Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 251: Another John

Chapter 251: Another John

"What Pokemon did you catch Tony?" John asked. On Tony's shoulder there was a very small Pokemon and John didn't expect Tony to actually have an Alolan Pokemon. It was Meltan.

"Well this is Mealtan. I caught a Metang and a Scyther." Tony said with pride.

"All Steel. Scyther isn't steel as of yet but it will be a steel type after evolving. You deliberately went for them. Didn't you?" John asked.

"Of course. I can't tarnish the name of Iron Man." Tony said with pride. Banner came with Ralts on his shoulder. Banner probably went for them because he wanted a Pokemon that could calm himself down. He failed to catch any other Pokemon.

After talking with all John finally got to know who caught which Pokemons.

Clint - Rowlet and Sableye

Oliver - Charmander and Pichu

Natasha - Misdreavus

Flash - Ninjask and Weavile

Pietro - Swellow

Rhodes - Skarmory

Steve - Combusken and Croagunk

Diana - Kartana and Togepi

Bucky - Honedge

Arthur - Lapras, Totodile and Mantine

Mera - Mudkip and Piplup

Geralt - Dratini

Triss - Raichu (Alolan)

Yen - Girafarig and Abra

Wanda - Riolu and Axew

Vision - Magearna

Wayne - Darkrai and Golbat

John was really surprised by the Pokemons of Vision and Wayne. They both got their hands on mythical Pokemons. Magearna, like Vision, was an artificial Pokemon. Magearna was a Steel/Fairy type Pokemon while Darkrai was a famous dark type. Both were mythical.

"You really outclassed us. Didn't you?" Banner said to Bruce.

"It's nightmares had no effect on me so I asked it to join me and it followed." Wayne said as if it was not a big deal. But John had a feeling Batman was too happy in his heart. Everybody wanted to see their mythical Pokemons but John said that summoning them here would just create chaos. They could check it out at the Ring later.

They all went in for the movie. Everybody was still busy discussing the new Pokemons they had seen and the adventures in the past month. Even Pepper got herself a Pokemon. It was an Eevee.

The movie finally started and it began where the last post credits scene was shown. People seeing monsters on the face of others. And this was happening all over the globe. The Justice League finally came in and stopped some cases but not all were caught. After this the whole team came to a meeting and said that this was probably magic and they would need someone who knew magic.

Wayne didn't believe all of this at first and went home. There he saw the name 'Constantine' over his room and even in his bathroom. The scene changed and it showed a new place where there was a British guy named John Constantine dealing with some hell monsters.

Yes. This was the animated movie named "Justice League Dark". This was the only way he could bring more fan values and properly show magic to people. The last few days his fan values rose higher than he ever thought was possible. In just one month he gained 2 billion. John was very happy with how everything was going on.

The movie continued as it showed there was a fight between the hell demons and John. Jason Blood who too was participating in the whole gambling turned to have a superpower too. It turned out that he could replace himself with the demon named Etrigan. A demon that breathed hellfire.

They finally came to know what kind of person John Constantine was. A massive prick. He didn't care about anything except for himself. Batman meanwhile went to meet a woman named Zatanna 'Z' Zatara, who was the ex of John. Batman came to meet her as they needed the help of the magic side to deal with whatever was going on in the world right now.

Deadman (Boston Brand) a dead person bestowed powers upon by a Goddess named Rama Kushna showed up too as he was the one who asked for Constantine's help and drew his name on Batman's home.

They then drove to the home of John. The House of Mysteries. After meeting him Batman finally spoke about the problems League was facing recently and asked if he could help. John finally accepted the invitation after everybody convinced him.

"So now we have 2 John. 2 Bruce wasn't enough it seems." Clint said. Everybody smiled at this comment. Later they all went to meet Ritchie Simpsons, an old friend of John who was on the verge of death. John was able to keep him away from death. Even the spirits of death were a little bit afraid of Bruce Wayne when he came near them.

"John in other universes is Bruce alive?" Tony asked as here even the spirits of death were afraid.

"All multiverses don't have the same flow of time. So of course in many universes Bruce is dead. Some died young and some died on missions. Some of them even got resurrected." John said.

"Resurrection? Is that even possible? Can we also resurrect people?" Banner asked as now even he got interested.

"It's not necromancy. Is it?" Triss asked as the witches too have that kind of magic power.

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