My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 245 245: Overdrive Formation

The Military Mage - Wermon killed one magic beast after another. Those that he couldn't kill, he would avoid since he is not the only mage on this battlefield

Suddenly, he saw a group of ten magic beasts pouncing at three mages with two of them kneeling on the ground while soaked with blood

Their faces were dirty and their clothes have pieces of visceral

Two of the three have tears in their eyes as they tried to protect their companion laying on the ground that has a large hole in her stomach

That mage was one of the mages wearing magic robes that received the blessing of mana on their soul, making them suitable for using more complex magic while being physically weaker than mages that received the blessing of mana on their physical bodies

Depending on where a mage received the blessing of mana, they could be classified as Spirit Mage or Body Mage. The former could control more complex magic and because of their physical limitations, they prefer to use long-range attacks. As for the latter, while their attacks are on the simpler side, even if they used all their mana, they wouldn't be as powerless as Spirit Mages. Even without mana, their pure physical strength alone without the aid of magic should be several cycles lower than their rank. They could still fight using their physical bodies even if they exhaust their mana

There are also those that walked and combined both paths but they are rarer. Talent, resources, and luck couldn't be missing if they want to succeed as a Deviant

Seeing that scene, Wermon is reminded of the time when his friend died and he was unable to do anything

He don't wish for anyone to suffer the same fate as he did and his eyes flickered

As he run, a yellow magic circle suddenly appeared on his feet. He moved his sword to his side as he casts a magic spell

"[Clapping Thunder!]" Wermon chanted and it was as if he vanished from his earlier position

It took no more than a second before he reached the ten magic beasts ganging up against two injured people and one that is most likely already dead

It was hard to see Wermon's movement using the naked eye but when he reappeared, he already passed by the military mages and magic beasts

Without stopping, Wermon continue to reach the CW-236

At first, it looks as if he merely passed by but a yellow flash appeared and the ten magic beasts were actually cut in half and the area that was cut was completely burnt


Amidst the noisy battlefield, the sound of thunderclaps rang but it was buried by the other loud sounds nearby

With ease and only using a single magic spell, Wermon killed ten magic beasts in the blink of an eye that are mostly in the 3rd or even 4th cycle

Every advancement in the cycle of the Junior Rank gave a 50% boost in power but that is merely the bare minimum! There are talented mages that could increase their strength by more than 50% and it seems like Wermon was one of those

The two kneeling mages didn't even saw who saved them. The only thing they could see was the corpses of the magic beasts that should have killed them already

"Those that cannot fight anymore, retreat and have our medical personnel treat you and return to the battlefield as soon as possible! Only the seriously injured may do so! If you were found to be lying, you will be executed according to military laws!"

Even though various loud sounds rang on the battlefield, that announcement still entered everyone's ears. It was only possible with the aid of magic

After hearing that, the two kneeling mages immediately retrieved their flying sticks. Even Body Mages could use them as they are still mages. Spirit Mages and Body Mages just have different fields of expertise but Spirit Mages could still attack using their bodies and Body Mages could attack using long-range complicated magic. Their might just wouldn't be as strong as those that specialize in the things that they don't

After some time, Wermon finally arrived at his destination. Just like the other parts of the battlefield, this place was also filled with corpses from both the magic beasts and humans whether they are Spirit or Body Mages

Wermon is not the only mage that was called to reinforce this area. On the ground, many more Body Mages were clashing with the magic beasts and in the air, the Spirit Mages rode on their flying sticks to provide more support

Unfortunately, in this area, there are flying magic beasts. Junior Mages cannot fly freely, especially the Body Mages. As such, it was hard for them to fight flying beasts even with the aid of their flying sticks

After all, they could only exert their strongest power if they reach their target and attack using their bare fists or their chosen weapon

When fighting against flying-type enemies, Spirit Mages are the best but there is one problem. The Spirit Mages have to fight the enemies without the protection of their 'tanks'

While they are not as powerless since they could dodge or defend with magic, this situation would still always cause more deaths

An example of that is this one particular male Spirit Mage. He was suddenly assaulted by three hawk-like magic beasts

These beasts excelled in speed and it was hard to hit or defend against them

"[Borg!]" the male mage chanted as he injected mana into his flying stick

In an instant, his flying stick was able to erect a transparent magic barrier all around him, very similar to the barrier of the Chief of the Waterside Tribe

While the male mage could on his own use [Borg], the most famous and simple defense-type magic, the casting speed wouldn't be as fast as when he has the aid of his flying stick

He succeeded in erecting a barrier in time and the claws of the magic beasts smashed into it

However, this mage's flying stick is not of high quality. The result was that the combination of the three hawks broke the barrier before he was killed

One Spirit Mage in the air soon fell down and crashed on the ground. Even if a healer mage were to try and save him, it was already too late since he is already dead

This type of scene was very common in this kind of place and it didn't create even the slightest ripple even though a person just died

"Mage A6-2344 with the help of Mage A4-5678, A4-3226, A4-4535... use the Overdrive Formation!"

Overall, eleven mages received the telepathic message. The first two digits of the code refer to the rank of the mage. A6 means that the mage is a Junior Mage at the 6th cycle and the connected numbers refer to the identity of a particular mage

A6-2344 refers to Wermon and hearing that he is to use the Overdrive Formation with ten mages at the 4th cycle, his expression can't help but darken

The Overdrive Formation would make the mage at the center stronger. They would temporarily be a cycle or more stronger than they originally are

However, once the formation is deactivated or the participating mages couldn't hold on anymore, it would be followed by extreme exhaustion

On the battlefield, the Overdrive Formation is also called the Formation of Death

Since the participating mages would be weakened to an extreme after using the formation, if they were not able to retreat in time, death would follow

However, this is a military order and not complying would lead to disastrous results. Non-compliance is punishable by death!

With the aid of the telepathy mages, the eleven people ordered to use the Overdrive Formation met each other. All of them have dark expressions on their faces but without saying anything, they started using the formation

They are not rookies on the battlefield and they wouldn't waste time as that could also lead to death

The ten mages at the 4th cycle surrounded Wermon and on their feet, identical magic circles formed

They injected their mana into the magic circles that soon became connected with each other

After the ten magic circles made a connection with each other, they all started to form a connection with the person at the center

Ten magic circles were connected by lines and these magic circles were also connected to the person at the center with another line, completing the Overdrive Formation


Wermon can't help but raise his head while giving out a loud scream as a surge of power that he normally doesn't have suddenly overflowed into his body

His body emitted mana, giving him a blue glow. The ground below him cracked as his hair started swaying

This was the most powerful he has ever been. While the formation is active, Wermon is temporarily a mage at the 7th cycle

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