My Cell Prison

Chapter 158: The Writer and the Uninvited Guest

Chapter 158: The Writer and the Uninvited Guest

Han Dong stood by the window.

Staring at Cass and Sophia who had successfully left the mansion.

Lightly touching the 'Raven Mark' on the back of his hands.

Shadows flickered and Raven costume enveloped Han Dong's entire body.

Going deeper into the secret passageway to the third level of the west building - [Creation Room].

The Little Devil's Eye was rather 'in the way' in the 'foggy environment'.

The white mist was so thick that even Han Dong, who had opened the Little Magic Eye, could not see the path.

Moreover, the tentacles that were also virtual and real would also distract Han Dong.

After Han Dong's careful observation, the tentacles were only illusions made of fog, and were not too dangerous, so he temporarily closed [Little Magic Eye] to facilitate his actions.

The vision was normal.

There was only a small amount of white mist attached to the ground in the secret passage, so there wouldn't be much interference.

The east building and the west building were separated by only a three-meter-thick wall from the building structure.

However, this secret passage was designed for reasons and folded back and forth, resulting in a length of dozens of meters, it seemed to deliberately increase the time it took to travel to the third floor of the west building.

During the walk, Han Dong carried a portable kerosene lamp for illumination.

"Miss Vino, what is the purpose of this profession [Writer]? Seems to have an extremely high status in the Holy City."

"You don't even know that? Let me tell you about it briefly, writers are, in private, also known as 'communicators'."

"A communicator?"

"That's right, not just anyone who writes a little bit can be called a [writer], but only those who are outstandingly gifted in the spiritual dimension can be included in the ranks of [writers].

There are two main functions of a writer.

First, to communicate with the Destiny Space.

Through their talents, they could often create articles that revealed the secrets of the Destiny Space.

Sometimes, they could even write storylines that corresponded to Destiny events, greatly increasing the knights' chances of surviving into the difficult copies.

This kind of targeted storytelling would consume a lot of a writer's energy, and would only target the Destiny events above the Knights.

In addition, the former Writer's Association in conjunction with the Clock Tower had also developed a 'Fate Codex' that contained the corresponding titles of all events, which was of great significance to the understanding of the Destiny Space.

Secondly, some of the [writers] with excellent perception were even able to go outside the city walls at night in their sleep, through creative inspiration combined with their own dreams, in a high-latitude gesture, without being noticed by life outside the city.

Giving us very intuitive out-of-town intelligence and advance warning of some dangerous situations.

For example, last month, a certain core member of the Craft was able to spy through dreams that a newly built Fallen's lair existed west of the city walls, in a depression nearly four kilometers away.

The Order got the information and decisively attacked, annihilating the still-developing high-ranking beings and a spatial rift that had yet to be stabilized.

Once the spatial rift is made into a portal by the higher beings and the lair takes shape, it will pose a great threat to the Holy City."

"Communicating fate and dreaming outside the city! Is that what a writer is?"

"Yes, writers have an important significance to the Holy City, and the relative risk of becoming a writer is extremely high.

Writers are more powerful and 'spread out' than we are on the level of the spiritual brain, and are easily targeted by beings from outside the city, and are also susceptible to spiritual influence.

Therefore, the Holy City Writers' Association was founded, and its members were given the status of 'knighthood' and allowed to live in the third level.

The entire third level was covered by spiritual nodes, further isolating and protecting the writers from remote influences, isolating them as much as possible from the interference of beings outside the city.

Unexpectedly, something had still happened, Viscount Alex was considered one of the most important members of the Writer's Association, and this matter had to be investigated to find out the cause and prevent more writers from being affected. Otherwise, it will bring unimaginable harm to the Holy City."

As Celeste finished briefly explaining the profession of 'writer'.

The two of them also walked out of the passageway and officially arrived at the lobby area on the third floor of the west building.

There weren't any stairs, or elevators set up here.

To come up directly from the West Tower, one would need to activate some sort of secret passage or elevating folding staircase in order to reach the creation room on this floor.

"The Writer's [Creation Room] really needed to be absolutely quiet.

Even the location of the windows and the placement of various objects were carefully designed, to create a special 'atmosphere' suitable for creation.

The entry of outsiders will disturb the 'energy-field' and affect the creator's mood.

Usually, writers are like Alex, having a separate building or layer of creative rooms that are completely off-limits to outsiders."

Han Dong sort of understood this, "I see, I thought Cass' Father had some dark secret."

The first time they stepped into the place, their vision was already drawn.

The front door of the [Main Creation Room] was slightly open a crack, and the naked eye could see a large amount of fog spilling out from within.

Open eyes!

When the Little Devil's Eye opened again, the scene he saw caused Han Dong to sweat coldly, even as he couldn't help but take a step back.

A large amount!

Right! Lots of white tentacles crawling all over the doorway.


Peristalsis, peristalsis

It was as if he was beckoning to Han Dong.

"What did you see?"

"Lots and lots of dense tentacles, more than you can imagine. I'll try to take a look at it, Miss Vino, make sure you keep a distance of at least three meters from me."



A thin line of holy light formed in Celeste's hand and wrapped around Han Dong's wrist.

In the event of any abnormal or crisis situation, Celeste would drag Han Dong back through the thin line of holy light.


Han Dong took a deep breath and temporarily closed the Little Devil's Eye.

As much as possible, he blocked out the terrifying images of tentacles dancing wildly in his mind and slowly leaned towards the door.

Through the white mist that spilled outwards.

Han Dong first faintly saw the figure of a person sitting in front of a desk.

In order to get a clearer view, Han Dong turned sideways and slowly squeezed in through the doorway.

When he passed through the crack and stood formally inside the room, Han Dong visually saw an eyeball.

Han Dong intuitively saw a middle-aged man with reddened eyes, struggling to write in a book, what exactly was written, Han Dong could not see very clearly.


Even though, Han Dong was clearly just standing at the door of the study, his back was already drenched in cold sweat, an illusion of stepping into an endless abyss, even feeling that if he took another step forward, he would completely fall into the abyss.

"I, I need to see more clearly."

When Han Dong opened his little devil eyes again.

A picture of a lifetime was imprinted into Han Dong's head.

The magnificent study no longer had a place to land, and the floor was filled with dense white tentacles.

However, the tentacles were only 'trivial'.

Han Dong also saw an extra 'intruder'.

Beside Viscount Alex, who was struggling with his pen, stood a 'not so clear' guest.

A guest whose entire body was covered by yellow robes that could only be seen by the Little Devil's Eye.

Why was it called 'not too clear'?

It was because in Han Dong's vision, this person did not seem to belong to the current dimension, and there was a black light outline around his body that completely separated him from the study room.

Right at this moment.

This 'guest' seemed to feel the stranger's gaze and slowly turned his body, his face under the hood about to be exposed to Han Dong's vision.


At the moment of crisis, Han Dong struggled to shout.

For a moment, multiple threads of holy light wrapped around Han Dong's body, pulling him violently away from the study.

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