My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 200 200: Healer

This woman's mindset is just and natural. There was nothing wrong it. The problem was that Rezen absolutely has no backing or power

In essence, he is useless and Rezen can't help but be pessimistic. Even his savior was only wearing a beast skin to cover her private areas, this further proved Rezen's theory that this is a backward place with little to no technological advancement

Based on this woman, the people in this world are still living in tribal societies and based on how the media portrayed it, they are often cruel and brutal

Rezen was still starting to think about how he should react when another person entered this pathetic excuse of a house

This time, it was a man and he too was only wearing a beast skin on his waist to cover his most intimate area

"Jenna, is that guy awake alrea—" before the man could finish his words, he had already seen the conscious Rezen considering how small the hut house

"Oh! You're finally awake! We found and saved you! What tribe did you come from? Is it a big tribe? Could you help us be part of your tribe in exchange for saving you?" The man said enthusiastically, eyes practically glowing with greed

'It seems like what tribe a person belongs to is extremely important in this world' Rezen thought, the gears of his brain moving frantically to decide on how he should respond

With how weak he is currently, he is afraid that a mere sneeze from these people could kill him

Rezen thought about lying and saying that he is part of a big tribe but he immediately threw that at the back of his head

If he were to say the name of a big tribe, these people might bring him there immediately. If that happens, his lie would be exposed immediately

On the other hand, if he were to make up a name of a tribe that does not exist, these people might think that his tribe is one of the weak and unknown tribes. In the end, he would become useless in their eyes

Either of the two outcomes might lead to death!

'In that case... I can only...'

Rezen flashed a pained expression on his face while holding his head. He is not an S-tier actor but considering that he is still wounded, his act looks more believable

"A-ah!! I-I... I don't know... I can't remember anything" Rezen replied while faking his pain

He decided to take the road of an amnesiac patient. In this way, his saviors would think twice before doing anything

They can't risk bringing him to the prominent tribes in case they displeased those people and they also couldn't risk displeasing Rezen in case he has a huge backing

He might not receive VIP treatment but they at least wouldn't harm him, right?

"You don't remember anything?" Jenna muttered in disappointment while Yvter has a more displeased response as he made a 'tsk' sound

"S-sister, I can't remember my parents or where I came from" Rezen confirmed before his eyes 'accidentally' noticed the wounds on Jenna's body

"Wait, sister, you're injured! We must treat your wounds immediately!" Rezen said while feigning concern causing the woman to look at her arms unconsciously

"These? No need, they'll heal soon enough" Jenna replied nonchalantly. She was already used to these

The number of times she was injured and wounded was already uncountable

However, this made her and Yvter stare at Rezen's body. Considering that Rezen was only wearing a small beast skin on his waist, he was pretty exposed to them

First of all, he was not overly muscular unlike most people in their small tribe where even the women are buffed. And secondly, aside from the fresh wounds he had when they found him, he doesn't seem to have any old wounds

A man that was wearing high-quality clothes that they have never seen before that has no old wounds and treated small wounds as a big deal...


Jenna and Yvter glanced at each other. Their theory of Rezen being a rich Young Master from a big tribe sounds more plausible. And with how Rezen reacted, he seems to be kind-hearted. They only have to wait or help him recover his memory before they could move to a safer and more comfortable tribe!

Seeing the reaction of these two, Rezen knew that he succeeded and what he has to do now is to show worth to the point that even if these people learned that he is not a rich Young Master, they would still not discard him

"Sister, do you have Prickly Parsnip and Yellow Tongue Leaves?" Rezen asked

Those things are common herbs that Ivy surveyed when Rezen was unconscious and was being brought to this tribe

Rezen has to show his worth and right now, there is only one way to do so and that is to make himself a healer!

He might not know much about herbs but he has Ivy with him that could temporarily replace his 'cheat'

"Huh? What are those?" Jenna asked while rubbing the back of her head

"They are herbs that are effective in healing wounds! I guarantee that by using them, sister would recover in a short period of time!" Rezen replied confidently and he saw his savior's eyes twinkling

"A-are you a healer?" She asked in anticipation

Healers are important in every tribe whether they use magic or Spirit Plants! In fact, in some ways, healers that use Spirit Plants are more welcomed

Healers that heal using magic have their limits. They could only treat an n number of people at a time

However, healers that make use of Spirit Plants are different. They could constantly process Spirit Plants and turn them into healing items as long as they have the necessary materials

Whether it be the former or the latter, both are rare. Not everyone could learn healing magic or how to use Spirit Plants

In Jenna's tribe, there was no healer but if there is one, there is no doubt that the death rate of the tribesmen would significantly lower

Whether the hunt is successful or not, the tribesmen would definitely sustain some injuries. The injuries might be small or weak and would heal in time but the more injuries a person accumulates, the sooner they would die

The lifespan of the tribesmen is significantly low mostly because of the injuries they sustain when they hunt. And now, there is a possible healer that entered their tribe, isn't this something worth celebrating?

"I-I don't know... I'm not sure but... in my mind, I know the names of a large number of Spirit Plants and how to use them" Rezen answered 'unsurely' as if he was also wondering why he knew these things

That further solidified his amnesia while also fortifying his position by showing his worth. He doesn't believe that these people would still neglect him

"Tell me what those herbs look like! I will find them for you!" Jenna said excitedly

"Tsk, what is there to be excited about?" Yvter mumbled, dissatisfied that he can't enter a big tribe since the 'Young Master' has lost his memories

Rezen decided to ignore Yvter and he focuses on Jenna that was kinder and more enthusiastic

With the help and guidance of Ivy, he describes what the herbs look like in great detail

Fortunately, these herbs are common in this area and it didn't take that long before Jenna realizes that he had already seen those herbs before

"Since these herbs are common, I'll go and get some now. Yvter, go take a piece of the boar meat and cook it for Rezen!" Jenna said before running out of the hut

She can't wait to see whether Rezen is really a healer or not. If she got the herbs and Rezen was able to process them into something that could heal people, no doubt that she hit a jackpot

A person with this kind of knowledge at the very least came from a tribe bigger than Jenna's tribe. And for Rezen to learn these things, his position in his tribe must be very high!

No matter what, Jenna has decided to cling to Rezen in order to make use of him to make her life more comfortable

Jenna and most of the people in her tribe don't have much ambition. All they want is to always have enough food and not worry about their safety

A small tribe always worries for their food and safety while the bigger tribe seldom has the same worries. A small or a big tribe, it was easy to choose between the two

"Tsk, why do I have to be the one to do that?" Yvter clicked his tongue in annoyance

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