My Cell Prison

Chapter 261: Escape

Chapter 261: Escape

"So many Drows! All the Drows of the entire Gaon Forest have come?"

The dense number of Drow's was nearly 100,000 and had completely covered the caravan.

Even Vice Chief Hydra was shocked by such a scene.

But the Drow's themselves belonged to the [Wild Monsters], which were Drows influenced by the pollution infestation and the consciousness of the dead souls in the Gaon Forest and came through "anthropomorphism".

Although neutral, the nature of the evil, after all, the Drow itself has a scavenging nature.

Not knowing the purpose of this group of Drow's, a brown rabid lion running beside Hydra inquired.

"Deputy Chief, do we need to drive away these Drows?"

"How else can we drive away such numbers of Drow's when escaping is a big problem? The first and biggest threat is the 'Old King' who has a complete lock on us.

Once they catch up with us, at best I can only keep two core members safe.

Strangely enough, the Drows do not usually take large-scale action ... It is necessary to gamble that this group of Drows are all on our side and intend to assist us in our escape.

Do not disturb them until you receive my orders."

"As ordered."

Hydra looked up and stared at the Drows in the sky, among which there were several "three-headed priests" ... that had reached the level of [foreign demons]. If we had to go head-to-head with this group of Drows, the Knights would have to pay a price.

Not to mention the "old king" in pursuit behind.

Now only hope that the Drows are on the side of the Knights.


Inside the six-person carriage.

The teammates who had seen Han Dong and Drow close together, staring at the dense flock of Drows, thought of Han Dong at first.

Wendy asked first: "Vice-captain ... these Drows should not be?"

" Mmm ..."

Han Dong just nodded slightly and did not answer anything more.

Staring at the flock of Drows in the sky, the little devil's eye found a few very special Drow.

With three heads on their necks.

The feathers also have some other colors (red, blue, purple), and

In their hands, they held an ancient wooden staff decorated with feathers.

It even feels like there are multiple eyes hidden between their feathers, always observing all the environment in the forest.

The whole emits a very heavy 'Drow aura'.

"Is this the elder of the tribe that the Dozer Drow are talking about? The level seems to be very high ... reached the level of [the foreign devil]?"

Currently, the staff held in the hands of the "elders" is emitting strange energy, an imaginary Drow feather is emerging between the staff.

There were four such elders.

The elders, who were scattered in different areas, were casting such secret spells at the same time.

The black ripples were centered on them and spread out in all directions.

But all the Drows touched by the ripples turned into a special black feather, floating down, and descending.

The feathers of the Drows will stick to the surface of the carriages of the Knights on their own.

Each of the feathers will reduce the overall weight of the carriage, as well as reduce wind resistance and provide slight propulsion for the carriage.

The effect of one feather is not obvious.

But when there are a hundred feathers attached, the effect will be quite strong.

Except for the elders.

Almost all the Drows turned into such feathers and plastered all over the caravan, making the overall travel speed increase across the board.

Go on like this! Maybe they could survive.

At this moment, Han Dong sensed something approaching and immediately opened the carriage door.


A special Drow with a ring of blue feathers around its neck quickly flew into the carriage.

When it landed, it immediately transformed into a "three-headed Drow man".

A powerful aura swept away, stronger than any of the family cadres in the large manor ... This was one of the elders in the Drow Man tribe of the Gaien Forest.

The eyes on the three heads, as well as the eyes hidden between the feathers, stared at Han Dong at the same time.

Then all three Drow heads lowered slightly.

Such an elder had been able to fully imitate human speech, emitting a relatively standard English.

"My Lord! The "King of Ghouls" has descended, and it is also a great calamity for the Gaon Forest, there is only so much we can do for you ... hope to help you return to the human gathering place without any problems, my lord."

"Many thanks."

"My lord, I need to confirm one thing ... one of the Drows in my clan who followed you, 'Dozer Drow', mentioned that my lord is willing to provide us with a 'shelter'?"

In the presence of others, the elder used the word 'shelter' in place of the large manor with the 'deed to the land'.

"That is correct."

"Good! The Drow Tribe looks forward to your visit, my lord ..."

Having said that, the elder left by the carriage, leaving behind only the surprised fellow travelers.

"Everyone, there are things about me and the Drow People that I hope you can keep confidential." Han Dong solemnly instructed a sentence.


Abel's view of Han Dong was already completely different.

Without the help of these Drow People, this "training session" would in all probability end in total annihilation.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every step the "Old King" moved behind him caused a high-intensity earthquake.

Because the movement of the "Old King" exceeded the maximum limit of the crustal layer of the Gaien Forest, abyssal cracks up to a thousand meters long had appeared in many areas.

Where the palm falls, trees are destroyed.

But all the land that was touched by the "Old King" also grew many dark green tentacles, and a terrifying plague began to spread in the Gaien Forest.

Even if you can escape from various disasters and survive.

But if you are not careful to look directly at the real face of the old king, will immediately be unable to carry the consciousness, or self-destruct, or lose form.

Numerous evil filth and wild monsters inhabiting the forest all died in this catastrophe.


The caravan, however, is in a better position.

"At this speed ... we will be able to survive!!!"

Riding on the python Hydra swam at the front of the group.

Because of the assistance of Drow feathers, there is a completely offset gravity and can self-adapt to a variety of terrain feel.

Even if the super-strong vibration constantly coming from behind, and even triggered large-scale changes in the terrain, still can smoothly travel through the forest ....

In the full bestial knight's traction, ten thousand Drows to assist.

The entire convoy broke out of the [Gaien Forest].

The current distance from the gate of the Holy City is only eight thousand meters.

Such a disaster-level old king descends, covering the sky with a huge body ... simply do not need to send flares.

Staring at the hundred-meter-high walls of the Holy City, most of the trainee knights in the carriage breathed a great sigh of relief.

Most of them have even imagined the scene where the city gates are fully opened and the Knights are out in force, together with the powerful city cannons, to fight this old king.


The chief of Kemon is already riding a mammoth mount, with the main force of the Behemoth Knights, waiting for the gates to open.

Along with them were the Knights of the Plague, the Knights of the Black Rose, and the Knights of the Holy Order.

The great battle was about to begin.


At the same time when the caravan rushed out of the forest.

About 800 meters away from the caravan, there was another exit point of the forest.

An individual knight who did not belong to the Order of Behemoth rode out of the forest alone on his unique 'war horse'.

A skeletal horror warhorse, a closer look will even find, skeletal warhorse stepping through the grass will wither and die in a short time.

The rider is shrouded in a black cloak, carrying a very exaggerated white scythe behind him.

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