My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

We Arrived at Ractos

“Leo, if you’d be so kind.”

“Wuff. Wou…grau!”

I had gathered some fallen tree branches, and then had Leo ignite them so we could have a good bonfire.

Unlike when we had first left the mansion, we did not have a lot of food with us. However, they did give us some bread and soup.

I was grateful to Mr. Hannes’s wife for that.

“It’s not…much… There’s some sausages. I’ll sandwich them with bread. Here.”


As I didn’t have enough sausages for Leo to become full, I added some bread.

Still, Leo ate it happily.

In the meantime, I would heat up the soup.

“Ah…this soup really is delicious. There is something comforting about it. And it warms you right up.”


“Do you want to try some? Here.”

“Guff-guff… Wuff.”

“Isn’t it good?”

As I drank the heated up vegetable soup, Leo looked at me with interest.

And so I gave her some, and then Leo sighed after tasting it… She really was expressive…

I had prepared some milk for her… But perhaps she would prefer it if it was hot.

Since she had just had hot soup, some hot milk would be perfect. And so I gave her some of that as well.

“All right, we should get going then. If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late in meeting up with Sebastian.”


Leo was satisfied after having her bread, sausages, soup and milk, and she stood up leisurely after I climbed onto her back.

I had already extinguished the fire and packed everything.

While we hadn’t spent much time eating, it really was no time to be relaxing here.

“Sorry to make you run right after eating, Leo.”


As if to suggest that running right after eating didn’t affect her, Leo dashed out at a great speed.

Perhaps she was able to run faster now because she was no longer battling the feeling of hunger.

Though, she was surely heavier now… She really was full of energy.

“…We’ll have to go down the main road here. Over there, Leo.”


While she had been going straight after leaving Range village, we couldn’t continue like that forever.

Otherwise, we would end up in the northern mountains.

As we wanted to reach the town, we had to follow the road to the eastern gate.

Though, I did feel sorry for the people that would be shocked by Leo.

“We’re almost there.”

Leo returned to the main road and dashed towards Ractos.

As it was getting late, there weren’t that many people around, but I still saw some shocked expressions as we passed people by.

Some even bowed with reverence… Did people actually worship Silver Fenrirs?

“Mr. Takumi. Good Leo.”

“Good evening.”


We reached the gates and greeted the guards.

As it was the same person who we met the last time, we recognized each other.

“I was greatly surprised when Leo came with a man strapped to her back… But I see that you have accompanied her this time.”

“Haha… Yes, that was special.”

So, the guard had seen Leo and Phillip enter the town.

It must have been a very surprising sight indeed.

“Uhh, I’m supposed to meet Sebastian here, but…”

“In that case, please come this way. We’ve already finished interrogating the merchants.”

“I understand. Sorry, Leo. Can you wait here?”


The guard had pointed to the guard house to the side of the gate.

As Leo would not fit inside, I had to ask her to wait for me.

“If Leo is here, she will be the best guard there can be.”

“Haha, that’s true. But I hope she doesn’t scare away people who are trying to enter Ractos…”

“Indeed… I’ll let the others know, just in case.”

Yes, when Leo sat by the gate, she did look like the most reliable guard.

Besides, she seemed to have some kind of detection ability.

However, she might end up scaring people as well.

Thinking this, the guard had gone to tell the other guards about it, so they could explain it to any people coming into Ractos.

Everything should be fine now… I think.

“Excuse me. I’ve brought Mr. Takumi.”

“Mr. Takumi. You must be tired. I did not expect you so soon.”

I had been led to a room in the guard house.

A table and chair had been prepared. It was like a small waiting room… A cup of tea was on the table, and Sebastian appeared to be resting.

“Leo did her best. So, what happened to the merchants? I heard that the questioning was finished.”

“Well, they have seen Leo. So it was easy to make them talk by just reminding them of her. I will fill you in once we return to the mansion. I have to make a report to Lady Claire anyway.”

As the merchants had been threatened with Leo before, it was a simple thing to threaten them again, since they were still scared.

Thanks to this, the interrogation had gone smoothly. I suppose some good could come out of people being frightened by Leo…

No, I still felt sorry for her when it happened… After all, she was the most adorable girl.

Regardless, Sebastian said that we would talk about it later.

Indeed, it would be better to discuss it when Ms. Claire was present.

Besides, if we started talking about it now, our return trip would be delayed.

“Very well.”

“Now, let us pay Isabelle a visit. Is Leo outside now?”

“Yes. She couldn’t exactly fit in this building.”

Sebastian stood up and we said our farewells to the guards and went outside.

After reuniting with Leo, we went into the town.

We walked down the streets for some time, and then eventually arrived at Ms. Isabelle’s shop.

“It really is…a unique looking place…”

“That is Isabelle’s taste. She says you must stick out if you are going to sell magic tools…”

Just like before, there was a hexagram sign in the front, and a black door. The building itself was painted a gray color. It definitely stuck out when compared to the other buildings in the area.

I didn’t know how this appearance was related to magic tools, but if that’s what she says…it must be true.

…Or maybe she just likes that it looks mysterious?

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