My beast Emperor System

Chapter 47: A dangerous path

Chapter 47: A dangerous path


The system was silent for a while but Lucien wasn't in a hurry. His words were actually true but this time he planned on using them for his own personal gain. The system knew that since Lucien has gotten a rough understanding of his situation, he would try to exploit it but since they are bound together, he could also tell that Lucien actually meant every word he said.

[And why do you wish to help me? Shouldn't you be annoyed that I tried to use you?] The system asked.

"Well, yes I do feel upset but I am also understanding if I were put in the same situation as you, I would have done the same so why judge? You contributed a lot to this world and I believe you should be recognized for that not killedSo I will help you get back at them.." Lucien shrugged as he jumped off the bed and proceeded to leave the room.

[The enemies you are up against are beyond the level of gods it's not something you can deal with so easily] The system warned.

"Well I do have the ultimate master, so I don't have to worry with your guidance it won't be long before I surpass them" Lucien answered indifferently as he walked into the teleportation pod.

[The Crux is trying to forcefully teleport you to an unknown location Do you wish to resist?]

A notification instantly popped up, causing him to frown. The system is right! He just got on the teleportation pod and he was yet to specify any location yet it activated on its own. While he understood that the Crux answers only to school officials and they must have requested his presence, he couldn't help but get annoyed by the fact that so much power is left in the hands of artificial intelligence. Something deep down was telling him that this is a bad idea.

'No, don't resist' Lucien said in his mind. He was slightly elated that the system can counter the Crux and he decided to ask the system later if it can suppress the Crux in his room without arousing suspicion.


The lights vanished and Lucien found himself on a podium at the center of a large hall with many seats placed high above and around him. There prominent figures of the academy sat and gazed at him calmly. While some had a hint of admiration in their eyes, a few others showed uncertainty and the rest just had malicious intentions.

"And why am I here?" Lucien shot a meaningful glance at the dean and his sister Instructor Fei Lin.

As soon she was done, a forging table appeared right in front of him with the wind creek dagger on it. His visage turned cold as his eyes lit up in power the moment he understood what was going on.

Reaching this level of forge mastery is far beyond whatever anyone in the kingdom can do. While they can forge amazing armors and weapons and give them a bonus of elemental powers, they are still unable to transfer their God-beast powers into a weapon. Now he has succeeded the academy is trying to take advantage of him and force him to share his knowledge.

[Don't.] The system only said one word and Lucien nodded in agreement.

"We have brought you here today for two reasons The first has to do with the Plivo kid who you hurt badly and the second is the weapon there, which you forged we expect you to shed more light on these two matters" An elderly lady well past her eighties said.

Judging based on her stench and look, Lucien could tell she was a human. Just like a large number of elderly people in this room. While the dean is in charge of this school and the instructors, the heads of noble families still possess enough power to influence what happens in the school. The fact they are here means a human in the class reported this incident and they wish to take advantage of it before everyone knows.

"I owe you no explanation Also thank you for returning my dagger as per our agreement I keep the dagger if my attempt is successful princess Fei Lin as for the Plivo kid we got into a fight, I won worse happen in this school and nothing is done about it anyway, I will be on my way since I have more important things to do" Lucien said as he tried to reach for the sword and but it was suddenly lifted by an invisible force, shooting into the old ladies hands.

"Do you dare speak to the council of nobles in this manner? You only triumphed against t Raizen clan because you had the backing of the emperor do you think we cannot punish you?" The lady asked coldly but even then Lucien wasn't paying attention to her.

Instead, he had his gaze focused on the notification that appeared the moment the wind creek dagger fell into her hands.

[Your magic weapon has been stolen, do you wish to use the summon skill, m]

'Yes!' Lucien screamed angrily in this mind without hesitation.

The old lady and everyone else in the room was in shock when the wind creek dagger was engulfed in blue lights and it promptly appeared in Lucien's hands.

"Touch what is mine one more time and I will shatter the entire arm and just like I told you earlier I do not owe any of you an apology or an explanation when your papa teaches you basic manners and you learn how to ask politely, then you can seek me out with an apology!" Lucien snarled.

"You!!!!!!" The lady growled as the room began to tremble but Lucien won't be outdone either. Jumping atop the forging table, his eyes let out a silver glow as the figure of the Raizen God beast appeared behind him.

"Charge. Flow!" Lucien growled the moment he unsheathed the dagger, revealing a black blade engulfed in lightning and wind

This fight wasn't about him winning, even though he knew his enemy was strong enough to kill him with just a flick of her fingers he refused to just stand there and watch them do as they please. His pride won't allow that.

[You know what? It's your courage that I admire the most] The system gave him a compliment for the very first time.

"Come on old hag! Show me what you are made of!" Lucien's voice was now overlapped with that of what they believed was the Raizen but in reality, it was the voice of the system.

"Such compatibility to think he would be able to bring out this much power front the shift alone... Those twice his age can't boast of this either! The kid is truly a prodigy with or without his magic" An aged voice echoed across the room catching everyone's attention.

"That's enough Helen This empire has laws and keeping a discovery like this to himself is not a crime... But forcing him to spill the beans is and I will not stand for that"

It was an old man with a walking stick, dressed in a green robe. It was the head of the Lucardo family. As soon as he spoke all the human nobles in the rook calmed down and soon acted as nothing happened. Many couldn't help but notice the fear in Helen's eyes while she gazed at the old man.

"Lucien my boy I heard you will be forming a team with my grandson" The Lucardo family head asked with a warm smile on his face.

All through his life, Lucien has only seen the old man once but he didn't care about his identity back then but now he was about to start a future with Brian in his team, he felt it was only right for him to be in a good relationship with the old man.

"Yes, Brian has a lot of potentials and I believe I am a lot safer with him by my side" Lucien bowed respectfully as he spoke leaving everyone stunned.

The Lucardo Family head remained silent for a long while before revealing a warm smile and saying.

"To think the Raizen clan let go of a capable young man like you it's a pity why don't you come over to the Lucardo family, we will treat you well since you are a good friend of my grandson" The old man said, catching even Lucien by surprise.

He knew this old man was sly and tricky to deal with but he didn't expect him to be this cunning. Bringing him over is as good as monopolizing the secrets of his forging technique for his clan alone. What other reason is there for a human noble family to try and recruit a beast-man into their clan.

'To think just a portion of your secret is this precious'

[That's why I asked you to keep it a secret] The system lampooned.

'No this is what I want a freelancer with enough reputation to gain the favor of so many clans once I get stronger I can work for different clans all at once and gather more resources faster' Lucien said.

[This path you wish to walk is effective but dangerous] The system worked.

'But effective life without a little bit of danger is boring' Lucien laughed.

[I like the way you think kid]

Seeing this made a smile bloom on Lucien's face as he turned his attention to the Lucardo family head.

"I truly appreciate your offer but I have to decline I believe I work better alone" Lucien answered with a slight bow.

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