My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I'm the Weakest!

Chapter 51: Gaming Ethics

Chapter 51: Gaming Ethics

He needed to find that NPC waitress and ask her about her old job. Was leaving the Town Hall really her decision? But before he could storm inside, a female NPC blocked his path.

"Welcome to the Dragon's Belly. How may I help you?"

I should have known that I can't just enter here without being a customer.

"Hi. A friend is waiting for me inside. Um... Her name is Monique Ascencio."

"Sorry, sir. She's not currently in the establishment at this moment."

"I see. It's okay then. A table for one, please."

The NPC's eyes glowed for a second, before tilting her head to one side and forming a gentle smile. "I'm sorry, but according to my database, you've been banned from entering this restaurant. Anything else I can do for you?"

"That I have been what now?"

"You surely remember what happened on your last visit here, Mr. Warden," someone said behind the NPC, wearing glasses and a long braid over her shoulder. "That's why the owner has instructed every employee to keep you out."

Alan stared at the young woman for a couple of seconds before recognizing her. "Hey! It's Monique's bodyguard."

"I'm Risette," she said, grimacing. "What's your business here? Are you ready to pay your debt?"

I'm already here, so...

"That's right, although I'd preferred doing it inside while munching on a burger. I really liked this place's food. Is your boss not here?"


"Okay, then..." Alan muttered while manipulating his User Interface, but after a long moment of silence, he dropped his shoulders. "Um... How can I give you the gold?"

"Let me assist you with that," the NPC rushed to say, getting by his side. After a short series of instructions, Alan sent a popup window to Risette, for 10,000 gold. The young woman tapped on it absently and turned back.

"Your debt with Ms. Ascencio has been paid off. I'll send you a receipt shortly. Anything else?"

Alan stared at the smiling NPC still blocking the entrance. "What happened to the other hostess? I came here two days ago, and an NPC girl with cat ears received us."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid she's not working with us anymore," the NPC responded, as Risette sent him a condescending look.

"The same happened to the waitress that served you." She snickered. "They should have known that a guy like you didn't have the money to pay the bill."

With those ominous words, the two got inside and locked the door.

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"Bronze-tier weapons? HA! Sorry, pal, but I melted all the bronze gear I had to make that tea set. It's my top-selling product."

Alan observed the ugly iron teapot adorned with spikes with an appalled expression on his face.


"You're asking why?" the shop owner sneered. "How would I know there was still a level five around here? And why are you still five, anyway? Even the laziest of people leveled up by doing almost nothing, passive XP and all that."

"If you don't have any starting weapons, could you at least restore this sword?" Alan placed his damaged weapon over the counter, making the guy chuckle.

"Pal, I could reforge this trash and turn it into better trash, or I could sell you this kitchen knife. 500 gold."

Alan's eyes widened. The knife had three times more attack power than his sword.

"I... I'll buy it... Do you have anything that can be used as a shield?"

"I have an iron tray for 700 gold. Do you want me to attach a strap to it?"

"Y-Yes please..."

"Be right back," the shop owner said, snickering.

"A freaking kitchen knife..." Alan muttered, looking at the tea set with resentment.

Someone humming a song then caught his attention. A known song. He took a peek at the other side of the counter, and found a pink-haired female NPC in another room, wearing an apron.

"Should I charge you extra for ogling, pal?" the shop owner said, carrying the iron tray, straps, and a hammer.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude."

"Ah, I don't blame you if you find her attractive, that's why I get her," the man said absently while starting to work. "She's my wife. Isn't she lovely? I customized her hair to make her look like Miss Cosmica. Very original, huh? But now, people are comparing her to the mayor. I swear to the god of smithing, the next one that mentions it will receive a hammer to the head."

Alan blinked repeatedly. "Wait, did you just say 'wife'? H-How does that work?"

"Seriously, pal," the man said in an annoyed tone. "Have you just logged in or something? Here's your shield and knife. 1200 gold for the knife and shield, and 200 extra for busting my balls."

"Lunch is ready, my dear!" the NPC said in a sweet tone from the kitchen.

"Thanks, sweetheart! I'll join you in a minute!"

Watching that scene, Clara Domínguez's words echoed inside Alan's mind: They're just like walking dolls...

"Can I ask you something?" Alan said, equipping his new shield. "Was your 'sweetheart' the original owner of this place?"

