Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 274: Hive

Chapter 274: Hive

"Is Andrew really an Inhuman?" May asked as she still couldn't believe it.

"Sadly yes. I have known this for sometime. I am sorry I have never told you of this." John said.

"Have you known of Inhumans, Skye, Hive all along?" Coulson asked.

"I came to know this not too long ago. Now as my powers are growing I can dream of different scenarios and future and can even choose which path to take and see. Out of curiosity I went through SHIELD history and Hydra. That's where I got to know about Skye and others." John lied as he needed to.

"We understand. Your interfering might change many things and you don't want things to spiral out of control." Coulson said. John nodded at it as this was the plan from before. But after Ultron he didn't want to take any risks.

While they were talking the members of the Avengers decided to use the boom tube. Tony didn't want to use the power of John and wanted to finish this mission by themselves. Diana was super powerful now and Tony too had upgraded his armor.

After Victor and GAIA analyzed the portal, they finally could pinpoint the location of the unknown planet.

"I have installed a long range tracker and emergency button. If anything feels off, call us. We will come to rescue you." Victor said.

"If we need help even after both of us, then we aren't fit to even fight the Black Winter." Tony said. John who listened to this understood that the whole team was on edge and everybody wanted to get powerful fast. Hive was a small obstacle for them but they wanted to prove themselves and make themselves ready for the future battle.

Victor nodded to it and opened a boom tube. Tony and Diana went in. Diana took both of her weapons. Her new spear and lasso. While Tony used his nano armor to equip himself which was fueled by Extremis.

After they went in Victor closed the boom tube as John had said that there was a chance Hive might come in. They didn't want Hive to come to Earth and wreak havoc. An unnamed and uninhabited planet was good enough. Diana was provided a Kryptonian breathing suit too if there was a problem with oxygen in the air. Tony's armor was enough for him to breathe.

Everybody now waited eagerly for Tony to send a signal that they were successful in killing this inhuman Hive. They all talked among themselves while they waited for Tony and Diana. They were particularly interested in Aang and Katara as Aang was the legendary Avatar.

"John, where are the other inhumans?" Fury asked as he wanted to know about their location. Any powered being was a person of interest for SHIELD.

"There is a place called Afterlife in the Andes. That is where the inhumans live, secluded. One inhuman among them named Gordon can teleport. That's how they maintained contact with human society. Skye's mother Jiaying was experimented upon by Whitehall. Her mother is kind of an immortal who can take away life force from people to fuel her youth. She is the main leader of the group."

"Huh? My mother?" Skye was astonished as she got another revelation. This day was turning out to be a day of 'revelation'.

"Yes. Your mother. She was tortured brutally during the World War 2 when Whitehall did experiments on her. Your mother has gone through a lot of trauma and has become a little twisted. I am not sure if her mental health is even good now. You can find it out yourself." John said.

"Can we get the location? I will handle the case of Inhumans myself." Coulson said. Fury wanted to handle the case of Inhumans but thought otherwise now. Coulson was the future Director of SHIELD so it was better to have this experience.

"Sure. After they come back you all can go. Aang is enough for their whole team so you don't have to worry too much." John said. Skye was more interested about her mother and asked John and he replied to her questions calmly and even spoke of her father, who was a human and a doctor.

As John was talking of her mother, Tony sent the signal that the mission was successful. Victor opened the boom tube only to see Diana and Tony emerging with blood spots all over them.

"Was Hive that difficult?" Queen asked.

"No, but that bast**d turned himself into a weird tentacled monster. Took us some time to find him. He tried to take over our body only to be thrown away by Diana. It was an easy fight though. Diana just removed her tentacles and then I just blew him up. How can that be even human at the beginning?"

"He was the leader of inhumans. Do you think that he would be normal?" John said.

(I don't remember the location of Afterlife so the location I said is probably false. This marks the end of Inhumans arc in the Earth. They will return when the MC goes for travel and I will delve more deep into their story later. I know the arc of Inhumans was kind of underwhelming, I will try to compensate when the real Inhumans would get involved. )

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