My Cell Prison

Chapter 146: The Great Plague Chief

Chapter 146: The Great Plague Chief

The Great Plague Chief looked curious, not caring about the map for the moment.

A large mouth under a thick beard, one that said.

"Black and White, is that why you recruited this student? It's too risky, isn't it?"

Mr. Black and White intertwined his ten fingers over his chest and said seriously.

"The pros and cons may outweigh the cons in most people's eyes, but in my eyes, Nicholas' existence is of great importance to the entire Holy City.

Something needs to change, or we'll still be stuck here two or five hundred years from now.

If what's out there is getting stronger as well, in the end, we won't even have a chance to survive."

Mr. Black and White stretched out his hand to point at the 'hidden treasure map' that could be understood by Han Dong and continued.

"That's the first value he's achieved."

"Well, since you've decided to do this, there's nothing more I can say."

The Great Plague Chief turned his head to look at Han Dong, "Kid, tell me all the information about the map you saw."


Not only could the little devil's eye read the written descriptions on the map, it could also see some of the variable lines that were hidden.

Pointing out that at the lower end of the 'Dragon Bone Wilderness', there might be an extremely complicated underground area, a necessary path that should lead to the hidden treasure, and pointing out where the entrance was.

"Not bad, "

As Han Dong gave this series of useful information, the sense of pressure emanating from the Great Plague Chief's body gradually disappeared.

The map re-figured back into the beast skin jacket.

If one could successfully obtain this treasure, the overall strength of the Plague Knights would increase significantly, both for the Holy City and for the Great Plague Chief himself.

"Kid, I will also pay private attention to you, but put more effort into the 'Plague' level."


Mr. Black and White also took it upon himself to say at this point.

"Captain, I'll have the plan of action and related personnel arrangements for this time by the day after tomorrow, by then, I'll also be accompanying the group on the expedition, and this map will carry a lot of weight."

"Ha-ha! Yes!"

The Great Plague Chief drank three cups of barley wine in a row and left satisfied.

Of course, as he left, he also patted Han Dong's shoulder with a different meaning.

Ka! The door to the room closes.

It returned to Han Dong and Mr. Black and White's duo world.

"You did it on purpose, sir, " and Han Dong saw something.

"Although Moglani is a heroic and unconventional person, and has a deep friendship with me, but because of some past events, he hates the 'creatures outside the city' with a passion.

To get him to accept you, you have to find an opportunity.

You've done well, and are already more proficient with the eye."


Mr. Black and White took just such an opportunity.

To show Han Dong's 'use' and 'potential' to the Great Plague Chief, instead of directly explaining to the Great Plague Chief that Han Dong was related to the 'creatures outside the city'.

While informing Han Dong to go to the Stargazing Room, he also simultaneously invited the Great Plague Chief to talk about the map, thus achieving his goal.

As long as Han Dong successfully graduated and became a knight, he would be able to join the "Great Plague" in name only.

He would also be able to join the 'Plague Knights' in name only, so he didn't have to hide anything anymore.

"Besides, "

Mr. Black and White continued, pointing at Han Dong's brow.

"If you can hide the contamination emitted from this eye through 'Perfect Disguise', you will be able to explain this eye using the 'Product of Suture Science'.

With your status as a Mystic Apprentice, the observation ability using this eye will not be suspected by anyone."

"Hmm! I'll find a way to do that in three months."

"There's nothing more to it, you can go rest or you can choose to just start studying."

"Sir, I have one last question, The Great Plague Chief, is he also from the Department of Mysticism?"

Han Dong was interested in the Great Plague Long's physique.

The power field emitted between such a body and the invisible was by no means brought about by the fungus, but rather the true strength of the body itself achieved through pure physical exercise.

However, those with stronger flesh generally belonged to the [Crusaders], or some of the knights in [Control] who majored in bestiality.

"Counting half, Mowglani belongs to an extremely rare 'dual cultivator' that allocates points on both [Crusade] and [Mysticism]."

"Dual cultivator! Isn't that not good?"

"It's indeed no good, it's definitely better to allocate all the Fate Points to one Talent Tree than to cultivate both.

After all, once a Talent Tree is formed, it requires a large investment of Fate Points to continuously perfect it, even for me, there are still many areas that I haven't perfected.

And the Destiny Space that I currently correspond to has reached a very deadly level in terms of difficulty, and it's hard to get a little Fate Points.

It's just that there are exceptions to everything.

Moglani falls into the other category between us.

Once upon a time, he, who was still a trainee knight, preferred [Crusader] due to his strong physique. With an 'excellent grade', he qualified as a double tutor and belonged to the key training in the Crusade.

One time after clearing the Destiny Event, he had taken it upon himself to allocate Fate Points to [Mysticism].

Such a practice had immediately caused discontent from the higher-ups, and a number of Crusader mentors were giving him thought, but he just wouldn't listen.

In the end, Mowglani used his 'talent' and 'specialness' to completely silence the gossiping Knight Mentors.

The two Talented Trees growing inside his head had an extremely rare 'intertwining' phenomenon.

A unique [Natural Disaster] talent tree was derived.

At that time, no one among the knights of the same rank could be a match for Moglani.

Moreover, Moglani was far more useful in actions outside of the city than knights of the same rank, it was this that allowed him to take the position of [Plague Knights - Leader] ten years ago.

Mowglani's actions have also attracted many imitators, yet their talent trees are unable to merge, or they are unable to reach Mowglani's heights as they appear to be unable to do so while concurrently studying two disciplines."

Han Dong was shocked and still couldn't figure it out, "What made the head of the team insist on dual majors in spite of the opposition from the top?"

"Personality, the captain is sort of an oddball.

He wasn't satisfied with the daily hellish body refining training of the [Crusaders].

Hearing that the fungus in our mysticism could enhance his physique, he allocated a bit of fate points on mysticism specialization.

Every night, he would secretly walk into the [Old Sewer] and wash his body with deadly sewage, this also led to him training into a "fungal physique" in a short period of time.

A later opportunity.

The head of the group was curious, so he went to another forbidden area of the Department of Mysteries, the "Stagnant Swamp", and fell in love with one of the witches inside.

This became completely rooted within the Department of Mysteries, and he would only return to the Crusader Academy unless there was something special."

"This, "

Han Dong didn't know how to evaluate such a person for a moment, it was better to describe him as a geek rather than a genius.

"In the Thirteen Knights.

Captain Mowglani's overall strength can probably be ranked fourth. When you reach a certain level at the 'plague' level, you can ask him for knowledge about 'high level plagues' or even 'natural disasters."

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