My Daughter is an Assassin

Chapter 34: Borg Makes His Move!

Chapter 34: Borg Makes His Move!

"Let's go to the Chinese Embassy," Borg said evenly. 

The sound of bombs and the panic of the crowd made the bus drive pull into the side of the road. He did not dare to move forward.

The rocket fire in front of them never stopped. Faced with such a crisis, Borg, who was extremely calm, suggested the Chinese Embassy.

The most important thing now was to find a safe place

The Chinese Embassy was definitely the best choice, especially since there were so many Chinese people on the bus.

As long as they applied for political asylum, he believed China would not turn them away.

No matter what, these tourists were innocent, and he did not want to see innocent people dragged into a war.

In addition, the people here had a good impression of China, which made him feel going to the Chinese Embassy was the best option.

After hearing this, the driver immediately started the engine and drove towards the Chinese Embassy. 

The Chinese Embassy had authority in Country L because neither the government nor the rebel army dared to act rashly against China.

The rebel army wanted to seize power, but China was a United Nations country and had great standing in that organization.

If they drew the ire of China, even if they seized power, they wouldn't get far on the world stage.

There was a treaty between countries. Each country could not interfere with the policies of other countries or interfere with the internal battles of each country.

As such, if the rebels attacked the government forces, they could do whatever they wanted. After all, this was a domestic matter, and it had nothing to do with other countries.

However, if the people of China were injured and the embassy was attacked, China would have the right to interfere.

If that happened, warships, soldiers, and planes would arrive on these shores. How would the rebels be able to handle that?

With this in mind, going to the embassy was a very wise choice.

"No! We want to go to the American Embassy!"

When the bus started up again, the few Americans on board immediately said they wanted to go to their own country's embassy.

Faced with such a predicament, the driver suddenly shouted, "We can't go to the American Embassy! They might be working with the rebels! The rebels have so many weapons! If it wasn't for the interference of other countries, where would they get all those weapons from?"

Once he said that, the Americans took out their phones and immediately began to search.

After checking, they realized that they really could not contact the American Embassy! This made the Americans feel despair.

Borg did not need to check. He had already known about this. The Americans would not care. Those people would only interfere if they benefited from it. 

Moreover, it was hard to guarantee that the rebels did not have the Americans behind them. This kind of small-scale matter was what the CIA loved to interfere with. 


Thud! Thud! Thud!



Thud! Thud! Thud! 

Along the way, the rumbling sound of cannon fire exploded in everyone's ears. They all trembled with fear. 

Everyone was regretting coming here.

They were desperate for the bus to go faster, to get them away from this warzone. 

The driver used his familiarity with the capital to try to avoid some of the areas with the most intense fighting, desperate to get to the embassy safely.

Just as everyone was praying, gunshots shattered the windshield of the bus.

The driver died instantly, shot a dozen times, and the bus skidded to a halt.

A few minutes later, a group of soldiers with red scarves on their necks rushed towards the bus, holding AK's in their hands.

They looked into the bus and quickly realized that most of the people inside were tourists.

"There are foreigners here!"

"There are many Chinese and Europeans on this bus!"

When the group of rebels rushed to the bus, the locals of Country L immediately shouted, hoping that they would not shoot.

After hearing they were all tourists, the rebels did not shoot. Instead, some of them quickly got onto the bus and others surrounded it.

After his men surrounded the bus, the leader of the rebels boarded. He too realized that they were all foreign tourists. Less than 10% of them were black, and his head instantly throbbed.

If there was one or two foreigners, he would dare to kill them. It would be very easy for one or two people to die. They could simply deny it and use all sorts of reasons to avoid trouble.

However, if many people died here, they could not afford to take this responsibility. 

"All foreigners get out of the bus!" the leader shouted aggressively. 

The translator quickly translated what the leader of the rebels said to the people on the bus. Hearing this, some timid people quickly disembarked, desperate to escape this awful situation. 

Most of them were blond Europeans

In the face of death, they cared more about their own safety than what happened to others.

As for the Chinese people with a conscience, they couldn't bear to watch the locals get hurt. But what could they do? 

If they got off the bus, the locals would definitely face a massacre. They were desperate to save them! So, they remained in their seats, steadfast. 

The leader noticed this. He had already risked a lot by letting the foreigners go. If they had any other requests, he would just have to kill them.

This was the final step to seizing power. As long as they took down this city, the rebel army would be victorious. And then they would be the ones leading Country L!

And the way to take down this city was to massacre its entire population. All the citizens who supported the government army would die!

So, they would not let these Chinese people go


The sound of gunshots shocked the Chinese people. They wanted to protect the innocent people of Country L, but they couldn't do anything about it. So, they slowly got off the bus. 

Borg also disembarked.

As they got off, an old man couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his hands and walked up to the leader, then spoke in fluent English.

"We have money. Can we buy their lives? They are innocent people!"

As soon as these words were spoken, many Chinese people agreed with him. They all started to speak, saying that they had money. They wanted to save the locals. 

However, after hearing these words, the leader immediately pointed his gun at the old man's head and said furiously, "F*ck off!"

"F*ck off!"

The old man was so scared that he became unsteady. The other Chinese people shrank back too, fearful of what the rebel leader might do to them. 

Right at that moment, Borg made his move. He grabbed the leader's pistol and immediately aimed at his temple. His movements were extremely swift, and no one had time to react.

"Get your team out of here!"

Borg didn't waste any time and immediately shouted at the rebel leader.

If they didn't have the bus, they would be lucky if ten of them reached the embassy in one piece. Without any transportation, a massacre awaited them!

And Borg's reason for making his move was very simple. He was a soldier, and soldiers were there to protect people. 

In addition, he was very satisfied with the performance of this group, so he had a reason to make a move.

And if he wanted to kill these rebels, it would be a piece of cake. They were not a threat to him at all.

Feeling the muzzle of the gun on his temple, the leader was so scared that his legs turned to water. He had never thought that such a thing would happen.

When the rebels saw that their leader was being held hostage, they raised their AK's and got ready to shoot. 

"Put down your weapons! Put down your weapons!" the leader immediately shouted at the soldiers

Seeing this, Borg began to count down. He wasn't afraid of how many people were in front of him.

Hearing their leaders' words, the soldiers immediately put down their weapons. Their brows were furrowed in confusion. 

As Borg subdued the general, the tourists and locals quickly got back onto the bus. They knew if they left the bus, their lives would be in danger.

Therefore, they chose to get on the bus.

"Find someone who can drive. Go to the embassy!"

Borg didn't waste any words. As soon as he spoke, two people immediately carried the driver's body out. Then, one person started the engine.

The Europeans who had been extremely arrogant were all in shock.

Especially when they thought about how they had disregarded the lives of others and had been the first to escape. They felt even more ashamed.

"Thank you, thank you!"

When they were all on the bus and away from the rebel army's encirclement, the locals were crying, and they thanked all the Chinese people.

Borg smashed the pistol into the rebel leader's head, and the leader immediately fainted.

After knocking the rebel leader unconscious, Borg shouted to the temporary driver, "Open the door!"

The temporary driver was a local. When he heard Borg's words, he immediately opened the door.

The moment the door opened, Borg left the unconscious leader on the ground and jumped onto the bus. 

The bus drove away from the scene, exhaust fumes coiling into the blue sky. 

When the soldiers saw their leader on the floor, they went to check on him. They did not pay any attention to the bus

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