My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 616

Chapter 616

I suggested she use soybeans


Well, you can eat it plain, but surely it would taste better with something added?

Hmm. I see. I am sure that you are right. I have only eaten them plain up until now

Yes, they wont taste that great if you only fry them.

Well some people might prefer it, but I thought it would be better with some seasoning.

Since you suggested it, Mr. Takumi, it must be good. I believe that it was discovered by someone very important long ago, and raised as crops

Perhaps that person had also been from Japan, and had knowledge from his past life?

I didnt know if there were actually such people.

Regardless, there was a reason that I thought of it.

It was the noodles I ate in Ractos.

I could have sworn I tasted soy sauce in it.

It was very faint, but if it was indeed soy sauce, then there must be soybeans here.

Still, are you certain that it would be good for dieting?

Hmm. I am not that knowledgeable about it But it is supposed to be nutritious and rich in fiber.

Fiber? What is that?

Umsomething required for expelling excess substances from the body? Uhh

I was not really sure how to explain it.

Regardless, I told her that it helped with the expelling process, and it was good for you as long as you did not eat too much of it.

In other words, its good for your body, and is filling so that you arent likely to eat too much?

Something like that. Of course, eating too much of anything is bad for you. So you should take it and make a healthy dish with it

Healthy? I dont know Well, I suppose it is a good ingredient to start with. I shall look for others to use as well. Thank you for your advice.

Not at all. I could only offer vague knowledge

No! I hadnt thought much about ingredients like that, and so it was worth talking to you about it. Otherwise, I would have continued to only care about how things tasted.

Ah, I know. Perhaps Tampopo tea would also be good?

Tampopo? What is that?

Its a plant. And you can make tea from the rootsthat is all. It is very good for you.

It had just popped in my head, but perhaps I should have suggested coffee instead.

The tea that they served here looked and tasted like black tea. It was very delicious, but I thought it might be nice to have something different once in a while.

Well, with coffee, factors such as bean selection, blending, and roasting methods can lead to changes in flavor and potency. And so thought Tampopo tea might be easier to convey.

Plant rootsand you are sure there is no poison in it?

Tampopos are not poisonous. Alsosince its not raised as crops, I might be able to make it.

You can?

With Weed Cultivation. If it is categorized as a weed and not something grown by people, I should be able to do it.

Your ability. It may be something that is undiscovered here. And yet you can make it out of nothing

I have to try it first Im sure that there are many useful plants outside of medicinal herbs.

I was quite sure that they were not poisonous, and you can even eat the leaves.

Though, you had to cook them properly, or they would not taste good.

As soy was a crop, I could not grow it with Weed Cultivation, but Tampopos should be different.

It was possible that it already existed here under a different name, but that wouldnt be a problem.

This would be my first time using my ability for something other than herbsbut it seemed like a good idea. After all, it wasnt called Herb Cultivation.

Weed was a rather vague category, but I was sure that there would be plenty of other useful plants.

And I should search for new directions to use my Gift

My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

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It was a serious problem for the women Ms. Helenas first thought was to make food that was delightful to look at. In fact, the servants also agreed that such elevated presentation would make the food feel even more delicious. Indeed. The taste can be affected by that as well.

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In "My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World"

Dinner portions were insufficient Mr. Takumi, sorry to disturb your rest. Dinner is ready, so please come down to the dining hall. But if you are too tired, we could bring it up to your room? Ah, no. I was just relaxing a little. I will head down there immediately.

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