing paused in her statement and turned around slowly to see the person who had the nerves to interrupt her. Right before her eyes stood the lady that had attended to her when she was here.

"Alix." Li Jing carefully analyzed her from head to toe as she took three steps in her direction. "Alix oh Alix. Kai Alix, it is a pleasure to meet you again."

"I am sorry young miss. I did not mean to be rude in whatever way."

"O really, now." Li Jing wasn’t buying any of this and even though she knew that when she was around, Alix was loyal, she could not say about now, considering different things had been happening.

It wasn’t too good to just trust anyone now that her grandfather had been attacked out of the blue.

"I understand your concern and what you must be thing..."

"Shock me," Li Jing said, interrupting her. "What am I thinking?"

"I would give details later but know this ma." Li Jing crossed her hands in front of her chest and waited to hear what her head maid was going to say. "You see, I just did not want to see him lose his joy as he had lost so many family members and relatives. So, that was why all these came to be."

"All these?"


After that, Li Jing and Alix moved up to her room to go discuss. She wasn’t completely okay with discussing this issue outside.

After all, one could not really tell who was who anymore as having spies in one house had become a regular occurrence, especially for the very rich ones.

But then again, if you can sieve the shaft out of the real grains and treat them well, you are definitely going to get a good result and have loyal subjects and that was what Li Jing had decided she was going to achieve coming here.

She planned on doing a thorough sweep of his household and God helping her, his company as well.

"Now, I am all ears, speak. Kai Alix, what is going on?"

She cleared her throat and raised her head so Li Jing could look in her eyes while she spoke and see that of a truth she wasn’t hiding anything from her or lying about anything.

"Ma’am, with all due respect, I promise not to lie to you and if you dig deep, you would see that all I say here today is the truth and nothing but the truth."

"Okay, go ahead, Alix. I am listening." Li Jing encouraged her before moving up to the nearest couch in her living room in her bed chambers to sit. "Do have a sit too."

"Thank you ma." She followed after Li Jing, then sat up straight and began to tell her tale. "It was like every normal and your grandfather decided to go to work first before travelling that afternoon to come and see you."

Her brows creased at the new bit of information she just heard. Her grandfather was going to come to see her? What news.

Judging from how creased her brows were, Alix knew she was having doubts about what she said and decided to clarify her doubts.

"It may not seem plausible but trust me on that, he had already bought his plane tickets and all that remained was to tend to some pressing matters in the company before travelling to see you."

"To see me for what?"

"To seek your help with the company. He was facing some internal issues."


"Yes, young miss. The head branch had been having some difficulties since and due to his age, he couldn’t really do much, coupled with the fact that his joy had gone from him."

"And no one thought to tell me?" Her voice rose as she spoke. It really did annoy her that such a thing was happening with the head branch and her grandfather locked up as though nothing was wrong.

"I am sorry, young miss but when this whole scandal happened, I recall his workers asked him to call you but he refused. He was still mad at you at first and then he did not want to bother you with his problems."

"Are you serious right now? What kind of thing is that?"

"Yes, young miss. Your grandfather’s pride was there. Secondly, he felt left alone."

"But I told him I would not leave him irrespective of what he has done."

"Easier said than done miss or have you forgotten that you never dropped even if it was a single call to him? If you were still having him at heart, then a call should have come true. Let’s face it, you were mad at him."

"Of course I was mad at him but he is still the only close family relative I have aside from my husband and auntie and uncle. Who wouldn’t be angry over what he did? It is my life and he did not have the right to control it in such a way, even going to the extent of sending Kim Fan to me."

Her brows rose at Li Jing. She did not see that coming. "Oh, I never knew that."

"Trust me, there are a lot of things that you do not know, Alix. Quite a lot, I tell you."

"Alright, I do understand but in my defence why we didn’t call you after the accident was because, I knew you were married to the richest hotcake in the country and you were doing quite well with the new branch you started of which you did not need, considering your skills, you could very much start your own."

"Not an excuse, Alix."

"No, ma, understand me. I felt you had it all, so why would you even bother with a company’s internal affairs when you were not in oneness with the owner of the company?"

"Do I look like one who would do that? Seriously?"

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