Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 200: New people

Chapter 200: New people

In a few hours the League members found the corpse hidden deep underground. They broke the whole protection behind it and took the whole corpse away to their headquarters. Thankfully nobody from Kunlun came to stop it.

The next day John checked the memories of Geralt and knew the whole mission was a successful one. John called Geralt to his home as he needed to go with him to meet the Ancient One. After few hours Geralt finally came to the home of John but Geralt didn't come alone. He came with two people.

Matt Murdock and Elekta Natchios.

John was surprised that Geralt had brought two with him. He invited all the three in.

"Hello Mr. Jameson. I guess we should thank you for helping us in uprooting Fisk's empire and even with the Hand situation." Matt said.

"NY is my city too so I don't want any filth around." John said.

"Still the streets now are clean because of you. Hell's Kitchen will be more safer now."

"It's fine. I just paid Geralt to do a witcher contract and he has done a perfect work." John said.

"Hows is the lawyer and superhero life going?" John asked.

"It's fine. I am actually here for another thing. It's because of Elektra. She has too much blood thirst and want to control it." Matt said

"I am not a doctor Matt. I can't cure her." John said directly.

"I know but you have connections. I hope you can help her. I am ready to pay back in any way possible to you if you can help her." Matt said.

"I am sure you can Matt but does Miss Natchios want help?" John asked as he turned to ask her.

"I am fine with killing. But yes I do feel I have too much blood thirst." Elektra said.

"Alright. I am not sure if I could help you. But I can ask. This might be a painful journey." John said as he got ready.

"Geralt they will be coming soon. We should leave." John said.

They all went to the garage and got inside Bee. "Bee take us to 177A Bleeker Street." The Bee drove himself to the old location again. Matt was surprised to feel as if Bee was alive. Then he remembered of the movie Transformers. After the thing with Geralt, Nelson spoke to him about all the movies and worlds that John had made and understood that Bee was a mechanical living being.

"John hasn't shown everything to the world. Are all his works real?" Matt murmured.

Soon they reached the location. All three of them were curious about this place that John brought them. John went to the door of the sanctum only to be opened by itself. As usual Drumm was there standing in his attire.

"You are here again. Now with new people. Has the Sanctum become your background." Drumm said with annoyance.

"C'mon I am here for her, why do you get so irritated whenever I come? Jealous that she likes me?" John asked mockingly.

"Hah. A kid speaking of jealousy. Go. Get away from my sight." Drumm said.

John left from the side. Elektra looked at him weirdly as Drumm had a weird attire. But it was Matt who was the most surprised. He noticed that all the surroundings had so many blind spots and even Drumm. He couldn't feel the surroundings as he normally feels when going anywhere. He was amazed by this as he had never come across such situations.

"What is this place?" Matt asked.

"The place which allow our reality to be intact." John replied. Nobody understood what John meant by that. Soon they came to the door and went inside after opening it. All went through it but what they saw next surprised everyone.

They were in totally a new place surrounded by snowy mountains. Except for Geralt, the other two exclaimed as they didn't understand what just happened. They were just in New York and now they were in a total new place.

"Was that a portal?" Geralt asked.

"Yes. Welcome to Kamar Taj. Let's go to meet the Ancient One." John said.


"Portal? Portals like in the game that John had made before?" Matt asked as after Geralt had come, Nelson had explained everything to him about the world of Geralt.

"Yes. Not in the same way but yes those were portals." John said as they finally reached the hall. There were no students today practicing magic so they didn't get to see magic being used.

After opening the door they saw a bald woman sitting which brewing tea. John went and sat opposite to her an called the others to join him in this ceremony.

"Seems like you brought new people this time." the Ancient One said.

"Yes. I am sorry. Master Drumm didn't like it but I don't remember Kamar-Taj stopping people entering it." John said.


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