Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 284: Spiderman joins

Chapter 284: Spiderman joins

Raven took Trigon back to the crystal. Even though the Guardians were informed of Trigon from before they were still in awe of the power of him and that these small teens had such a huge weapon on their hands to use freely. And even he was the father of one of the teens.

"Gamora, never tell me again that your family was a weird one." Rocket said. Gamora, who saw the power of Trigon, admitted it. Now she saw hope. A hope that with these people they could easily defeat Thanos. But the main concern now wasn't Thanos, but Black Winter. All her life all she thought was of killing her father and now her father wasn't even the main focus.

They were running out of time, and even the presence of Trigon didn't give them enough courage.

"We should leave, we have completed our mission." Nightwing said.

"You sure you all don't want to stay with us and have some fun in this vast space?" Quill asked as he wanted to keep these awesome teens with him as they would make all their hunts like bread and butter.

"No, we have been outside for quite a long time now. We should return to our home."


FOS flew back to Mars since it couldn't show it's face to the people of Earth. After FOS landed on Mars. The Guardians of the Galaxy bid their goodbyes and took their Milano away. While Nightwing contacted Victor about their successful mission. Victor opened a boom tube for them and they all came over to the Ring.

Wayne and John were waiting for them when they came over. John always kept an eye on them through memories as he wanted to be sure Ego was killed. Even though the whole movie in his previous life portrayed a funny one, the actual stakes were high.

After the thing with Ultron he didn't want to take any risk.

"How was the god with the small g?" John asked.

"Not so impressive. Just had the usual god complex." Nightwing said. John agreed to this point. The actual gods wouldn't take such a long time to execute his plans.

"You will be staying on Earth and continue with your normal life. And you all can do your superhero activities. Only rule is the no kill rule. It's better for you all that way. The building of yours is the same as the previous one, just more advanced. You can go after Pokemon too as that is advisable." Wayne said.

It was already April when they returned so the building of Teen Titans was ready and it had already replaced the Stark Tower. After they heard that they were a little disappointed, as they wanted to live in the Ring with them.

"You can all come back whenever you want, Guilty Spark will take care of it." John consoled them.

"And you will have a new companion too." Wayne said as he showed several videos to them. It showed a person who wore a weird red costume swinging across the buildings using wires and had immense strength as he saved people with ease, even stopping a car. He even had a Pokemon to help him in all of this.

"What is the deal with this guy?" Damian asked as he wanted in depth knowledge about everything.

"He is teen from Queens, who got spider-like powers after getting bit by a spider." John said.

"Then I should be bit by an ant, will get ant like powers." Nightwing joked.

"There is an Antman on Earth." John said.

"There is an Antman and a Spiderman?" Damian asked. Wayne nodded at it while John raised his eyebrows when he said that because that was exactly the dialogue of Banner after he returned to Earth.

"Stay here for sometime and then you can move to New York, while I handle your identities." Wayne said. All nodded at it and went to the Avengers headquarters which was different from the Hall of Justice as it was made for Avengers and super powered beings to live.

John on the other hand asked Tony to handle Peter Parker and convince the teen to join the Teen Titans. At first Tony refused but at the end he accepted as John said it was better for a guy like Tony, who was the face of the Avengers to show up for recruitment as he would feel important.

Tony showed up at the home of Peter like he did during the Civil War movie and asked him to join the Teen Titans group. He first denied him being a superhero, and thus Tony not taking no for an answer told him that his college would be paid for with an internship at Umbrella. This was too good of a deal for Peter to refuse and thus accepted joining the Teen Titans which was very happy about.

He refused at first because if Aunt May would get to know about this she would freak out. He didn't want that under any circumstances.

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