My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 247 247: Useless Sacrifice

After Wermon threw the bottle's cap, he held his sword in front of him as the same magic circle as before formed below him

His hair was swayed by the wind as sparks of lightning appeared on his body and sword. He was really giving his all with this spell

Just like before, the sparks of lightning that he emitted gathered at his sword causing the sword to glow brightly

Wermon took a step back as he pivot his foot to make his posture better

"[Thrust of Destruction!]"

After all the lightning sparks were absorbed by Wermon's sword, he immediately charged at the magic beast that was not dumb enough to wait for its death

The beast stretched its arms to its side as mana gathered at the mouth of the black mask on its chest

Based on its body language, it was really furious. It was seemingly offended that a human was actually able to give it injuries

"Hehehe, you humans like to give names to your attacks. I will do the same, taste my [Energy Cannon!]"

A bright blue light glowed at the beast's mask as it fired another round of concentrated energy attack

For the second time, the yellow and blue lights clashed. The crater from the earlier clash has become even deeper than before and rubbles flew everywhere

Another shockwave spreads on the battlefield. If not for the other humans and beasts avoiding this area, some of them might die from just the shockwave alone

The blue and yellow light blinded the people nearby and for a moment, the only thing they could see was swirling bright lights

This didn't last long though and soon, Wermon and the Wicked Masks Beast could be seen again

Currently, Wermon was missing one arm. Instead of meeting the beast's attack with his sword, he actually used his own body to block it, resulting in the loss of his entire left hand

However, as a result, his sword managed to stab the beast. His sword lightly grazed the black mask but since the sword was coated with the power of lightning, more than half of the mask was shattered and the nearby flesh exploded before being charred

The beast's new injury couldn't even bleed much, it was that badly charred!

"D-despicable human! You angered me!" The beast roared before using its hand to hold Wermon and throwing him away


Wermon flew in the air and he was accompanied by a jet of blood that came from his mouth

He did his best to kill the magic beast but he failed. In a prolonged fight, he would be at a disadvantage as the beast was strong even amongst the 7th cycle magic beasts even with its mediocre defenses

He tried using his most lethal spell twice to end the fight quickly but in the end, he still failed

He already used all the power that the Overdrive Formation gave him and the blue glow on his body disappeared followed by an extreme sense of exhaustion. Not to mention, he was seriously injured and even lost a limb!

There are elixirs that could regrow limbs but they are expensive and Wermon might not be able to afford them. Yet even such a sacrifice to prevent the destruction of this sector of the wall that his friend used his life to defend was for nothing

He was not able to kill the magic beast and now, he can't even lift a finger anymore. The only thing he could do was wait for death

The remaining less than half of the beast's black mask was divided into smaller masks, returning the beast to its original form though this time, the number of masks on its upper body was less than half than before. Not to mention, all the masks even have cracks as if they would collapse any time from now

"I'll eat you!" The beast said angrily as it approached Wermon but before it could grab its target, one Spirit Mage suddenly waved her magic wand

"[Earth Golems!]"

At the ground below, the broken debris from the collision of two beings that has the power of 7th cycle Junior Rank trembled and gathered on the tens of magic circles that suddenly appeared

The pieces of the broken ground formed golems that are 3 meters tall and all of the golems attacked the Wicked Masks Beast

Knowing full well that she cannot buy a lot of time with her spell, the female Spirit Mage immediately dived down while riding on her flying stick

"Wermon!" She said worriedly while grabbing the man that is almost completely unconscious

The woman bit her lips and activated the built-in spell on her flying stick. At the end part of the flying stick, a green magic circle formed and it releases gusts of wind that made its flying speed faster than before

With the help of her flying stick, the female Spirit Mage flew Wermon into the rear where the medical personnel are located

The last thing that Wermon saw before he lose consciousness was the destruction of the wall in CW-236 because of the berserk Wicked Masks Beast

That section of wall was something that a close friend of his gave his life for and also the cause of the battle that causes Wermon to lose his left arm yet it was still destroyed in the end. How bitter he must have felt?


City of Hope

At the very center of the city, a tall Magic Tower is erected that does not fit the city's aesthetics

The buildings in the city are mostly white or other neutral colors but this Magic Tower was blood-red as if the walls were painted using fresh blood

One might even wonder if this tower actually smells and taste like blood

Inside one of the rooms of this Tower, the members of the Guardian Council could be seen

They are sitting in front of a rectangular table. On each side of the table, there were five members and at the very front, only one person was seated

The people seating on the sides were the Elders of the Council while the lonely one at the very front was none other than the Guardian of humanity

The Guardian wore a loose white robe that covered his wrinkly skin. People would expect the guardian to have a dashing appearance but in reality, he looks nothing more than a frail old man that already has one foot stepping on the underworld

His hair already turned gray including his beard. On his face hangs a grim expression because of the scene he is currently watching

On top of the rectangular table, there were crystal balls, one for each Elder and the Guardian himself

The crystal balls were playing what was currently happening at the place that humanity planned on creating a new city to accommodate a higher population

However, the situation was far from being favorable on the side of humanity

In the end, one of the Elders sighed. She was a woman that looks as if she was in her early thirties wearing a purple robe with a lavender logo on the chest part

"This year, we were able to build a bit more than a thousand wall sectors but these wretched magic beasts also destroyed a thousand sectors" she said with a bitter smile on her face and another Elder spoke

"Guardian, please reconsider this matter. We are wasting time, resources, and personnel to create these walls that couldn't be completed even after years. We must withdraw our troops to prevent further bloodshed"

This Elder was another old man wearing a red full-body armor that stared at the Guardian with a pleading look on his face

"So we are to waste the lives we lost trying to build that City?" The Guardian retorted but the majority of the Elders don't want to continue creating this city as they think that it was impossible

"We can't help it. It was regrettable that many died but the creation of the new city is clearly a failure!"

"It's better to recall our troops to prevent any more meaningless deaths!"

"It has been years since the construction started but we are still far from finishing the walls!"

"Our resources and manpower are just being wasted here!"

One by one, the Elders that are against the creation of the new city gave out their opinion causing the Guardian to stare at them coldly

The guardian has the appearance of a frail old man but his sharp gaze made the Elders feel like they were being stared at by a ferocious beast

"Maybe, if our dear Elders of the Council focused more on the creation of the new city instead of participating in useless power struggles, this wouldn't happen" the Guardian said with a cold and sharp tone causing many of the Elders to lower their heads

Even though humanity is constantly facing threats from the magic beasts, they are still fighting against each other to raise their and their factions' power and standing in the city

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