Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 421 - Greedy Family Members

Chapter 421 - Greedy Family Members



"I am sorry, young miss, but this is the state the chairman is currently in right now. I just could not let your auntie see the this, else who knows what would have happened by now? Perhaps she would have successfully gotten your grandfather off his position as chairman and acting CEO."

"She wishes." Li Jing rolled her eyes at Alix’s comment before fixing her gaze back on her grandfather.

"In as much as it sounds unreasonable, young miss, your grand auntie can do so."

"Why?" The discussion seemed to have suddenly piqued her interest and she was more than ready to listen to what her opinion was.

"You seem so confident saying it. What happened or I think the question I should be asking right now is what do you know about, Hu Qi?"

"I know enough to say that she means this family, your grandfather’s family no well. She is only concerned about herself and her children. More importantly, I pity your other auntie, Lin Xiulan. She thinks Mrs. Hu Qi is on her side, where as your grand auntie is just all for herself and family."

"Well, I am happy that both are after their own selfish gains but what hurts me so much is the fact that both ladies are well to do. Their husbands have made it in this life, yet they belittle themselves for wealth."

"Hu Qi is worst, pardon me, but she grew up in this family and household and she got her own fair share of the wealth. Also, she is the third born so what right does she have to seek after what rightfully and painstakingly belongs to your grandfather. I know it is not in my place to say this but be careful, young miss. You just arrived in the den of your aunties."

"Thanks for the advice but I believe things would go my way. I do not intend on letting my grand aunties ruin my grandfather. It is the least I could do for him. I want him to know how still has a family looking out for him."

"I am sure he does. It is going to be okay. Anyways, I would leave you to speak with him then."

"Thanks a bunch, Alix. I would call for you when I am done."

"Anytime, ma."

With a pleasant smile on her face, she dipped her head down a bit and smiled at Li Jing then she took her leave, giving the granddaughter and grandfather sometime alone.

The second the door closed, Li Jing let out the breath she had been holding in and smiled briefly. As quickly as it came, it died down and all that remained was a sadness that enveloped her.

"Grandfather..." she paused, not so sure of what it was that she wanted to say to him. In her confused and sad state of mind, Li Jing took some steps and closed the gap between her and the bed on which he laid.

"I’m sorry." The second she said that, two tear drops escaped her eyelids each from both eyes but it did not stop what her heart wanted to say. "Sorry for leaving you, and going away, grandfather. I promise I would make things right and get back at those who did this to you."


~Li Jing’s Personal Chambers~

Meanwhile, her aunties, Lin Qi and Lin Xuilan were not aware of her arrival just yet but one thing Li Jing knew was that somehow, they would know and that somehow, she would either cut them off or simply turn them into her own personal spy like she did her personal assistant back at the office.

Speaking of personal spy, she smiled when the thought of her personal assistant came to mind.

"Bingo. How can things be ongoing and she refused to tell me about it? Or has she forgotten so soon about our deal and what I did for her? Hmm, well let me not be too hasty to jump into conclusions and actually wait till I hear from her."

Ring! Ring!

No sooner has seen said that, that her phone began to ring and she checked the caller.

"Oh my! Ye Cheng! I arrived safely and I did not think of checking up on my husband first. Li Jing how bad of you... sigh."

Quickly she answered the call and managed a lovely smile on her face as it was a video call.

"Hey love. How are you doing?" Ye Cheng’s charming voice rang out from his end.

"Fine, I guess."

"You guess? Who has annoyed my baby? Tell me let me deal with them."

"Aaawnn isn’t that so cute? Fine, I am okay but then..." she paused, unable to say the words that came to mind for her to say.

"Li Jing, speak to me, love. I am all ears. Who has made my baby to be sad and stressed out?"

She took in a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves and explain things to her husband in a lighter note.

"My aunties," Li Jing said after some time.

"I figured as much. Your power and money greedy family members would take this opportunity to spring forth and showcase themselves."

"I hate to say you are right but you are right. Hu Qi still is annoying."

"Keep calm dear. Take in a deep breath. Breathe in..." She did as she was told, taking in a deep breath. "Breathe out, love."

And she released her breath as per his command. "Feeling better?"

"Well, I am better now that I have heard your voice. Anyways, how are you? Have you had dinner?"


"What?" Her eyes widened when she heard him say that. Quickly her eyes moved to the clock to check the time. It was already 9 pm and he still hadn’t had dinner. "Why?"

"I needed to make sure my baby was safe and sound and had eaten." Just hearing his response, Li Jing felt weak and could no longer say anything. Her husband was a caring naughty lover.

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