My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

I Felt That Something Was Wrong

“Still…something feels strange… While there are several wagons, I don’t sense the presence of many people…”

Obviously, the wagons were drawn by horses, so there should be drivers.

And yet, there weren’t enough people to drive all of them… Unless they were inside of the wagons?

“So, how are the grapes? Have they grown well?”

“Hmm, ah, yes. They are quite fine.”

“But, this is the second time that the usual merchant hasn’t come. Did something happen?”

“In-indeed. He was busy with a different matter, and so I had to come this time as well.”

The person who Mr. Hannes was speaking to was likely the merchant we were talking about…

According to him, the other merchant was merely too busy.

And he had been paid to take his place and deliver the grapes.

While I was watching them from far away, there was something vague about the way he answered the questions.

He kept pausing… Perhaps it was just the way that he talked, but it seemed like there was something else on his mind.

“Well then, we will buy the grapes, as we always do…”

“Ah, uh… Yes… Well, you all seem to be in good health?”

“Yes, we are. I suppose it was because of that charm that you gave us. Our wine has also been very good. The village has never been more lively.”

“…Oh, indeed… And you put the charm in the place that I told you to?”

“Yes, of course.”

As soon as Mr. Hannes started to talk about buying the grapes, the merchant showed concern towards his health.

Apparently, he had told Mr. Hannes that it was a charm, and must be placed in the storage house.

Mr. Hannes assured the man that he obeyed this exactly, and then he glanced in my direction.

He might as well have winked.

“…And the wine. Are the villagers drinking it as well?”

“Yes, of course. We have to ensure that it tastes good. Besides, we are all very proud of the wine that we made… There will be no compromises.”

“I-I see… How odd…it was definitely a real magic tool…”

Mr. Hannes told the man that they were all drinking it.

And then the man began to mutter, so that Mr. Hannes couldn’t hear him. But I was able to catch it.

Just as I thought, it was a magical tool…

And he had known and deliberately put it here.

He wanted to use the wine to spread a disease.

“In that case…he is acting strangely because he doesn’t understand why the villagers aren’t sick.

After all, not only were Rai’s parents and Mr. Hannes just fine, but the village looked the same as usual.

That’s why he spoke so falteringly.

“Is something the matter?”

“N-no. Not at all. In any case, as for the grapes that I brought…”

In spite of his confusion, he returned to the subject of selling the grapes.

And so they began to talk about prices and quantity.

“…Yes, something is strange.”

When I heard about the amount of grapes…and looked at the number of wagons, I couldn’t help but feel…

“What is it… This feeling…?”

I muttered so that no one could hear me. Then, in order to get a better look, I moved out of my hiding place.

As it was much darker now, I could remain hidden as long as I didn’t move too close.

“…Hmm. This…grapes…? No, it can’t be… Could it be the people that came with the merchant?”

I moved ten steps closer while staying in the shadows of the fence that surrounded the village.

Thankfully, Rai’s parents were standing between us, so the merchant wouldn’t be able to see me.

At this distance, I didn’t even need to use herbs to hear them.

“Now, I should be able to tell… Hmm…”

While listening to their conversation, I turned my senses towards the wagons.

I already knew that the merchant had intentionally placed the glass sphere here to make people sick.

Now I had to figure out why I felt something was wrong.

And as I focused my attention on the wagons, I started to get an idea.

“…It’s not people….and definitely not grapes… Could it be!”

As I searched for their presence, a thought hit me, and I couldn’t help but raise my voice a little.

While a few heads turned to me, they could not see anything, much to my relief.

Well, Mr. Hannes did give me a knowing glance.

In any case, back to the wagons.

I had sensed such presences before.

In the fenrir forest… The creatures that Leo had defeated in a flash…

“Monsters…orcs… Why are there orcs in the merchant’s wagon…?”

I had heard from Ms. Claire that orcs were monsters that killed humans without prejudice.

In fact, all the orcs we had encountered in the forest had attacked as soon as they saw us.

However, the orcs in the wagons seemed to be calm. They showed no signs of aggression.

Were they bound up…?

“Still, carrying orcs in wagons… Surely they aren’t going to be sold…?”

I had heard from Ms. Claire and Sebastian that some people sold monsters.

Perhaps there was a place where such things were done… But this merchant had come to sell grapes.

So why did he have wagons full of orcs…?

But it did seem like he had grapes as well. Two wooden crates had been brought out, and I could smell the sweet fruits.

However, considering the amount of orcs…it was unlikely that there was the same amount of grapes that Mr. Hannes had just said he would buy…

“So this is why…”

The merchant who Mr. Hannes was speaking to.

He did not have the same number of grapes as he claimed.

There would have been enough, if the wagons were carrying only grapes, but there were orcs there instead…

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