Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 271: Visitors

Chapter 271: Visitors

After John told everybody of what had happened and time they had to fight Black Winter, everybody got serious.

"Five years is too little. How will we even defend against Black Winter after the powers we possess?" Tony asked

"I will take care of it. I will soon travel to the multiverse in a year or so, to handle the situation of Black Winter. Since the other universes have refused to give us aid and Gods too abandoned us, I will kill Gods and then let me see how they would react." John said with anger.

"We understand. Do remind us when you leave. Don't want you to leave alone." Wayne said. John nodded to it and ended the call.

John went to Disney as the movie would be out soon and maintaining the tradition the premiere would be held in NY instead of the Ring. The movie was supposed to be out by the last week of February.

But before that John got a visitor from Earth. One morning out of nowhere, the Zephyr landed near the home of John. GAIA reminded her that Coulson and his team would come to meet him. Zephyr had been modified a lot and now could travel in space. Thanks to the new technology of solar harnessing energy and gravity manipulation.

John was standing on the balcony sipping his coffee when they landed. Everybody came out from the ship including Aang and Katara.

"John, it's been a long time. Hasn't it?" Coulson said.

"It's been sometime. How are you?" John asked.

"I am great. We are here to seek advice." Coulson said.

"I understand. Come in. Aang, you can release Appa. I think he would love it here." John said. Aang went to bring Appa out so that he could get fresh air. Everybody went in after that including Coulson, Skye, Aang, Katara, Ittan, Mey, Fitz and Simmons.

Surprisingly Fitz and Simmons came in holding their hands. Their romance finally built up as opposed to their actual storyline where Fitz was injured in his head. John was happy to see it. Fitz was actually hurt in the actual story due to hypoxia in brain and lost to properly function for quite a long time.

Skye and others were excited to meet John, since they were all Agents of SHIELD they knew the real identity of the Phoenix who battled the invaders that came from another universe in the Himalayas. Everybody saw how John fought against the invaders and their fight decimated the Himalayas. Those images were still fresh in their minds.

John was surprised to see Skye with a Pokemon. That too a dragon type Pokemon. Well the future evolution of it was Dragon type. It was Trapinch which could evolve to Flygon.

Audino and the Spirit of the house came with drinks and snacks for everyone. They all recognized Audino but had never seen the Spirit before.

"Is it a new kind of Pokemon, never discovered by humanity?" Simmons asked as she was very much interested in Pokemon.She was now extensively studying about them from the notes that SHIELD had released on Pokemon with the contribution of all Professors.

"No, this is the Spirit of the house. The house is kind of a living entity so it gave itself a body." John answered.

"Is that even possible? That's not even scientific." Fitz said.

"Many things can't be explained by science." John said as he conjured spells to show them. Even though they knew John was a mage now, seeing in reality was a different thing from hearing.

"How is everything? I presume you are here for a problem. I don't think you have come such a long way just to meet me." John said.

"Can't a friend come to meet you?" Coulson said with a smile.

"Who are you kidding? You are an Agent of SHIELD and supposedly the future Director of SHIELD. Do you think I will believe your words?" John said.

"Sigh! Can't even hide this from you." Coulson said with a mock smile.

"We are here for Skye, she is a consultant for SHIELD like you. We have encountered a problem with her." Coulson said. John raised his eyebrows when he said that. He checked on the memories of Aang and finally understood what the problem was. Skye had finally become an inhuman.

She had become Quake, the inhuman who could make vibrations around herself. she was even was the Director of SHIELD for sometime in another universe. Apparently they founded a Kree city while on their missions and they all went in. Skye was affected by a terrigen mist that could basically activate the sleeping inhuman dna in them.

Inhumans were made by the Kree as their experiments of evolution on various species all over the universe. Only the humans were compatible with the new kind of evolution and those who evolved became inhumans. The people who were experimented upon got new genes which became hereditary.


There will be double uploads tomorrow if there are more than 350 power stone donations by the end of the day.

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