My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 206 206: Potato

Waterside Tribe

Inside one of the hut houses of the tribe, Rezen could be seen watering a wooden pot filled with soil

His farm is still unusable and he cannot plant anything on it yet. For now, he could only try and plant things in a pot. Even if the seed doesn't sprout, it is still a nice hobby for his mental state

"Sprout and germinate soon, okay?" He whispered to the pot before continuing his work

Rezen's house now has a wooden cabinet filled with wooden plates, bowls, and small pots

This cabinet was created by the tribesmen with Rezen's guidance and he uses it to store the medicines that he created

He now has medicines for wounds, infections, fever, and more. There were also some painkillers, supplements, and more

In return for his service, the tribesmen provide food and water for him and they are also willing to bring Spirit Plants that he needed if they were to encounter them

Even the Chief could only tolerate his existence for various reasons

Since Rezen has basically created basic medicines that the tribe would need, he doesn't have much to do right now and he starts formulating a plan for his future movements when he heard a familiar voice

"Rezen, look! Look what I found!"

A very excited Umper entered Rezen's hut while waving a piece of what looked like a rotten piece of root

The root gave off a foul scent and there was no way that a person wouldn't notice it because of the heavy stench

"Hylir's Rotten Root!" Rezen's eyes glowed after seeing what Umper have in her hand

That root is a necessary Spirit Plant to one of the recipes that Ivy has given him. With that root, Rezen could create something that he wanted to create for quite some time now

"Very good, Umper!" Rezen praised as he patted the girl's head. Who would have thought that this clumsy girl would be the first one to provide Rezen with a material that he badly needed?

"Hehehe! It's nothing! It's nothing! It's all thanks to you that my bruises don't hurt much and they heal very quickly!" Umper replied sheepishly

As Umper is an extremely clumsy girl, she often fell down resulting in bruises. She like the other tribesmen are already used to pain from wounds but at the end of tne day, pain is still pain

No one wants to suffer from pain and the painkillers of Rezen were a great help to Umper. As such, she was more than willing to provide Rezen with the materials that he needed

"Alright, I'll go now! I and the others have to hunt for food again!" Umper said before she ran out of the hut

"It seems like the food situation of the tribe has gotten worse" Rezen mumbled with an intelligent glint in his eyes

As the tribe's healer, he was provided with food better than many tribesmen. However, since one of the Junior Mage of the tribe died, the food that he received has lessened which was to be expected

A Junior Mage must always be present in the tribe in case of emergencies such as a magic beast tide

In the past, the Chief often stays at the tribe while two Junior Mages went hunting

The tribesmen are independent but not all of them could provide enough food for themselves since there were the elders, children, and disabled

As such, the Junior Mages often donated the surplus food that they hunted. Now that there was one less Junior Mage, the food supply of the tribe significantly lessened

"From what I heard, winter is only two or three months from now. I have to do something about this food shortage" Rezen mumbled, sinking into a deep thought

It's not like Rezen is a good Samaritan. It's just that he was aware that with the lack of food, the tribesmen would grow significantly weaker

The weaker they are, the more vulnerable the tribe would be and in return, Rezen's life would also be at risk

If Rezen wants to survive, he has to make sure that the tribe would survive

"From what I gathered, they always hunt magic beasts and eat their meat. Do they not eat vegetables or they don't know what are the edible ones?" Rezen muttered

"Ivy, display the edible and non-edible plants accessible to us" Rezen ordered

While the farm itself is unusable and Ivy has no attacking power, the fairy still has some extremely helpful auxiliary abilities

One of them was Ivy's ability to scan plants and match them to its database to identify them

In no time, a blue screen that only Rezen could see appeared in his vision. The screen was divided into two sides with two separate lists

One side lists the names and images of the edible plants nearby while the other side lists the non-edible plants

"Hmm, there are more non-edible plants but there's also a number of edible ones but I have never seen the tribe eat them. At most, they would eat some of these fruits or nuts but maybe they overconsume them and there aren't that many of them nearby"

Rezen scrolled on the list using only his eyes when a familiar vegetable entered his vision

"Is that a potato?"

Potatoes are common on earth and they are also one of the easiest vegetables to mass produce. They are not picky and don't need much to grow

"There is no concept of agriculture at least in this tribe. If I consign the help of the tribe and we plant potatoes, no doubt that they would grow before winter"

While two or three months might not be enough time to grow a full-size potato, that is still plenty of time to grow decent size ones

"Not to mention, the soil of this realm was not as abused as the ones on earth"

Rezen rubbed his chin. Because of excessive farming, there was no time for the soil on earth to naturally and organically recover their nutrients

The quality of soil is important to crops and the soil of this realm might be better compared to earth. Who knows, the potatoes might grow in a shorter period of time than Rezen thinks

"I need to tell this to the Chief but before that, I must get some potatoes first"

Without the aid of magic, Rezen can't plant enough potatoes on his own. As such, there is a need for him to get the help of the tribe

However, since winter is coming soon, the tribesmen are mostly busy hunting for food. They need to stockpile enough food if they want to survive the winter and asking them to plant without them understanding its importance would just incur their displeasure

With this in mind, Rezen went out of his hut which he rarely does as he was busy creating medicines in the past

"Oh, Rezen, are you going somewhere? Do you need anything? I'm free right now, I can get it for you" Rezen's neighbor that saw him immediately approached him

At first glance, this neighbor of Rezen might sound kind but actually, he was just worried that the tribe's healer would be in danger

The tribesmen already got a taste of how convenient it is to have a healer, they don't want to lose him

"Hello, Treen, I'm actually looking for this kind of plant..." Rezen started to describe the potato and he watch as his neighbor furrowed his brows

"What do you need that for? Is it for your medicines?"

At that, Rezen shook his head

"My memory still hasn't returned but I remember that I enjoy eating them" Rezen answered and he saw his neighbor's eyes widening in surprise

"How can you eat them! Rezen, your mind might is definitely not okay yet! The potatoes that you speak of are absolutely not edible! We have a tribesman before that tried eating them but not only were they hard and unpalatable, but they also made his stomach upset! You might be overworking yourself, you have to rest for now!"

Due to the loud voice of Treen, he attracted Rezen's other neighbors considering that the tribesmen's huts are very close to each other

These tribal people that also recognize Rezen's worth gathered to check on him

"Rezen, are you sick?"

"Aiyaa! That's why I said to not bother the healer too much!"

"Right, right! I saw Flower Bud asking him for medicines when she just has a bit of stomachache! Tsk! Tsk!"

"We have to let the healer rest properly!"

Rezen is aware that a healer would be very welcomed in this small tribe but even he seems to have underestimated his own worth

He didn't expect to gather this much attention it was to the point that even the Chief's attention was attracted

"Ehem! Ehem! What is happening here?" The Chief asks and as she walks, the tribesmen part to give her enough space

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