My beast Emperor System

Chapter 248: Fall of the shadow dragons

Chapter 248: Fall of the shadow dragons

Derik and Lucien focused their cold gaze on the ceiling above with knitted eyebrows. They hated the fact that whatever is in that massive egg would have the guts to make bold declarations! No matter how old the so-called ancient dragon thinks it has lived, Derik is pretty sure he is at least twice the beast's age.

Feeling the pair of purple eyes planted on his back, Derik decided to give this disrespectful ancestor a small1 taste of what he calls respect!


His aura exploded violently 1and took the shape of the massive Skull. He glanced at his back, locking eyes with the invisible purple eyes!

"You!!!" The loud voice roared and then there was silence!

The entire castle stopped trembling and the crushing pressure was gone. Standing alone was Derik who had an indifferent look on his face while Lucien was rather surprised. He didn't know what Derik did to scare off the eyes but he is loving it!

"I am guessing this elder is the true master of the shadow dragon clan... Take me to him" Derik said calmly and the other shadow dragons shot each other a glance.

This man is actually bold enough to declare he wants to meet the clan ancestor! Belize may be weakened but he should be able to obliterate this man instantly so they couldn't understand where Derik was getting his confidence from!

Too cocky!

Many felt that way about Derik and they decided to take them to the clan ancestor! Fighting him with their current strength will be troublesome and since the clan ancestor has noticed them, it is best to let everything play out. The clan ancestor will decide their fate!

"Don't you think it is strange these guys are suddenly cooperative and eager to send us to meet their ancestor?" Lucien said as he found their willingness to cooperate too fishy!

"I can sense negative emotions... I feed off it and thanks to that I can always tell what's going on in a person's mind... They believe the clan ancestor will deal with us! I am suspecting this clan Ancestor must be at the demi-god level!" Derik said calmly.

"Do you think we can win?" Lucien asked.

"No!" Derik answered decisively stunning Lucien.

They can't win they why are they even going?

"What's the plan?" Lucien asked but Derik only chuckled in response and said no more.

They walked up what seemed like endless stairs until they reached the top where the massive egg was located. The stairs lead into the massive hole on the massive egg, allowing Derik and Lucien to walk in. At this point, they realized the shadow dragons were not following them anymore.

Seeing them watch from a distance, Lucien felt chills down his spine but that didn't make him stop. He walked into the eggshell with an indifferent look on his face!




Inside the eggshell was a massive purple cloud with black bolts of lightning firing at random. The room was overtaken by darkness and all they could see was a pair of massive purple eyes gazing at them. The eyes seemed intrigued by their existence and indecisive. It looked like it was contemplating whether to kill them instantly or not!

"You enter my domain and do as you wish! You show no respect for my juniors and even now you dare look me in the eye without fear? What fo you have to say, human?" Belize asked in a calm but terrifying tone.

"You are weak? You are trying to recover from your injuries but it's not happening... You lack enough power of faith to do that... You will die in a few centuries if this problem is not addressed and the shadow dragon clan will vanish from the face of this world... Pitiful!" Derik said in a cold voice as he watched the calm reptilian purple eyes show hints of shock and awe.

Lucien just stood behind him and watched in silence. He believed that Derik has a plan and he has no right to interfere unless this spin out of control. But even if things spin out of control, how does he intend to help? How does he intend to stop it?

How does he intend to deal with it?

Against a demigod?

This being is no weaker than the creed leader and it even has a higher bloodline. Should things go south, they will most likely end up dead! Right now he can only have faith in Derik.

"You... What are you? You are not a human! You don't belong to this world!" Belize asked with a frown as it tried to see through Derik but he couldn't.

"Me? I am the man who made it possible for you all to return to the main continent!" Derik said calmly, leaving behind an extremely shocked, yet doubtful Belize.

"You are the death god that invaded this world and defeated the human gods? How is it possible?" Belize asked with a hint of astonishment in its tone.

It was no longer as ferocious as before and assumed a respectful tone when speaking to Derik now it knew his identity.

"My victory came at a price... This world is suppressing my strength, leaving me in this state... It feels like I am forced to start afresh... " Derik said while gazing at his hands. Belize listened to him in silence and didn't speak, as if it was trying to ascertain the truth.

"I am here to understand why the wielders of the dark arts amongst the dragon race are getting oppressed!" Derik said coldly.

His eyes released a bright red flash and his body slowly hesitated off the ground.

"We were unfortunate... Before the cold war that had the dragons banished to this land, the shadow dragons were the most terrifying amongst dragons... we spearheaded the fight against the humans, and because of that, we suffered the most casualties amongst the dragons, losing all our capable offspring's... Sent to this world, we have been oppressed by those we fought to protect... Even now their main force journeys to the central continent, no shadow dragon was carried along... We will be left behind in this place once they take back our land" Belize said calmly.

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