Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 314: Goodbye

Chapter 314: Goodbye

"So Asgard huh! It will be fun." Barry said.

"It will be. Let Wayne wake up. We will leave then." Victor said.

"So let's go back for now. We will convene again later." John said. All nodded at it and left for their home and work. Arthur went with Tony to work on the Anti-Metal.

As John was going to enter his home, he heard Strange's voice in his head.

"John, she will be leaving."

"Huh! She? ... I understand. On the way." John said. With that said he wore his helmet and vanished.

John appeared again in Kamar Taj. Many people were gathered today as it was a sad day for the mages of Earth.

Because today is the day that the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, The Ancient One will leave the mortal world. The mages were confused about it. Though they got to know that Strange had come back with almost Godlike powers, but after the fight against the other version of Strange, the mages never saw him as the Sorcerer Supreme.

And Strange himself was never interested in that position so the mages never cared. But today out of nowhere The Ancient One declared that she would leave the mortal body.

John landed on the courtyard and went straight to the main hall. As he went inside he saw Mordo, Strange and the Ancient One sitting.

"Why is this happening? Haven't I done enough to stop your leave?" John asked. He made the whole point of Constantine just so that he could stop her demise.

"It's not her fault John. It's him who is calling her back?" Strange said.

"Him? Who? The trio?" John was confused now. Even though he knew that every Sorcerer Supreme later would sit beside the trio of Vishanti, there wasn't any given rule that this must happen in a given period of time.

"No. It's him. One of the great Gods. You know him. Your God must have given some hints about it, I am sure." The Ancient One said this time.

"Huh!" John then started thinking of all the marvel comics related to the Ancient One, and then it suddenly struck him. In one iteration, the Ancient One was shown as an avatar of Eternity.

"Wait! You are an Avatar of him?" John asked. The Ancient One nodded.

"Then why the hell is he calling you. Doesn't he know that Black Winter is coming? And we will need every fire power possible."

"He knows but the Eternity of this universe believes that me being present will be problematic when Black Winter comes. He doesn't want me to interfere." The Ancient One said.

"What a load of crap." Mordo finally spoke up. His face showed anger. He literally worshipped her as a teacher and now he had to let go of her because some powerful God willed it so.

"This is my destiny, Mordo. I can't escape it and truth to be told, I am tired. I have saved Earth from countless perils but now I need rest. Strange here is new to everything. I hope you will be able to guide him and be a friend to him in need. Strange is the best of us. Don't make him go down a dark path." The Ancient one said.

"Strange, you have so much potential that only a few of us can ever reach your position. I sincerely wish to see you do more good. Don't let the noise of the world affect you and keep your arrogance in check." The Ancient One said.

"Why does it feel like you are almost ready to leave?" John asked.

"Because it is my last moment here. John, you are kind and protective. You have immense knowledge but it's really a huge achievement that you don't act on your knowledge. You are not easily tempted by power and have your own pace. You will be the main spear against the upcoming dangers. Be sure to lead them all and never forget the roots."

Mordo had tears in his eyes. Strange looked sad and even John, who didn't have much contact with the Ancient One, had wet eyes. This was John's first time losing a friend because he did consider her a friend and a very sacred being. But the world had decided to take her away. He understood that this was the natural order of things and it couldn't be avoided

"Now let me say my goodbye to my students. Come let's go out.`` With that said she Stood up and started walking to the door. The others followed her behind.

After coming to the courtyard she said in a loud but calming voice.

"My students and colleagues, I know you are not very happy with me leaving but this journey is something I will have to undertake. The destiny is calling me, and I can't always avoid it. I know most of you are not happy with Strange's new title but trust me when I say this, he is the best of us. He will protect the Earth with more ferocity than we ever could. Help him, educate him. Mordo will be the main teacher from now. May you all achieve victory in your future battles."


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