The blacksmith's mocking smile vanished as his face turned red in a second. He threw his hammer at Alan, who successfully blocked it. "Mind your own business, pal! Now, get out of here and go level up, you late weirdo!"

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Am I the only one that thinks that all of this is messed up? Alan thought tiredly, dragging his feet towards Amelia's location. A superimposed yellow line on the road told him where to go, and Alan wondered if only he could see it.

Finally, the line stopped in front of a Victorian-style, two-story house on the town's outskirts.

"Don't tell me that... she bought a house..." Alan stared at it in dismay for a couple of seconds before a system window popped up in front of him, which read: 'Phantom Seeker's HQ.'

You have to be freaking kidding me...

Although a locked padlock icon floated above the door, it unlocked automatically once he approached. Inside, Sloochie was resting in the living room, and quickly greeted him with a soft cry.

"Is that you, Alan?" Amelia's voice came from somewhere inside the house.


"Make yourself at home! We'll be with you in a minute!"

"Why does she ask me if it's me? I'm pretty sure that the door doesn't open for everyone," he muttered as he went straight to a couch and laid face down. Sloochie quickly imitated him and rested on his buttocks.

I've been here for, what, four days? And I've already witnessed some of the worst aspects of this world. I don't want to imagine what's awaiting me later on.

He shut his eyes and changed positions, burying his head against a pillow making Sloochie fall. The slime could be heard squeaking while jumping back to rest over him again.

And worst of all, there don't seem to be low-level monsters in the vicinity. Even the woods that terrified me are completely free of critters. Now that I think about it, the only monster I've seen since arriving is that thing called Weasenox. But, its level is too high for me to kill it.

His mind reminded him of the Slime-folk and the creatures they used for their everyday life. Smaio's carrying bug was level 8.

Alan groaned after imagining himself slaying that thing. Goddammit! Don't even think about it!

"We're here!" Amelia jovially shouted. Alan could hear Sloochie squealing with joy as the girls entered the living room. "Hmm? What happened to you?"

"Nothing," Alan said, giving them the back. "What about you? I can see you've been quite busy..."

"Do you like this place?" Amelia said, beaming. "It was dirt-cheap, don't worry! That's the only benefit of living in an isolated place like this. The cons? Plenty! Believe me. We spent the whole afternoon in every clothing store in town, like three, actually, and I've concluded that I could do a better job than them! So, guess what? I'll open a shop in this bore of a place! I have the skills after all. Marissa taught me how to craft jewelry, and with my keen sense of fashion, I'll blow these low-levelers minds once I know how to make clothes!"

"I thought you wanted to take a sabbatical year..."

"From fighting, silly! And I've already told you I want to do something with my free time while you both level up."

"True... Good luck then... I know you can pull it off..."

Amelia could be heard exhaling loudly. "Could you knock it off? Stop acting like a wretch and take a look at Ashley's new style!"

"What new style?" Alan asked, turning his head sideways, to find black high stockings in front of him. "Whoaaaah!" He jumped from his place to observe Ashley's combat boots and an off-shoulder black lantern dress.

"What do you think?!" Amelia giggled, positioned behind Ashley. "Come on, Ash, as we practiced," she whispered in her ear.

Both tilted their heads at the same time, put their left hand on their hip, and made a V sign with their right hand close to their faces. "Cosmic!" both said, coordinated.

"Amelia said that this would help you get motivated for our incoming training routine," Ashley said in a flat voice, while still making an idol pose.

"I didn't say 'motivate'!" Amelia cried. "Wait, did I really use that word? Whatever. Alan, don't you have something to say?"

Alan, who had remained silent for several seconds, looked at Ashley in the eye and muttered: "Beauty in black, skin like the moon, that travels this world breaking hearts with your cold emerald eyes, don't mind my gaze and continue to find your way back to heaven, where other angels miss you already..."

"I think we broke his mind," Amelia muttered before Alan's watery eyes caught her off guard. "W-What's wrong? Did something happen? Did they rob you again?"

Even if I'm the unluckiest man on this ship, I can also be the most fortunate with these two around...

"I love you guys..." he blurted out, making Amelia blush.

"Why do you say that all of a sudden?!"

"I think he's stating his trust in us," Ashley said plainly.

"I know," Amelia cried, "but don't say it like that either! It ruins it!"

"I really do," Alan continued, looking down.

"S-Stop it!"

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