My beast Emperor System

Chapter 44: Forge master class

Chapter 44: Forge master class

[Gaze of the Emperor activated]

[Gaze of the Emperor Successful]


The silver Raizen figure standing behind him was more lifelike than it has ever been. Lucien's eyes kept giving off silver flashes of light as his hand changed and took the form of a talon with long sharp nails. His aura changed drastically causing people to ask why he still has the power to use the shift since many strongly believed that Lucien shouldn't be able to use it. According to the reports, his injury severed his connection with his god beast. The only explanation for this sudden development is that Lucien is recovering faster than expected.

"" The Plivo youth felt like begging but for some reason, he couldn't move.

Gazing at Lucien he could see a massive mythical beast like never before and judging based on the expression of those watching the youth was sure the others couldn't see it!

'What the hell is this?'

'That's not the Raizen God beast, Lucien must be possessed by something!' the youth cried out in his mind since he couldn't move or speak.

He watched the massive Draconic kind of beast with steel hard blue scales with its light blue eyes steering right back at him. He was too focused on the image above Lucien that he failed to notice Lucien using the shift, neither did he see Lucien drive his transformed hand into his chest, causing blood to squirt out of the wound.

"You are a bore get out of my sight!" Lucien hissed as he drives his talon into the chest of the Plivo youth and then threw him off the stone platform without any sign of hesitation.


The entire hall fell silent as they watched Plivos unmoving body on the ground and tears rolling out Plivos's eyes. Lucien silently pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his bloodied hand before getting on the teleportation pod. Before vanishing he shot Plivo a glance as a few thoughts ran through his mind.

He could just kill Plivo and gather his beast essence for assimilation and gain a small portion of his clan's power and to prevent himself from getting punished, he can use his last favor to make the empire turn a blind eye to his action but after considering the fact that the Plivo clan is a beast-man clan with a much weaker bloodline, he felt like it would be a waste of resources by using a favor for such tiny figures. After pondering on how to go about it, he concluded that his prior decision to spare the Plivo youth's life is not bad, instead of wasting the wish on him, he could just kill a member of the Drax or Luna beast clans and use the favor to escape punishment.

"I shouldn't dwell too much on this thought I don't want to become some sort of person with a twisted mind" Lucien said only to realize some students were standing at the edge of the teleportation pod, with fearful expressions on their faces. They must have seen him deal with the Plivo kid.

"Crux, send me over to the first castle" Lucien said

"Okay" a voice resonated from all parts of the massive castle and a magic array appeared on the floor of the teleportation pod.


Lucien's vision was blocked by a bright light and when it died down Lucien was in a similar castle but much with a different design and decorations. He wasn't really a fan of fancy things so he walked towards the direction of the classroom, using the mini maps drawn on the wall for direction.

In less than five minutes, Lucien was one of the first students to arrive at the forgery mastery class. Walking into the class, he ignored the stinging gazes of other students. The classroom was as massive as a modern day lecture hall with hundreds of desks and seats stacked neatly, slightly above each other with the podium where the instructor would stay is placed at the lowest point of the class.

"Impressive" Lucien muttered as he walked chose a seat at the center, not too far behind and not too close in front. He didn't want to draw much attention but unfortunately, his reputation wouldn't let him know peace. The very section where he was seated was avoided like a plague, leaving him all alone in the classroom


Suddenly the podium meant for the instructor lit up and a teleportation array appeared on it. Soon a busty red hair woman appeared on the podium, dressed in scarlet red sleeveless, yet tight robes, revealing all the curves and bumps on her body... Her bright red eyes were her most impressive feature and her usually long yet thing eyelashes complimented it. He had a perfectly shaped nose and succulent looking red lips. Gazing at this woman, Lucien couldn't help but mutter the word.


"I am Fei Lin granddaughter of Emperor Fei and your forgery class instructor" She said but many didn't pay attention to her words, instead their eyes were fixated on the succulent red lips moving while she spoke.

"I. Why are you sitting all by yourself in that corner?" Fei Li couldn't help but notice Lucien was sitting all alone in what could be called one half of the class while the other students were jam-packed at the other half of the class.

"I don't really know I don't really care" Lucien shrugged his shoulders as he spoke showing a lack of interest.

"Really?" Fei Lin asked as he walked up towards Lucien's desk only to see small stains of blood on his cloth.

Coming so close helped her recognize Lucien as well causing a sweet smile to appear on her face. As a benefactor of the Phoenix clan, it was her duty to aid him whenever he needs help.

"You got into a fight?" Fei Lin asked casually.

"Apparently, many believe I have become weak and to gain the attention of the Raizen clan they want to harm me unfortunately for them, even without magic I am still a blessed of the God bestit wasn't a fight since it barely lasted more than a minute" Lucien answered calmly.

"You don't seem hurt but I can see some blood on your attire I believe It's safe I guess who the blood belongs to... Just tell me if he's alright" Instructor Fei Lin asked.

"He didn't put up a good fight so I reduced him to a bloody mess don't worry, he will live" Lucien answered promptly.

This time Instructor Fei Lin only nodded in response to his words before walking away. Acting as if the discussion never happened, Fei Li returned to the podium below before looking up to the class and started her lecture.

"Now there are forgers in your local villages, towns, noble territories, and all that They only forge steel weapons like spears, swords, shields, and all that but that's not what we do here Here I plan to teach you how to forge with magic!" Instructor Fei Lin said as she pulled out a ring from her pocket and placed it on the desk in front of her.

"This is the fresher class, I am not here to go into in-depth knowledge of forge mastery instead I am here to give you the basics, like drawing the forging circle and transmuting a normal equipment, into magical equipment" She said as she carved a strange symbol on the desk with a knife.

It looked like a spiral linked with two triangles placed at the top left and right of the spiral and the final triangle placed at the bottom. At the center of the spiral and the triangles were an eye-shaped carving startling most students but none dared to speak up since they were afraid of disturbing the instructor during such a delicate process.

Instructor Fei Li ignored the expectant gazes of over a hundred students and focused on her work. She placed the silver ring at the Triangle located at the bottom of the spiral and then poured her mana into the formation. Suddenly, the formation lit up as the instructor channeled her elemental powers into the two triangles located at the top right and left corner of the spiral!

Pouring in her elemental abilities at the triangles, one released a torch of flames while the second released a tiny hurricane.

"Incindria" the instructor muttered as the two elements slowly vanished and visibly traveled through the spiral and then reached the lower triangle where the silver ring was located.

Instantly the triangle lit up even brighter as red and white cracks began appearing on the ring, imprinting a word on it, too little for anyone to see at that distance but Lucien had an idea of what that word may be

"Incindria.." He and the Instructor muttered at the same time but unlike him, the instructor already had the ring on and when she spoke those same words, a human-sized gust of flames combined with wind appeared right in front of her, creating an attractive scene that left the students dumbfounded!


[Condition Met]

[God of Forge unlocked!]

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