My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I'm the Weakest!

Chapter 35: Nuke Dragon - Part 1

Chapter 35: Nuke Dragon - Part 1

20 minutes ago...

To initiate 'Operation Death from Above', the Titan Hunters guild and Shooting Stars assembled their remaining priests, priestesses, warlocks, witches, and Epic-tier Mounts. Upon reaching the designated location—a rooftop five stories high and one mile from the motionless dragon—the group of ten whispered urgently among themselves.

"Alright, everyone, thanks for coming!" Tamara Morin announced as the last witch alighted from her Flying Mount. "Shooting Stars and Titan Hunters, please listen to Benjamin! We're all in this together to take that monster down!"

Benjamin Woods, leader of Titan Hunters, towered over the petite Tamara. He took a deep breath and announced, "Guilders! The dragon has wreaked enough havoc on the city, so I'll keep this brief. Split into two groups—Dark Magic Users on my right for Group A, priests on my left for Group B. Move!"

As the groups formed, Benjamin noted their reluctant compliance and the uncertainty in their eyes, which pained him.

"It'll work," Tamara reassured quietly after catching his weary gaze.

"Oh, I'm certain, Ms. Morin," Benjamin replied, massaging his temples. "Just hoping I can play my part."

"You seemed determined just minutes ago," Tamara remarked with a slight smile, patting his arm. "Hold onto that a bit longer, and we'll be fine."

"Yeah..." Benjamin whispered, his gaze fixed not on the dragon but on a distant battle, where buildings collapsed under thick clouds of smog and fiery explosions.

That must be Astrid Bradford, he thought. Wish I had the 'Eagle Eye' Passive Skill like those in the Marksman Class to see it better. But I don't need it to know she's facing something as formidable as this dragon.

A bitter chuckle escaped him. Why the doubt? Taking down giants is what I do best.

That morning, he had glanced at the ranking charts after someone pointed them out. Seeing Shooting Stars at the bottom was surreal. While some of his peers celebrated their guild's ascension to the top of the city's ranks, Benjamin retreated to his office.

Can't they see this just means more work, more pressure?

He could handle it—his old job on Earth had been far more stressful.

Shooting Stars' fame shone so brightly it seemed to blind everyone else on the stage that was Londorus. The only guilds that competed, like Death Bringers, had opted to move away. Those who remained lived in the shadow of Astrid Bradford's overwhelming presence.

Benjamin checked another list—the 'Individual Power' ranking, where Astrid's name clung to the seventh spot like an immovable iceberg. He scrolled down to find his own name in 87th place.

As long as my guild excels at something... at taking down Giant Bosses... we'll manage.

Refocusing on the present, he saw the newly formed groups ready to act.

"Guilders, your next orders are simple! Group A, target the dragon's white head with curses and debuffs. Group B, cleanse and purify the black head. And be cautious—stay clear of the suicide-inducing gas it emits! Just focus on this final task; Tamara and I will handle the rest."

Benjamin rattled off the instructions so quickly he wondered if everyone caught them, but the relief on their faces reassured him.

"That's it?" one guild member called out, chuckling.

"Count on us, boss!"

"But what if the dragon fires at us?" a youthful voice asked.

"Dodge," Benjamin smirked. "Now, go and clear a path for us so I can bring you the dragon's heart!"

The Flying Mounts took to the sky, and Benjamin's laughter rang out as he watched his guild members charge toward their grim task.

"It's good to see you motivated," Tamara noted, clapping him on the back.

"But of course! In minutes, I'll be Londorus' savior!" he exclaimed.

"True, true," Tamara agreed, then cleared her throat. "Shouldn't we get going... like, now?"

Benjamin snorted. "I don't have an Epic-tier Mount. You?"

She blinked, speechless for a moment. "B-But you're a Guild Master!"

"That's right," he replied, arms crossed. "I usually stay back, coordinating. When we get a mount, I pass it to my top guilders to keep them motivated."

"T-That's... admirable," Tamara said softly, lowering her eyes. "Sorry if I seemed rude."

"No offense taken, Ms. Morin!" Benjamin chuckled.

Tamara nodded, smiling. "Let me call my Mount then." She summoned a winged, feline beast with a wave of her arm. "Would you like to take the reins, sir?"

"Nah. I'm afraid of heights. We'd never get off the ground."

Tamara's smile faded. "Eh?"




I don't feel intimidated by him anymore... nor impressed, Tamara thought as she commanded her purple flying puma to ascend with Benjamin tightly holding onto her waist. And here I was, thinking he looked somewhat attractive while we planned the attack...

"We need to rise above the clouds!" Benjamin instructed through the Party Chat, his voice tinged with disbelief at his own words.

"You're doing great, sir. Just keep your eyes closed, and you'll be fine!"

Below them, the Dragon shifted its focus towards the other guild members flying overhead. Laser beams streaked from its maw, slicing through the sky.

The mounts are quick enough to dodge, but it depends on the rider. We need to be swift, Tamara thought as they ascended.

Lightning crackled nearby, making Benjamin flinch. The clouds above them, charged and black, loomed like a formidable barrier. They broke through into a serene blue sky, the Novus sun still shining impotently over the city below.

I'd forgotten it was still daytime.

"We've reached the sky's ceiling, sir," Tamara informed him as Benjamin pressed his face into her back.

"Good. Let's hold here a bit longer, Ms. Morin. We don't want that dragon spotting us."

"Understood," she replied, switching communication channels. Instantly, the voices of the rest of the guilders filled her head, a cacophony of panic and struggle.

(Don't tell me you've run out of mana!)

(I-I can't see this working... Its Magic Resistance is too damn high!)

(No, no, no! You're aiming at the wrong one, you fool--!)

(I think I'm gonna puke...)


(My god, they killed Benny!)

(That bastard!)

(Why do I suddenly want to strip and curse myself? My whole body itches!)

(Veronika, did you inhale the gas? Hold on, I'll cleanse you!)

(The Eclipse Festival is upon us! G-Grua--)

(Did you see that?! Veronika... with her staff...)

(This isn't working, folks! W-Why did I agree to this suicide mission?! I've got nearly 800,000 G on me! I'm sorry guys, but I'll--!)

(Don't you dare quit, Jona!)

(Ignore him! The white head's acting up! It's actually working!)

(I see it too! What are you doing, Group A?! Stop whining and do your job!)

(Guys--I mean, Group A! Stop with the debuffs, stick to curses!)

(They took down one of the Shooting Stars. I didn't catch their name.)

(Don't stop now! We're making an impact. Keep at it!)

(The black head looks dizzy. It's working!)

"Sir!" Tamara cried out to Benjamin.

"Descend. We have a dragon to slay..."

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